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Facilities & Utilities

Geography and infrastructure related to the provision of facility- and utility-based public services.

See also: Transportation.



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King County International Airport Sound Insulation Program, Noise Mitigation Boundaries - North and South

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King County Water Utilities' Corporate Boundaries

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King County Water Utilities' Service Planning Areas

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King County Wastewater Treatment Service Area Maps
(all include the King County wastewater treatment service area, facilities, and KC sewer lines)
Service Area and Facilities
Local Sewer Agencies
Facilities and Incorporated Areas

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Regional Wastewater Services Plan

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Map: King County International Airport Sound Insulation Program, Noise Mitigation Boundaries - North and South (121kb GIF)

full map image preview
(121kb GIF)

Map, enlarged sample view: King County International Airport Sound Insulation Program, Noise Mitigation Boundaries - North and South (76kb GIF)

enlarged sample view
(76kb GIF)

King County International Airport Sound Insulation Program

Noise Mitigation Boundaries - North and South

1.66Mb PDF

Print Size: 34 x 44 inches

This map represents residences eligible for the KCIA Sound Insulation Program, which is consistent with FAA-approved Noise Exposure Maps.

Created by KCGIS Center Client Services for the King County International Airport.

August 2005

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Map: King County Water Utilities' Corporate Boundaries (80K GIF)

King County Water Utilities' Corporate Boundaries

444k PDF

Print Size: 11 x 17 inches

This color map depicts the corporate boundaries and areas covered by King County's water utilities as of October 1997. This map also shows the urban growth boundary, section-township-range grid, roads, and rivers. Created by KC Department of Natural Resources, Water and Land Resources Division.

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Map: King County Water Utilities' Service Planning Areas (89K GIF)

King County Water Utilities' Service Planning Areas

1,503k PDF

Print Size: 11 x 17 inches

This map depicts the service areas of King County's water utilities, and is distinguished from the Water Utilities' Corporate Boundaries map in that it depicts possible future corporate boundaries. Created by KC Department of Natural Resources, Water and Land Resources Division.

Created: September 2004

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King County Wastewater Treatment Service Area Maps

Map: King County Wastewater Treatment Service Area and Facilities (97K GIF)

King County Wastewater Treatment Service Area and Facilities

706k PDF

Print Size: 11 x 17 inches

Depicts King County Wastewater Treatment Division service area, sewer conveyance lines, pump stations, regulator stations, and treatment plants. Created by KC Department of Natural Resources, Wastewater Treatment Division.

Revised: February 2004.

Map: Local Sewer Agencies with King County Wastewater Service Area (115K GIF)

Local Sewer Agencies with King County Wastewater Service Area

710k PDF

Print Size: 11 x 17 inches

Sewer agencies are utility districts and municipalities that provide wastewater collection and treatment services. Corporation boundaries are shown for utility districts, service areas for municipalities. Created by KC Department of Natural Resources, Wastewater Treatment Division.

Revised: February 2004.

Map: KC WTD Service Area with Facilities and Incorporated Area (96K GIF)

KC WTD Service Area with Facilities and Incorporated Area

848k PDF

Print Size: 11 x 17 inches

Depicts King County Wastewater Treatment Division Service Area and the same facility information as the two maps above, this time displayed with incorporated city areas. Created by KC Department of Natural Resources, Wastewater Treatment Division.

Revised: February 2004.

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Map: Regional Wastewater Services Plan (47K JPEG)

Regional Wastewater Services Plan

140k PDF

Print Size: 17 x 11 inches

This figure shows the location of capital improvement projects outlined under the approved Regional Wastewater Services Plan. The map also shows the approximate site selection area for the new North Treatment Plant. Created by KC Department of Natural Resources, Wastewater Treatment Division.

Go to topRevised September 20, 2005


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