FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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CFSAN/Retail Food Safety Team
DRAFT: February 28, 1998; DRAFT: April 24, 2001; DRAFT: June 28, 2001; DRAFT: April 2003; DRAFT: January 2005; DRAFT: December 2007

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Draft Voluntary National
Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards


The following definitions apply in the interpretation and application of these Standards.

  1. Active Managerial Control - Implementation and supervision of food safety practices to control risk factors by the person-in-charge.
  2. Auditor - An FDA Certified Evaluation Officer (CEO), or any authorized city, county, district, state, federal, tribal or other third party person who has no responsibilities for the day-to-day operations of that jurisdiction and is charged with conducting a verification audit which confirms the accuracy of the self-assessment.
  3. Baseline Survey - Establishment of a database that measures the occurrence of the CDC-identified foodborne illness risk factors within the retail segment of the food industry in accordance with the "FDA Retail Food Program Database of Foodborne Illness Risk Factors Report" and FDA Baseline Data Collection Form.
  4. Baseline Survey Update - data collected to update the initial baseline survey.
  5. Candidate - a regulatory officer whose duties include the inspection of retail food establishments.
  6. Compliance and Enforcement - Compliance includes all voluntary or involuntary conformity with provisions set forth by the regulatory authority to safeguard public health and ensure that food is safe. Enforcement includes any legal and/or administrative procedures taken by the regulatory authority to gain compliance.
  7. Direct Regulatory Authority (DRA) - the organizational level of government that is immediately responsible for the management of the retail program. This may be at the city, county, district, state, federal or tribal level.
  8. Enforcement Actions - actions taken by the regulatory authority such as warning letters, revocation or suspension of permit, court actions, monetary fines, hold orders, destruction of food, etc., to correct a violation found during an inspection.
  9. FDA Certified Evaluation Officer (CEO) - A person, usually a state employee, who has successfully completed the FDA requirements for certification as an evaluator of retail food safety programs.
  10. Follow-up Inspection - an inspection conducted after the initial routine inspection to confirm the correction of a violation(s).
  11. Food Code Interventions - the preventive measures to protect consumer health stated below:
    1. management's demonstration of knowledge;
    2. employee health controls;
    3. controlling hands as a vehicle of contamination;
    4. time / temperature parameters for controlling pathogens; and
    5. consumer advisory.
  12. Good Retail Practices (GRP's) - preventive measures that include practices and procedures to effectively control the introduction of pathogens, chemicals, and physical objects into food, that are prerequisites to instituting a HACCP or Risk Control Plan and are not addressed by the Food Code interventions or risk factors.
  13. Hazard - a biological, chemical or physical property that may cause an unacceptable consumer health risk.
  14. National Registry Report - A listing of retail food safety programs that have voluntarily enrolled as participants in the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards.
  15. Person in charge (PIC) - the individual present at a food establishment who is responsible for the operation at the time of inspection.
  16. Program Element - One of the program areas for which a National Standard has been established such as regulations, training, inspection system, quality assurance, foodborne illness investigation, compliance and enforcement, industry and consumer relations, and program resources.
  17. Program Manager - the individual responsible for the oversight and management of a regulatory retail food program.
  18. Quality Records - Documentation of specific elements of program compliance with the National Standards as specified in each Standard.
  19. Risk Control Plan (RCP) - a short plan based on HACCP principles designed to control a specific risk factor.
  20. Risk Factors - improper practices or procedures stated below which are most frequently identified by epidemiological investigation as a cause of foodborne illness or injury:
    1. improper holding temperature;
    2. inadequate cooking;
    3. contaminated equipment;
    4. unsafe source; and
    5. poor personal hygiene.
  21. Routine Inspection - a full review and evaluation of a food establishment's operations and facilities to assess its compliance with Food Safety Law, at a planned frequency determined by the regulatory authority. This does not include reinspections and other follow-up or special investigations.
  22. Self-Assessment - An internal review by program management to determine whether the existing program meets the National Standards.
  23. Standardization Inspection - an inspection used to demonstrate a candidate's knowledge, communication skills, and ability to identify violations of all regulatory requirements and to develop a risk control plan for identified, uncontrolled risk factors.
  24. Trainer - an individual who has successfully completed the training elements outlined in Standard No 2 and is recognized by the program manager as having the field experience and communication skills necessary to train new employees.
  25. Training Standard - a person who has successfully completed the training elements in Steps 1 through 4 as outlined in Standard No 2 and has been recognized by the program manager as having field experience, communication skills, and knowledge of the program policies and procedures necessary to conduct field standardization of other employees.
  26. Verification Audit - A systematic, independent examination by an external party to confirm the accuracy of the Self-Assessment.
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