ECRIS 2008
18th International Workshop on ECR Ion Sources
Chicago, Illinois  USA - September 15 - 18, 2008
Chicago Skyline

Hosted by Argonne National Laboratory

Chicago Theater

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Welcome Reception & Registration

A Welcome Reception will be held Sunday, September 14th at the Days Inn Chicago from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Richard Geller Prize

On Tuesday evening, in recognition of outstanding contributions to the development of ECR (Electron Cyclotron Resonance) ion sources and to encourage promising young scientists, Pantechnik awards the "Richard Geller PRIZE".


The workshop excursion is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. We will begin the excursion with a visit to Chicago's Millennium Park and then continue with a bus tour of the architectural highlights of Chicago led by a docent from the Chicago Architecture Foundation. After the bus tour we then board Chicago's First Lady for a river cruise looking at the city from a different angle. Chicago is the home of the modern skyscraper building and in this tour you will see buildings that are the first to ever use a steel superstructure for support. You will see examples of the transition from masonry supported structures to the modern glass and steel structures that dominate business districts throughout the world today. The buses will return to the hotels at 6:00 pm. The excursion is included in the participant registration fee and is open to companions and vendors for an additional fee. Lunch will be provided.


The workshop dinner is scheduled for Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm at Salvatore’s Restaurant. The restaurant is within easy walking distance of the hotel, but transportation will also be available to and from the hotels. The dinner is included in the participant registration fee and is open to companions and vendors for an additional fee.

Salvatore's Restaurant
525 W. Arlington Place

Entertainment by the Nuclear Jazz Quarktet


At 4:00 pm Thursday Afternoon we will depart for Argonne National Laboratory to tour the ATLAS facility, its ECR sources, and the development activity for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) project. Following the tour we will have a brief reception and then return to the hotel approximately 8:00 pm.