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Epidemiology of Fish and Wildlife Diseases

Samples of genetics and genomics research from the USGS Biological Resources Discipline about the epidemiology of mammalian diseases.

White-tailed deer in a field. Photo credit: John J. Mosesso, NBII.Gov White-tailed deer at the top of a ridge. Photo credit: John J. Mosesso, NBII.Gov White-tailed deer in a field. Photo credit: John J. Mosesso, NBII.Gov White-tailed deer. Photo credit: John J. Mosesso, NBII.Gov Black-footed ferret. Photo credit: Paul Marinari
Chronic Wasting Disease: Breeding Interactions (Samuel) Chronic Wasting Disease: Landscape Genetics (Samuel) Chronic Wasting Disease: Resistance (Samuel) Chronic Wasting Disease: Social Group Interactions (Samuel) Prairie Dogs, Black-footed Ferrets, and Sylvatic Plague (Rocke)

The Role of Breeding Interactions on CWD Transmission in White-tailed Deer
White-tailed deer in a field. Photo credit: John J. Mosesso, NBII.Gov
White-tailed deer in a field. Photo credit: John J. Mosesso/NBII.Gov
Electrophoresis banding patterns for different deer at a specific microsatellite marker
Electrophoresis banding patterns for different deer at a specific microsatellite marker. Larger view
The influences of white-tailed deer behavior and social structure on chronic wasting disease (CWD) transmission are not well understood. Close, frequent contact among males and females during breeding may facilitate the transmission of CWD. The objective of our study is to evaluate the importance of CWD transmission between deer during breeding interactions. Specifically, the aims of the study are to: 1) use genetic markers to determine parental relationships among adult males, females, and fawns harvested in southwest Wisconsin, 2) determine if CWD infection is related to male-female interactions during the breeding season, and 3) determine the probability of CWD transmission between male and female deer during breeding interactions.
Muscle tissue from adult females, males and fawns collected within a 210 square-mile region of highest CWD prevalence (6-7%) will be genotyped at several microsatellite loci. Genotypes will be used to assign maternity and paternity to fawns allowing us to infer breeding interactions among adult males and females. Parentage reconstructions along with information on the infection status, stage of disease and spatial location of individuals will be used to evaluate the potential for CWD transmission between males and females during breeding interactions. Identification of the role that male-female breeding interactions play in the transmission of CWD can be used along with other CWD studies to understand rates and spread of CWD in white-tailed deer populations as well as to assist in the development of management strategies aimed at eliminating the disease.

For more information visit and contact Michael D. Samuel, Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit.
Application of Landscape Genetics for Predicting Spread of CWD in Wisconsin
White-tailed deer at the top of a ridge. Photo credit: John J. Mosesso, NBII.Gov
White-tailed deer at the top of a ridge. Photo credit: John J. Mosesso/NBII.Gov
Sampling locations for landscape genetics and spread of CWD project
Sampling locations for landscape genetics and spread of CWD project

Understanding the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD) is necessary to predict the impact of disease on deer populations and to develop effective strategies for control. Our research goal is to use a landscape genetics approach to characterize the relationship between landscape feature, spatial population genetic structure, and the distribution and potential spread of CWD in white-tailed deer in southern Wisconsin. Our research objectives are three-fold. First, characterize deer spatial genetic structure by using molecular genetic markers to assess genetic diversity and variation on the landscape. From these data we will predict distance, direction, and rates of deer dispersal. Second, identify whether landscape characteristics which explain deer spatial genetic structure over and above geographic distance. We will identify landscape features such as rivers, highways, and habitat types that are associated with genetic connectivity or discontinuity across the study region. Third, we will combine deer spatial genetic structure and landscape characteristics to develop predictive models of CWD spread. Results of this study will be used to help understand the disease dynamics of CWD, the spatial spread of disease and its relationship to deer movement and landscape features, and assist management agencies in developing appropriate management and surveillance strategies for this disease.

Our initial results demonstrated that landscape genetics offers a promising approach for identifying relationships between landscape features and population genetic structure for investigating wildlife disease. Genetic differentiation was correlated with CWD prevalence. The Wisconsin River had a significant influence on gene flow between study area and core-area deer. However, US Highway 18/151, which is relatively recent, did not appear to limit gene flow. Differences in landscape features such as deer density, forest cover and land use can affect deer dispersal and influence the rate at which disease establishes and increases in prevalence locally.

For more information visit and contact Michael D. Samuel, Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit.

