Bahrain Students Walk for Environmental Awareness

22 February 2006

The Bahrain GLOBE Green Walk Event took place on January 25, 2006. Thirteen groups of up to ten members spent an entire day at AL-Areen Wildlife Reserve Park for a day of fun environmental education. The 140 students and teachers participating in this event explored the natural beauty of their park, deepened their awareness about the environment, while demonstrating good environmental practice and behavior. The aim was to provide an interesting range of events for students, as well as attracting environmentally aware students to the area.

Stars PhotoThe Green Walk consisted of thirteen stations, six of which employed GLOBE Protocols: Atmosphere; GPS; Hydrology; Land Cover; Phenology and Soil. The other seven stations were designed to raise the student's awareness about particular issues relating to Bahrain's environment: Wildlife; Trash Modeling; Green Walk; IQ; GLOBE Island; Eco-Games and Fun Games. The students enjoyed a closing ceremony by Her Highness Shaikha Hessa Bint Khalifa. Al-Khalifa, the wife of H.H. Shaikh Abdulla Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa, and Mr. Hornbeckle, the cultural Attache at the American Embassy in the Kingdom of Bahrain distributed certificates of participation and gifts to the winning group. The U.S. embassy was kind enough to distribute backpacks to all participants.

GLOBE Green Walk in Al-Areen Wildlife was a resounding success in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Students were really excited about this event, and they volunteered their feet and their talent to make this a wonderful day. The students had fun raising consciousness about the environment and learning how to leave a lighter footprint on earth.

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