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Materials include fact sheets, pamphlets and posters as well as training guides and curriculum. Many are available in several languages.

To view resources by title and translation, select Resource and Language below.

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Food Safety materials provided in multi-lingual formats:


If the Power Goes Out
If you live in an area where power outages are common, these information sheets will be helpful. Produced by the Massachusetts Partnership for Food Safety Education:

FightBAC!™ (non-English translations)
This 8 1/2" x 14" activity sheet adapts FightBAC!™ messages for low-literacy audiences. It is available in eight 8 languages. It was produced by the Massachusetts Partnership for Food Safety Education with support from the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Northeast Association of Food and Drug Officials (NEFDOA).

Food Safety for Food Workers (non-English translations)
This four-page pamphlet highlights basic food safety concepts of good personal health and hygiene, time/temperature control, cleaning and sanitizing, and preventing contamination. Potential physical, chemical and microbiological hazards are identified. Simple messages on safe food practices based on the 1999 US FDA Food Code are described. These pamphlets are available in several languages.

Accompanying posters and teaching tips reinforce the four concepts.

These materials were produced by the Massachusetts Partnership for Food Safety Education with support from the Massachusetts Department of Education and the US FDA.

Food Employee Reports Agreement Form
Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, Greek, Haitian Creole, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese.

Safe Bag Lunches (non-English translations)
This 8 ½” x 14" flyer reinforces clean, cook and chill concepts for keeping bag lunches safe. The flyers are available in several languages; a 2-page brochure in English and Spanish is also available for purchase through the UMass Outreach Bookstore. These materials were produced by the Massachusetts Partnership for Food Safety Education with support from the US FDA.

Wash Hands (non-English translations)
This poster featuring basic hand-washing steps and guidelines for consumers is available in eight (8) languages. The posters were produced by the Massachusetts Partnership for Food Safety Education with support from the US FDA.



Food Safety for Food Workers Teaching Tips (non-English translations)
This series of mini-lessons is designed for food service managers to train workers using the Food Safety for Food Workers pamphlet and accompanying posters. Lessons are short and include tips for discussing and demonstrating each of the four basic food safety concepts.

  • Introduction
  • Control Time & Temperature explains conditions that bacteria need to grow and way to keep food out of the Danger Zone
  • Keep Pests Out of Your Kitchen reviews how pests contaminate food and explain how to use an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to keep food safe
  • How to Sanitize explains how cross-contamination occurs and how to prevent it by properly sanitizing food contact surfaces.
  • Wash Hands introduces how microorganisms can spread from people to food and the importance of handwashing to prevent foodborne illness

These materials were produced by the Massachusetts Partnership for Food Safety Education with support from the Massachusetts Department of Education.

Food Safety Word List
This book is a mini-dictionary to use in your Food Manager Certification Coruse or other food safety training. It can help you learn important food safety words. Look up a word and read what it menas. If you know a word, but can not remember what a word means, look it up in your mini-dictionary.

To purchase booklets, click here to go to the UMass Outreach Bookstore. Or to download a PDF version, click here.

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