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You are here: Home / PLANTS Profile for Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa var. acanthocarpa / Profile Genera Results Printer-Friendly Printer-Friendly / Download

Genera for Family = Cactaceae
52 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with all synonyms, distribution map, more information, and web links if available.

Symbol Scientific Name Common Name
ACANT6 Acanthocereus (Engelm. ex A. Berger) Britton & Rose triangle cactus
ARIOC Ariocarpus Scheidw. livingrock
ASTRO2 Astrophytum Lem. astrophytum
BERGE Bergerocactus Britton & Rose snakecactus
BORZI Borzicactus Riccob. borzicactus
BRASI Brasiliopuntia (K. Schum.) A. Berger
CARNE2 Carnegiea Britton & Rose saguaro
CARNE Carnegia Britton & Rose, orth. var.  
CEPHA10 Cephalocereus Pfeiff. cephalocereus
CEREU Cereus Mill. sweetpotato cactus
CLEIS3 Cleistocactus Lem. cleistocactus
CONSO2 Consolea Lem.
CORRY Corryocactus Britton & Rose corryocactus
CORYP Coryphantha (Engelm.) Lem. beehive cactus
CYLIN2 Cylindropuntia (Engelm.) Kreuzinger
ECCRE3 Eccremocactus Britton & Rose eccremocactus
ECHIN2 Echinocactus Link & Otto echinocactus
ECHIN3 Echinocereus Engelm. hedgehog cactus
ECHIN13 Echinomastus Britton & Rose
ECHIN11 Echinopsis Zuccagni echinopsis
EPIPH Epiphyllum Haw. climbing cactus
EPITH Epithelantha F.A.C. Weber ex Britton & Rose pingpong-ball cactus
ESCOB Escobaria Britton & Rose foxtail cactus
FEROC Ferocactus Britton & Rose barrel cactus
GRUSO Grusonia Rchb. ex Britton & Rose
HAMAT3 Hamatocactus Britton & Rose hamatocactus
HARRI2 Harrisia Britton applecactus
HATIO Hatiora Britton & Rose hatiora
HYLOC Hylocereus (A. Berger) Britton & Rose nightblooming cactus
LEPTO7 Leptocereus (A. Berger) Britton & Rose leptocereus
LOBIV Lobivia Britton & Rose lobivia
LOPHO2 Lophophora J.M. Coult. lophophora
MAMMI Mammillaria Haw. globe cactus
MELOC2 Melocactus Link & Otto melocactus
NEOLL Neolloydia Britton & Rose neolloydia
NOTOC Notocactus (K.M. Schum.) Backeb. & F.M. Knuth notocactus
OPUNT Opuntia Mill. pricklypear
PACHY4 Pachycereus (A. Berger) Britton & Rose pachycereus
PAROD Parodia Speg. parodia
PEDIO Pediocactus Britton & Rose pincushion cactus
PENIO Peniocereus (A. Berger) Britton & Rose peniocereus
PERES Pereskia Mill. pereskia
PILOS2 Pilosocereus Byles & Rowley tree cactus
REBUT Rebutia K. Schum. rebutia
RHIPS Rhipsalis Gaertn. rhipsalis
SCHLU Schlumbergera Lem. schlumbergera
SCLER10 Sclerocactus Britton & Rose fishhook cactus
SELEN2 Selenicereus (A. Berger) Britton & Rose moonlight cactus
STENO8 Stenocereus (A. Berger) Riccob. stenocereus
THELO Thelocactus (K. Schum.) Britton & Rose thelocactus
TRICH26 Trichocereus (A. Berger) Riccob. trichocereus
WIGGI Wigginsia D.M. Porter


Time Generated: 10/28/2008 01:42 PM MDT