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Iowa Disasters

Learn about Disaster Recovery Assistance through the handout provided by Senator Harkin's office

Get the latest information available from the State of Iowa Flood 2008 website.

We now have available a Flood Cleanup Guide in PDF format.

Learn about Federal Emergency Assistance Available to Agricultural Producers

Additionally, Iowans affected by recent tornadoes and floods are urged to call the 24-hour Iowa Concern Hotline for financial and emotional assistance at (800) 447-1985

People who want to donate to help the victims of the storms can do so through Iowa’s Flood Resource Center.

Senate Update

September 17, 2008:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. and proceed to a period of morning business for up to one hour, with the time equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees.

Following morning business, the Senate will resume post cloture consideration of S. 3001, the National Defense Authorization Act. The Managers of the bill continue to work through filed amendments and completion is expected during Wednesday's session. Roll call votes are possible throughout the day.


September 11, 2008

Harkin, Hatch Measure Fulfilling Promise Of Americans With Disabilities Act Passes Senate Unanimously

by Harkin Press Staff

Legislation responds to Supreme Court decisions that narrowed the definition of disability

Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) today announced that the Senate had approved by unanimous consent a bill that would clarify the law’s intent and ensure that all Americans with disabilities are protected from discrimination. The bill will need to be acted upon by the House of Representatives before being sent to the President’s desk.

The Senate bill is similar to bipartisan legislation introduced in the House by Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner that passed by a 402-17 margin this summer.

Considered to be one of the landmark civil rights laws of the 20th century, the ADA was designed to protect any individual who is discriminated against on the basis of disability. The law was passed with overwhelming bipartisan support and was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush.

Since the ADA became law, a series of court decisions have narrowed the category of who qualifies as an "individual with a disability," contrary to Congressional intent. By raising the threshold for an impairment to qualify as a disability, these court decisions have deprived individuals of the discrimination protections Congress intended to provide.

The ADA Amendments Act would remedy this problem and restore workplace protections to every American with a disability. The bill leaves the ADA’s familiar disability definition intact, but takes several specific steps to direct courts toward a more generous meaning and application of the definition. The legislation would make it easier for people with disabilities to be covered by the ADA because it effectively expands the definition of disability to include many more major life activities, as well as a new category of major bodily functions.

Tom at the ADA press conference Tom at the ADA press conference

"With today’s vote, we have restored the promise of the ADA which was signed into law 18 years ago," said Harkin, the chief author of the original ADA. "The protections afforded under this historic law have been eroded and the result is that people with serious conditions like epilepsy or diabetes could be forced to choose between treating their conditions and forfeiting their protections under the law. That is not what Congress intended when we passed the law, and this bill is the right fix."

"This is a historic day," said Hatch. "This bill continues our ongoing effort to expand opportunities for individuals with disabilities to participate in the American Dream. Passage of the ADA Amendments Act ensures that the Americans with Disabilities Act will continue to help change lives. I’m proud to have worked with my good friend Tom Harkin in crafting this monumental bill that enjoys such strong bipartisan support."

The ADA Amendments Act enjoys strong support by advocacy groups, including most national disability organizations, 23 major veterans organizations, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Society for Human Resource Management, and the Human Resources Policy Association.

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September 10, 2008

Senators Harkin And Clinton Assail Bush Administration For Failing To Crack Down On Pay Discrimination

Unveiling the findings of a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) study, Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) today assailed the Bush Administration for its failure to crack down on pay inequity. The report, which Senators Harkin and Clinton requested along with Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), shows that the federal government has failed to adequately monitor enforcement of our nation’s pay discrimination laws. In light of the findings, the Senators reiterated their call for the Senate to pass legislation that would strengthen our pay discrimination laws and take steps to erase pay inequities, including the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the Fair Pay Act, and the Paycheck Fairness Act.

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September 5, 2008

Harkin Requests Proof of Loss Waiver for Iowans With Flood Insurance

Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) joined senators from other Midwestern states, including Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), today in asking the Federal Emergency Management  Agency (FEMA) to waive the filing deadline for claims for flood-insured buildings in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, and Wisconsin that were damaged by the recent flooding. FEMA requires those with flood insurance to submit a Proof of Loss (POL) as part of their claim package within 60 days of the loss. Though a 60 day extension has already been granted, there is recent precedent for granting a waiver to ensure those affected do not have to go through additional steps to receive their claim.

