GLOBE International Training Workshop, Miami, USA, November 1996

08 June 1998

The GLOBE International Training Workshop in Miami was a huge success. Teachers and Country Coordinators representing 14 countries from around the world were hosted by the University of Miami, RSMAS campus, located on Virginia Key Florida. The workshop, held November 18 through the 22nd educated teachers and country coordinators in the latest GLOBE technologies and protocols. In attendance were representatives from Bolivia, Croatia, Egypt, Estonia, Germany, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, United Kingdom, and teachers from across the United States.

Although it was difficult to find a variegated soil profile in the sandy soils of Virginia Key, everyone expressed their enthusiasm about the new GLOBE II protocols. As Sigrid Pfiz, an instructor at Chemisches Institut Dr. Flad, Stuttgart, Germany noted, "I was very pleased to be at this workshop. It will be a great help for me to train and motivate teachers and students. I look further to other activities with the GLOBE Program."

An energetic exchange of creative ideas is an important component of any GLOBE workshop, but this is never more apparent than in the international setting. Many of the participants were returning GLOBE teachers who shared a wealth of international implementation experience. Another significant benefit of any GLOBE International workshop is the rich cultural exchange that occurs when representatives from so many countries meet in a common setting.

By the end of the workshop, everyone expressed a genuine excitement about the new friends they made, and the opportunity to compare their data with other GLOBE schools around the world. Denise Covarrubias from the American Cooperative School, La Paz, Bolivia said "This was a great opportunity. GLOBE seems very flexible in it's use. I am anxious to get started with my fellow teachers. Thank you for all of your help and instruction. I really loved the workshop and the new friendships I have. Come see us in Bolivia!"

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