U. S. Department of Health and Human Services
U. S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Office of Plant & Dairy Foods & Beverages
December 4-5, 2002

Food Advisory Committee
Contaminants and Natural Toxicants
Subcommittee Meeting

FDA's Action Plan for Acrylamide -- Consumption and Exposure

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Table of Contents
  1. FDA's Action Plan for Acrylamide -- Consumption and Exposure
  2. Generalized Definition
  3. Testing foods: Approach for exposure assessment
  4. Total Diet Study component of FDA's acrylamide action plan
  5. Collection Sequencing for TDS
  6. Food Consumption: General Issues
  7. Food Consumption: General Issues
  8. Acrylamide Exposure: General Issues
  1. FDA Action Plan: Exposure
  2. Exposure -- Sweden Study
  3. Exposure -- FAO/WHO
  4. Exposure -- FAO/WHO
  5. FDA's Exposure Estimate: Status
  6. FDA Action Plan: Residue data needs
  7. Conclusions

Presentations at Acrylamide Public Meeting

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