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Regional Vision

Serving the Needs of the King County Community for GIS

What is Regional GIS?

GIS already exists throughout the region, in many of King County’s cities, utility districts, schools, and businesses, as well as within King County departments. To some degree there is sharing and cooperation throughout the region already. GIS professionals meet to exchange advice and expertise, and data is sometimes shared between agencies.

Why Regional GIS?

An objective analysis of the progress and success of GIS throughout the region would find that its implementation has been uneven. While there are many regional GIS success stories, some other agency GIS programs have stalled or even failed, and most are struggling with the substantial costs and development time needed to succeed. The King County Regional GIS concept addresses business problems associated with how GIS is organized locally now:

  • GIS data and application development and maintenance is occurring throughout the region (in the County, cities, districts, etc.) but often in a redundant, uncoordinated, wasteful manner. Regional GIS would establish a regional institutional/infrastructure framework that would reduce wasteful activity.

  • The region is hampered by multiple non-standardized data sources both within and outside King County government. Even when GIS data is shared between agencies, it is on a random, episodic basis, via multiple bilateral MOU’s. Regional GIS would develop an environment in which GIS data sharing was institutionalized via a multilateral regional agreement.

  • Agencies across the region have invested in and maintain multiple redundant resources like data and application servers, backup systems, and networks. Regional GIS would develop an environment where core GIS resources are shared and supported on a cooperative community basis to support both County and regional agency business needs.

  • Cost: All agencies would benefit by sharing costs for the development and maintenance of GIS data in a common environment. Agencies would benefit by sharing future data maintenance costs and overhead expenses for central resources (server, backup, administration, etc.).


  • Effectiveness: A regional standardized data environment and central data library would also facilitate the development of business GIS applications in a standard, regional environment. This would result in faster development and deployment of GIS applications for business users in all regional agencies. go to top of page

King County Regional GIS Vision 2000+


King County Regional GIS (KC R-GIS) will be a community geographic information system resources, managed and deployed in an efficient and innovative manner.


KC R-GIS will manage appropriate centralized community GIS resources efficiently. KC R-GIS will lead the effective application of GIS for the distributed business and personal needs of the community: government, industry, commerce, and citizens in the King County Region.


  • Develop and promote standards and infrastructure that support GIS reliability, quality, and performance for the community.

    Database and application development standards will enable institutionalized regional GIS cooperation, reliability, and quality. Infrastructure, including metadata standards, centralized data and application servers, and network components will support regional GIS as a viable alternative to repetitive, redundant, infrastructure in dozens of county, city, and corporate departments.

  • Provide GIS services to the community that reduce cost and add value.

    Rationalized non-redundant development and maintenance of GIS data will reduce costs and add value. Standardized development and maintenance of GIS applications will reduce costs and promote wider business and personal use of GIS. Centralized infrastructure management services will provide opportunities to spread overhead and lower O&M costs.

  • Increase GIS reliability, repeatability, quality, and performance to the community.

    Standardized core applications, a regional GIS database, and reliable, well sized infrastructure will result in a resource that is viewed as an open community resource, like a utility, rather than as multiple jealously guarded but poorly performing individual efforts. Analysis, decisions, and information derived from the GIS should be repeatable and consistent within the community.

  • Promote wider deployment of GIS within the community.

    KC R-GIS should promote wider use of GIS by cities, utilities, business, institutions, and individuals, through standardized but customizable deployment within an efficient and responsive community support environment.

  • Support business specific GIS deployment for companies, governments, institutions, and individuals within the community.

    Continually refine the structure, management, services, and support of KC R-GIS to ensure that it meets the current and future core GIS needs of the community.go to top of page

Revised August 30, 2000


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