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International Oceanographic Commission (IOC), committee on International Oceanographic Data & Information Exchange (IODE) Resolution IODE-XIV.2

return to the Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples

The International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) committee on International Oceanographic Data & Information Exchange (IODE) has endorsed the Index to Marine Geological Samples database, maintained by the WDC GMG, Boulder in the form of resolution IODE-XIV.2

The resolution contained the following language:

"The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data & Information Exchange, Recognizing the importance of analyses deriving from ocean sediment cores to studies of past climates and to paleo-oceanography,

Being concerned with the diminishing amount of sample material and with the difficulty of locating material available for analysis,

Noting the need to identify, catalog and curate all such remaining material so that these materials can be fully utilized for analyses beyond those for which the samples were collected originally,

Noting further the report of the Task Team on exchange of Marine Geological and Geophysical Data (Document IOC/IODE-XIV/10),

Being aware of the interests of the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP) in its Past Global Changes (PAGES) core programme, in the data which can be derived from ocean sediments, and of the importance of these data,

Accepts the offer of the World Data Centers A and B for Marine Geology & Geophysics and the newly established World Data Center A for Paleo-climatology to expand the existing Index to Marine Geological Samples Database beyond the North American core collections;

Invites WDC-A-MGG to provide additional information about the Index to Marine Geological Samples to Member States through the IOC Secretariat;

Encourages Member States to locate and catalog marine sediment cores available for sampling and analysis and contribute information (meta-data) about these cores to the Index to Marine Geological Samples database maintained by WDC-A-MGG;

Urges Member States to establish procedures to provide access to these cores for sampling."