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Oregon Public Safety Academy
Administration Building EVOC
Academy Training & Operations Indoor Firearms Range
Student Dormitories Survival Skills Building
Kitchen - Dining Hall Tactical Tower
"City Streets"
Scenario Building
Administration Building
Administration Building Photo
Administration Building
The main administration building fronts the new Oregon Public Safety Academy and houses all DPSST administrative staff members. Staff from DPSST's Fire Program, Private Security/Private Investigators Program, Standards and Certification Program, and DPSST's partners Oregon Department of Corrections and Oregon State Police are also located in this building. Main reception, the Board room and several conference rooms are found in the administration building, as is the large multi-purpose room where student graduations are held.

Academy Training & Operations
Academy Training and Operations Photo
Academy Training & Operations
The academy training building houses nine, 40-person classrooms, several smaller breakout rooms, a resource center, a mock court room and a 9-1-1 dispatch area with working equipment. Classrooms are set up with all the latest technology including pre-mounted projectors, laptops, and other components that are easily accessible to intructors at a central control panel located at the front of each room. Academy training, regional and advanced training, instructor development, curriculum development and academy operations staff members are located on the second floor of the building.

Student Dormitories
Student Dorms Photo
Student Dorms
Dormitories, located at the new public safety academy, are set up to house a maximum of 350 students at any one time. Two students share each dorm room and there is one restroom facility to every two rooms. Students each have a bed and storage area. There are desks, televisions and wireless internet access in every room. Common areas include student reception, a large computer lab, student lounge, laundry facilities and gymnasium with aerobic and weight lifting equipment. Students also have access to a rigorous, outdoor fitness trail.

Kitchen - Dining Hall
Dining Hall Photo
Dining Hall
Students are provided breakfast, lunch and dinner, Monday through Friday, while they attend training at the academy. If students stay at the academy over the weekend, they are on their own for meals, or they can trek to the nearby campus of Corbin College with a meal-card in hand and take advantage of meals provided by Aramark (the Academy's food service contractor) at another location. In order to feed all 350 students at once, a commercial kicthen and dining hall were constructed at the academy. Staff and guests can also utilize the dining facilities during normal hours of operation.

"City Streets"
"City Streets"
One of the highlights of the new academy is a combination of training venues called “City Streets.” This area replicates a community and includes a number of streets, houses, buildings and outdoor areas (not yet seen in this photo) specifically constructed for scenario-based training.  Students will be dispatched to simulated, real time calls and evaluated on a full range of scenario-based elements including problem solving, application of the law, ethics, survival skills, community policing and diversity.

Scenario Building
Scenario Building Photo
Scenario Building
As a part of the “City Streets” area, students will ‘respond’ to training calls inside the scenario building. The scenario building houses a full-sized city street, with curbs and sidewalks. The street is flanked by building facades that represent businesses and residences found in any police agency’s jurisdiction. These facades are set up with furniture that realistically replicates business and residential settings and will give students a chance to respond to calls at a bank, a bar, an apartment with basement access or any other configuration that training staff members create. Only imagination limits what academy staff can do with this space.
Students in Basic Corrections training will also utilize the scenario building, as it has a correctional facility facade and equipment that allows for practice of safe suspect/inmate transportation and booking, as well as more tactical manuevers like safe cell extration. DPSST also has an agreement with the state Department of Corrections that will allow students to practice corrections scenarios at nearby DOC facilities.
Because the Scenario Building has a full exhast fan system, it can also be "smoked up" for Fire Program search and rescue training.

Emergency Vehicle Operations Course Photo
Emergency Vehicle Operations Course
The majority of a police officer’s time is spent on patrol in a vehicle. The new 1.6-mile emergency vehicle operations course at the academy allows officers to learn critical decision making and driving skills so they can do their work safely and professionally. The course is designed to replicate the various driving surfaces and conditions found across the state including concrete and asphalt, curves, straightaways, city streets and country roads. Training focuses on officers’ ability to make sound decisions at both high and low speeds.

Indoor Firearms Range
Firearms Range Photo
Firearms Range
Firearms training will be held in the academy’s new indoor range. The facility actually houses one 50-yard range and two 25-yard ranges that are each fully tactical from the 25-yard mark. This allows for target placement at any location down range, as opposed to stationary/fixed targets used in the past. Targets can charge forward, run from side to side pop up or be moved to any location in the range.
Each range can accommodate 25 students at a time. Lighting is controlled by a dimming system, so students can gain experience in low-light, night-like circumstances. The building is designed to accommodate vehicles, allowing students to combine vehicle operation skills with marksmanship and decision making all at one time. The range is designated as a lead-free, “green” facility. Only DPSST-issued ammunition is allowed on the ranges, and all cleaning solvents and agents are environmentally friendly.

Survival Skills Building
Survival Skills Building Photo
Survival Skills Building
The survival skills building is designed to provide space for training on health, fitness and defensive tactics, which will increase students’ ability to protect the communities they serve as well as themselves. This building includes a large fitness room, which students use to run the Oregon Physical Abilities Test, three mat-lined rooms for defensive tactics training, two computer simulated use-of-force/decision making training rooms that utilize the Range 3000 system, and two scenario-based, use-of-force/decision making training rooms for confrontational simulations.
Confrontational simulations place students, instructors and role players in protective equipment and real time scenarios. Students gain experience in a variety of controlled incidents ranging from domestic violence disturbances to altercations that involve deadly weapons. Students apply what they’ve learned in the classroom in a safe environment, gaining first-hand experience to draw from when they return to their home communities.

Tactical Tower
Tactical Tower Photo
Tactical Tower
Firefighters who attend DPSST’s annual Winter Fire School are able to utilize a four-story tactical training tower, where fire and smoke scenarios can be generated by a computer-based ignition system. In addition to fire suppression exercises, the building also provides a year-round venue for learning other tactical skills like search and rescue techniques and rappelling.

Page updated: January 15, 2008

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