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Genetic Resistance to Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in White-tailed Deer
White-tailed deer in a field. Photo credit: John J. Mosesso, NBII.Gov
White-tailed deer in a field. Photo credit: John J. Mosesso/NBII.Gov
Potential role of complement in retention of TSEs by FDCs. Photo credit: Copyright Journal of General Virology (2001) v82. 2307
Potential role of complement in retention of TSEs by FDCs. Photo credit: Copyright Journal of General Virology (2001) v82. 2307
Increasingly, it appears that prion diseases such as chronic wasting disease (CWD) are influenced by components of the innate (non-adaptive) immune system also known as the complement system. The specific mechanisms by which prions activate the complement system are unknown. One hypothesized role of the complement system in early TSE pathogenesis is that prions are recognized and bound by complement components (C3 and C1q) that deliver prions to follicular dendritic cells where they are able to convert normal prion to the abnormal conformation, subsequently enter the central nervous system, and spread to the brain. Support for this hypothesis comes from studies in mice demonstrating that deficiencies in C3 or C1q impede the accumulation of scrapie-prion in lymph tissue and delay spread of the disease into the brain. These complement components, therefore, are natural targets to examine as factors potentially modulating CWD pathogenesis in natural populations.

The objective of our study is to investigate the association between complement gene variation and susceptibility to CWD in white-tailed deer in south-central Wisconsin. Given the important role of the complement system in immune function, free-ranging animals, unlike laboratory models, are unlikely to be completely deficient in particular components of the complement system. However, individuals within populations are often variable with respect to the specific genetic makeup of immune system genes. The goal of this study, therefore, is to examine whether genetic polymorphisms of complement components are associated with the presence or absence of CWD in a free-ranging population of white-tailed deer.

For more information visit and contact Michael D. Samuel, Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit.
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Social Group Interactions and CWD Transmission in Female White-tailed Deer
White-tailed deer. Photo credit: John J. Mosesso, NBII.Gov
White-tailed deer. Photo credit: John J. Mosesso/NBII.Gov
Steps used in DNA genotyping of white-tailed deer and determination of relatedness among deer in different populations
Steps used in DNA genotyping of white-tailed deer and determination of relatedness among deer in different populations
Social structure and contact among white-tailed deer can greatly affect how a disease may be transmitted through the population. Our study examines how the social structure in female white-tailed deer may affect transmission of chronic wasting disease (CWD). The goals of this study are to determine how 1) CWD infection is distributed within female social units and 2) CWD infected social groups are distributed across the landscape. Females live in familial social units that exhibit high site fidelity and low dispersal. By using genetic markers, we can identify the composition of these social units based on relatedness. We can also determine the location of social units based on harvest data from the Wisconsin CWD control effort. Based on the patterns of CWD infection, we can provide clues to help discover the mechanisms of how CWD is transmitted between individuals and how it spreads on the landscape.

Our results suggest a hierarchy of CWD transmission within social groups based on familial relationships. Direct (deer-to-deer) transmission of CWD likely occurs between closely related female deer. CWD transmission also appears to occur among spatially proximate females. However, we cannot determine whether occasional direct contact or contact with a contaminated environment is responsible for increased infection among proximate females. It is likely that direct and environmental (deer-environment-deer) transmission occurs in this epidemic. The influence of spatially proximate females and close female kin on CWD infection does not extend beyond a 2-3 km radius. In addition, the spatial relationship between infected females and among infected males and females suggests that CWD transmission operates on a local scale of 20-30 km2.

For more information visit and contact Michael D. Samuel, Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit.
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Prairie Dogs, Black-footed Ferrets, and Sylvatic Plague
Black-footed ferret. Photo credit: Paul Marinari
Black-footed ferret. Photo credit: Paul Marinari
Black-tailed prairie dog. Photo credit: Lisa Zolly, NBII.Gov
Black-tailed prairie dog. Photo credit: Lisa Zolly/NBII.Gov

Plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, is a disease of wild rodents that can afflict humans and other mammals.  Prairie dogs in western U.S., are susceptible to plague, (> 90% mortality in afflicted colonies).   Prairie dogs play a critical role,  maintaining biodiversity and integrity of western grasslands stretching from southern Canada to northern Mexico.  The black-tailed prairie dog (once the most abundant mammal in North America) has declined to less than 2% of its former population and sylvatic plague is one of the most serious threats to its continued existence.  The endangered black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) depends on prairie dogs as both food sources and to provide habitat (prairie dog burrows).  A captive breeding and recovery program was established for ferrets in 1987 after disease outbreaks nearly eradicated the last known wild population.  Management and recovery of this species is tightly linked to prairie dog survival.  The black-footed ferret is also highly susceptible to plague and may suffer high mortality rates upon infection.  Limiting the incidence of plague infections in prairie dogs and other wild rodents would reduce the incidence and potential of zoonotic transmission of the disease and enhance recovery potential of the black-footed ferret.  One method for controlling disease in free-ranging wildlife is to prevent infection through a targeted oral immunization program.   Recombination techniques were used to insert the capsular antigen (F1) of Y. pestis into an attenuated form of raccoon pox virus.   This vaccine was voluntarily consumed by prairie dogs (Mencher et al., 2004).  Experimental exposure to 130,000 Y. pestis bacteria, a realistic dose in a plague outbreak, resulted in a 56% survival rate of vaccinated animals, while the majority of nonvaccinated controls did not survive.  Research efforts to improve the vaccine and develop a baiting system for mass immunization programs of prairie dogs are ongoing.

For more information contact Tonie E. Rocke, National Wildlife Health Center

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