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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

1999 Proposed Rules - 50 CFR Parts 680, 679 and 600

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American Fisheries Act (AFA)

At-Sea Scales

Community Development Quota (CDQ)

Groundfish Harvest Specifications and Management


  • 64 FR 22826, April 28, 1999. Local Area Management Plan for the halibut fishery in Sitka Sound, 5/28/99
  • 62 FR 6869, February 11, 1999. Proposed changes to Area 2A Pacific halibut Catch Sharing Plan to adjust the management of the sport fisheries off Oregon and Washington, February 26, 1999.

Individual Fishing Quota Program (IFQ)

License Limitation Program (LLP)

  • 64 FR 19113, April 19, 1999. Proposed Rule to add an application and transfer process for licenses to the License Limitation Program, 5/19/99

Recordkeeping and Reporting