
Special Collections

Special collections in ALIC's holdings

The John E. Taylor Collection
Books on espionage and intelligence, based chiefly on research in the records of the National Archives.
Also see the related CIA website on how to get access to copies of declassified publications at Archives II, as well as the ALIC description of the CREST database of CIA declassified documents.

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States (9-11 Commission) Collection
This collection contains one copy of each published title available to members of the Commission to use during its activities.

The Mary Jane Dowd Memorial Collection
Mary Jane M. Dowd served NARA as an archivist and editor from the early 1960s until her retirement in 1994. Upon her death in June 1997, portions of Mary Jane Dowd's personal library were donated to the National Archives Library. The collection is strong in early national history, particularly the career of Alexander Hamilton, on whom she was an authority.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Collection
Oliver Wendell Holmes worked at the National Archives beginning in 1935, serving in many capacities including Executive Director of the National Historical Publications Commission. ALIC acquired this collection through Mary A. Giunta, NHPRC.

ALIC Memorial Books
The ALIC libraries frequently receive donations for the purchase of books to be placed in our libraries in memory of family members and friends. To inquire about donating books, please contact alic@nara.gov.

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 • Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272