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Automated Database Searches
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Sustainable Agriculture Automated Database Searches
magnifying glass on computer keyboard.

Compiled by:
Rebecca Thompson
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

March 2007

This resource is part of our Sustainable Agriculture: Information Access Tools tutorial which identifies the best sources that address sustainable agriculture, research and information sources, contacts and experts, research funding sources, educational and career opportunities, and upcoming events.

Search Databases or the Internet

Conduct automated, real-time, searches to locate current resources on this topic. When you select one of the automated search strategies below, your browser will access the designated Web site or database, perform a search of that site using selected subject terms, and display the search results. Search strategies differ across online sources. Contact AFSIC about specific search strategies employed. For additional databases, see Where to Find Sustainable Agriculture Research Online or AFSIC's directory of Searchable Sites and Databases.


AGRICOLA (AGRICultural Online Access), the NAL Catalog, is a bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library (NAL) and its cooperators. The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines. [Learn about AGRICOLA.]

Books -
NAL Catalog
Search AGRICOLA for books, serials, audiovisuals, etc.
Before 1990 |  1990-1994 |  1995-1999 |  2000-2007
Articles -
NAL Catalog
Search AGRICOLA for journal articles, reports, book chapters, reprints, etc.
Before 1990 |  1990-1994 |  1995-1999 |  2000-2007
Browse the
NAL Catalog
Browse AGRICOLA for “Sustainable Agriculture.”
Books |  Articles
Tip:To browse for other terms, go to Under the NAL Catalog or the Articles Database column, select “Basic Search ,” select “Subject Browse,” enter a subject term in the box labeled “Find” and then select “Search.”

USDA Web Portal or

Resources from government agencies or offices may be located via several search engines, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Web portal and

USDA Web Portal The USDA Web portal search feature retrieves content from all USDA agency and office sites. [Note: The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is USDA main in-house research agency. ARS research develops solutions to a wide range of problems related to food and agriculture. Use the ARS Advanced Search feature to locate resources by specific ARS location.] is the official U.S. electronic gateway to government information. It retrieves content from Federal and State government Web sites.

Internet Search Engines

Google Find content about sustainable agriculture from Web sites with government, organization, or education domains. Search within these results to find more specific aspects of sustainability.
Google Scholar

The Current Research Information System (CRIS)

CRIS is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's documentation and reporting system for ongoing and recently completed research projects in agriculture, food and nutrition, and forestry.

To conduct a keyword search in the TITLE or DESCRIPTOR fields, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the following search strategy:
    TI,DE=sustainable agriculture
  2. Access the CRIS database.
    (Note: Following this link will open a new browser window.)
  3. Select Professional Search.
  4. Select the Edit button beside Search Number S1.
  5. Paste the search strategy copied in Step 1 into the search box.
  6. Select the OK button.
  7. Select the Display button to view the results.
  8. Optional: Select the Change Format button to choose a different display format or to customize your format using selected data fields.
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Search Tips

The tips below will help you create your own search strategies for conducting literature searches.

Recommended Keywords and Phrases

  • (sustainable agriculture) or
    (agricultural sustainability) or
    (regenerative agriculture) or
    (sustainable farm*) or
    (sustainable production)

  • The NAL Agricultural Thesaurus is an online vocabulary look-up tool for agricultural and biological terms. The Thesaurus is organized to help find terms in a specific discipline or subject area. Automated searches are featured.
  • Refine your search with related keywords and phrases (see also Sustainable Agriculture: Definitions and Terms, or check the AGROVOC multilingual agricultural thesaurus).

Tips for Efficient Searching

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Last Modified: Tuesday, 10-Jun-2008 10:51:18 EDT  
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