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September 3, 2008

Harkin, Grassley Urge HUD to Release Disaster Funding for Iowa Housing Needs

Iowa Senators Tom Harkin and Chuck Grassley today urged the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to take the actions necessary to release funding that was allocated to Iowa on August 4 for disaster-related needs.  In a letter to HUD Secretary Steve Preston, the lawmakers expressed concern about the delay in releasing emergency Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) funding, which can be used for home buyouts, public infrastructure projects and flood mitigation.

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September 1, 2008

Valuing Work, Honoring Workers

Whether you are a teacher, a farmer, a health care worker, a construction worker, a state or federal employee – whatever your profession – you are privileged to enjoy the dignity and honor of hard work, and the satisfaction of contributing to your community and country. But, this Labor Day, with rising energy prices and a shaky economy, working people are anxious about their jobs, their pensions, and their health care.

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August 20, 2008

Healthcare Roundtable

I was very fortunate to be able to sit down today with lawmakers and community stakeholders at Des Moines University to discuss the recently passed Iowa health reform bill and what needs to be done on the federal level to fix our broken health care system. I believe that real health care reform is long overdue. Thousands of Iowans go without basic health care, Iowa businesses are struggling to offer health coverage to their employees and hospitals are having difficulty keeping their doors open.  Two of the things I continue to focus on in the Senate are prevention and wellness initiatives. By shifting our health care dollars toward preventing chronic diseases and keeping people well, we can significantly lower our nation’s health care costs and get better outcomes for every American. Our nation’s health care crisis demands a comprehensive approach - and real reform is never easy. But I think that today’s forum was a good example of how government at all levels can partner with health care professionals and others to create positive change.

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August 18, 2008

Field Hearing in Omaha

I traveled to Omaha, Nebraska to conduct a field hearing of the Senate Agriculture Committee with Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE), a member of the Committee. The hearing, Food, Feed, and Fuel Production: Today and Tomorrow, gave the Committee an opportunity to explore recent economic shifts - including rising energy prices, rising commodity prices and related changes in acres planted, and the increasing production of biofuels, which have led some to question whether we are on the right path.

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August 17, 2008

Iowa State Fair

On Sunday evening I met some friends at the taping of a Prairie Home Companion at the Iowa State Fair. Fellow Midwesterner Garrison Keillor brought his Rhubarb Tour into town with a show that was full of music, jokes and funny stories. Ruth and I listen to the show on NPR every Saturday so it was really fun to see how they put it together on stage. One of the highlights was watching the sound effects master Fred Newman try to keep up with Garrison’s crazy stories. The weather was terrific for August in Iowa and it was great to be there for the last hours of the 2008 state fair.

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August 15, 2008

Audubon County Cafe Stop

I visited the Uptown Cafe in Audubon on Friday and was greeted by the owner Pat Jensen. I spent my time there chatting with several long-time friends, including Robert Nelson, about all of the people I remember from the area and what they are doing now. Larry Greufe from the Audubon County News was there to listen in and I was also able to talk about some potential casework with a woman, who came to ask for help with some difficulties she is facing.

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August 14, 2008

Osage, New Hampton, Mason City

My day began at one of the most innovative and green businesses we have in Iowa. The Fox River Mills company takes packaging, boxes, magazines, plastic film and yarn cones and turns them in to socks. From start to finish, the socks are made in Osage. When I first arrived I chatted with John and Becky Lessard, who own and run the company, as well as my good friend, Wes Birdsall. They had some concerns about issues that have an impact on their business such as high oil prices, NAFTA and immigration. We had a good conversation and I was glad to share my thoughts with them.

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August 13, 2008

Iowa State Fair

This morning I made my annual trek to the world famous Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. Every August I look forward to walking around the fair grounds, meeting new people and even bumping into some old friends— you never know who you are going to run into while walking around. As an added bonus, I couldn’t have asked for better weather today.

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