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The Specialty Crops Program
at Colorado State University

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Beets - varieties Red Ace, Golden, and Forono Oats cover crop Mixed sweet peppers Tomato trellis and row cover demonstration Eggplant - variety Calliope
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"Differentiating Small Farm Produce Offerings through Nutritionally Superior Cultivars, Marketing, and Extension Programs" - a USDA CSREES National Research Initiative Project



Garlic Experiments


Lettuce Bolting Trials
      Flea Beetle Exclusion








Salad Mix


Tomato harvest Sunflowers at the research farm Cauliflower - variety Graffiti Baby artichokes Garlic harvesting demonstration at a field day

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Last updated 3/20/06 January 14, 2009
Colorado State University College of Agricultural Sciences Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture