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Conferences, Meetings, and Workshops (2005)

American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting

9-13 January, 2005
San Diego, CA, U.S.A.

The 85th AMS Annual Meeting will be held 9—13 January 2005 at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California. Jennifer Francis is the 2005 Annual Meeting Chairperson. It is being organized around the broad theme of "Building the Earth Information System" and the role that science can play in decision-making for society. With one-third or more of the economy being sensitive to weather and climate variability and changes, decisions involving resource management, economic development, hazard response, and policy all require the development of observing systems, science knowledge, and products that provide information across multiple spatial and temporal scales in the atmospheric and related sciences.

For More Info (PDF Version)

Marine Science in Alaska: 2005 Symposium

24-26 January, 2005
Anchorage, Alaska

The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Annual meeting will be held this January at the Hilton Hotel, Anchorage. Registrations are now being accepted. To register go to http://www.gem.state.ak.us/symposium/registration.cfm. For more information, call Dr. Richard Dworsky

For More Info

Annual Northeast Pacific Pink and Chum Salmon Workshop

23-25 February, 2005
Ketchikan, Alaska

The 22nd workshop will be held at the West Coast Cape Fox Lodge in ketchikan, in February. Papers are being solicited for the following session:

If you would like to present a paper or poster please contact on of the Workshop Co-Chairs: Steve Heinl, steve_heinl@fishgame.state.ak.us, 907-225-9677, Rick Focht, rick_focht@dipac.net, 907-463-1629, or Alex Wertheimer, alex.wertheimer@noaa.gov, 907-789-6040.

For More Info

Puget Sound Georgia Basin 2005 Research Conference

29-31 March, 2005
Seattle, WAshington

The Puget Sound Action Team, and the Georgia Basin Action Plan partners invite submission of abstracts for oral presentation and poster display. This Conference will provide a venue for scientists and decision makers from a wide range of disciplines to share results and information.

The themes for the conference are:

  • Science to define and understand the shared Puget Sound Georgia Basin transboundary region; its ecological structure and function as well as traditional and societal characteristics.
  • Using science and traditional knowledge to address the changes facing the transboundary Puget Sound Georgia Basin ecosystem.
  • Abstracts that address these themes from an interdisciplinary and integrative perspective are encouraged.

    Conference will be held at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in downtown Seattle.

    Abstract submissions are due Nov. 1, 2004.

    International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics 2005

    2-6 May, 2005
    Liège, Belgium

    The 37th International Liège Colloquium will focus on gas transfer at water surfaces with oral and poster presentations of recent advancements in this field. Discussions will identify the most critical conceptual and experimental improvements for the future.

    For More Info

    International GLOBEC Symposium

    16-20 May, 2005
    Victoria, BC, Canada

    The international GLOBEC program is sponsoring a symposium on "Climate Variability and Sub-Arctic Marine Ecosystems" with PICES providing the local committee and with ICES and PICES co-sponsorship. The symposium will be this May in Victoria. Co-Conveners are G. Hunt (USA) and K. Drinkwater. The deadline for submission abstracts is December 1, 2004. The symposium will serve as a kick-off to two new programs, BEST (Bering Ecosystem Study) and ESSAS (Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic Seas), a regional program in GLOBEC.

    Final announcement brochure

    2005 ARCUS Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum

    18-20 May, 2005
    Washington, D.C., USA

    ARCUS Annual Meetings:

    The ARCUS Annual Meeting is held each spring in Washington D.C. The meeting serves to gather member institution representatives, the Board of Directors, and the staff of ARCUS together with other members of the arctic research community and key agency personnel and policy makers.

    To review information from past meetings or to preview this year's ARCUS Annual Meeting, go to the following website: http://www.arcus.org/annual_meetings/index.html

    Arctic Forum:

    In order to provide a venue for arctic researchers in all disciplines to interact with colleagues and agency representatives, ARCUS hosts the Arctic Forum each year in conjunction with the ARCUS Annual Meeting. The Arctic Forum provides access for individual researchers to information on research, education, and facilities outside of their fields, which has led to many successful collaborations. Since its inception in October 1994, the Arctic Forum remains one of only a few interdisciplinary arctic science meetings.

    Contact ARCUS: Tel. 907-474-1600 E-mail: info@arcus.org

    For More Info

    4th Gordon Research Conference on Coastal Ocean Circulation

    5-10 June, 2005
    Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire, U.S.A.

    The conference consists of morning and evening sessions with presentations by invited speakers on research at the forefront of coastal physical oceanography and related interdisciplinary areas. All attendees are encouraged to submit contributions to be presented in poster sessions in the late afternoon and evening. Afternoons are left open for informal discussion and recreation. To encourage open communication, each member of a Gordon Research Conference agrees that information presented in talks, poster sessions, or discussions, is a private communication that is not for public use.

    Individuals wishing to attend must complete an application online at the GRC Online Application Web Page. Attendance is limited to 135, so early registration is encourage.

    The Bering Strait, Rapid Climate Change, and Land Bridge Paleoecology

    20-22 June, 2005
    Fairbanks, Alaska, U.S.A.

    JOI/USSSP is sponsoring an interdisciplinary workshop to discuss potential scientific ocean drilling in the Bering Sea Shelf basins. Reconstruction of the sea level history of the Bering Strait, including the exact timing of the opening and closing of the land bridge and the rates of associated sea level changes, is essential to understanding its role as a trigger, pacemaker, or benign observer of northern hemisphere climate changes. Strategic cores from the region will also help answer outstanding questions regarding Bering Land Bridge paleoecology and its impact on migration of plants and animals between Asia and North America. The purpose of the workshop is to formulate the key scientific questions, identify relevant drilling sites, discuss drilling platform options, and to begin coordinating subsequent geophysical surveys, proposals, and multi-proxy analyses.

    Applications Contact Sarah Fowell (ffsjf@uaf.edu) by 22 April 2005 with the following information: name, institution, contact information, research specialty, and a brief statement of interest relevant to the purpose of the workshop. Limited JOI/USSSP travel support is available to U.S. participants

    Sponsored By: Joint Oceanographic Institutions (JOI) U.S. Science Support Program (USSSP)

    For further information, please contact: Sarah Fowell, E-mail: ffsjf@uaf.edu

    International Scientific Conference on the GLOBAL ENERGY and WATER CYCLE

    20-24 June, 2005
    Orange County, California, U.S.A.

    The GEWEX presents the 5th International Scientific Conference on the GLOBAL ENERGY and WATER CYCLE. The overall theme of the conference is Observing and predicting the Earth's water and energy cycle: current state of knowledge and future research requirements. Results from field experiments, new developments in theory, and modeling and observational capability that are being undertaken in the context of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) and other related activities, are expected to be reported. Particular emphasis will be on the linking of disciplines such as coupled atmospheric and land surface models, and cross discipline studies.

    Deadline for abstracts had been extended to 31 January 2005.

    Submit abstracts and register for the Conference at www.gewex.org/5thconf.htm

    International Solar Energy Society 2005 Solar World Congress

    6-12 August, 2005
    Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.

    Join the American Solar Energy Society, the International Solar Energy Society and all of the other participating organizations in Orlando, Florida, August 6-12, 2005 as the ISES Solar World Congress is welcomed back to the United States. Join leading researchers, scientist, engineers, architects, designers and other renewable energy professionals from around the world at this comprehensive program.

    Download the final program.

    Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium

    11-15 September, 2005
    Anchorage, Alaska, USA

    This 23rd symposium on "Biology, Assessment, and Management of Pacific Rockfishes" (in conjunction with American Fisheries Society) will be held this fall in Anchorage.

    Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society

    11-15 September, 2005
    Anchorage, Alaska, USA

    This 135th annual meeting on "Creating a Fisheries Mosaic: Connections Across Jurisdictions, Disciplines, and Cultures" will be held this fall in Anchorage will be co-convening with the annual meetings of the Western Division and Alaska Chapter, along with the Lowell Wakefield Symposium.

    JCOMM-II Scientific Conference

    15-17 September, 2005
    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

    A JCOMM-II scientific conference "Operational Oceanography and Marine Meteorology for the 21st century" is being held in Halifax, Canada, in association with the Second Session of the WMO-IOC Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM). JCOMM is an intergovernmental body of technical experts in oceanography and marine meteorology, charged with the international coordination of operational ocean observing systems, data management and product preparation, in response to a wide range of user requirements and public good services. JCOMM is namely the implementation mechanism for GOOS and is one of its main assets/gems.

    52nd Annual Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPOC) Conference 2005

    27-30 September, 2005
    Fallen Leaf Lake, CA

    This year the annual EPOC conference will be held Tuesday evening through Friday afternoon, September 27-30, at the Stanford Sierra Camp on Fallen Leaf Lake. Session titles include extreme events; mature talks fro old programs; a satellite remote sensing primer for the new millennium; and ocean observing systems and you: a roundtable discussion of plans, progress, pitfalls, and opportunities.

    Abstracts and registrations are being accepted now. Registration deadline is 12 August, 2005 and payments are due by 1 September, 2005.

    Visit the EPOC website to find out all the information you need to register, pay, and submit an abstract.

    PICES XIIII Annual Meeting

    30 September - 8 October, 2005
    Vladivostok, Russia

    PICIES Fourteenth Annual Meeting will be held this fall in Vladivostok, Russia. The meeting theme will be "Mechanisms of climate and human impacts on ecosystems in marginal seas and shelf regions". Click here to read the meeting abstract.

    ICES Symposia

    18-21 October, 2005
    Bergen, Norway

    The 2005 ICES-NASCO Symposium on "The Interactions between Cultivated and Wild Diadromous Fish Species" will be held in Bergen this October. Co-Conveners are Lars Peter Hansen (Norway) and Malcolm Windsor, NASCO.

    Preliminary announcement and scientific justification are now available.

    NPAFC 13th Annual Meeting

    24-28 October, 2005
    Jeju Island, Republic of Korea

    This year the NPAFC will hold its annual at the Lotte Hotel Jeju, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea.

    NPAFC-PICES Joint Symposium

    30 October - 1 November, 2005
    Jeju Island, Republic of Korea

    This year the NPAFC will hold a joint symposium with PICES on "The status of Pacific salmon and their role in North Pacific marine ecosystem". The meeting will be held at the Lotte Hotel Jeju, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea.


    November 14-17, 2005
    Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan

    A PICES CCCC/MODEL group intersessional workshop to build up a multi-species model especially including anchovy and sardine, extending NEMURO.FISH (co-sponsors: APN, FRA, IAI) Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. Contact person: Dr. Shin-ich Ito, co-chair of MODEL.

    International Repeat Hydrography Workshop

    November 14-17, 2005
    Shonan Village, Japan

    An International Repeat Hydrography Workshop (co-sponsored with JAMSTEC, CLIVAR and IOCCP) and a meeting of the PICES Carbon and Climate Section.

    Agenda available for download at http://ioc.unesco.org/ioccp/Docs/Agenda411.pdf

    2005 AGU Fall Meeting

    5-9 December, 2005
    San Francisco, CA, USA

    The fall Meeting provides an opportunity for researchers, teachers, students, and consultants to present and review the latest issues affecting the Earth, the planets, and their environments in space. This meeting will cover topics in all areas of Earth and space sciences.

    After November 3, 2005 you must register on-site. Visit the registration page at http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm05/?pageRequest=registration for more details.

    Note! When you click on some of the links on this page you will be leaving the NPO web site. You may wish to review the privacy notice on those sites since their information collection practices may differ from ours.

    [Last updated: 2007-07-03]