FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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CFSAN/Retail Food Safety Team
DRAFT: February 6, 1998; DRAFT: April 24, 2001; DRAFT: June 28, 2001; DRAFT: April 2003; DRAFT: January 2005; DRAFT: December 2007

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Draft Voluntary National
Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards

Appendix G - Supplement to Standard No. 7 - Industry and Community Relations

It is necessary to maintain records of the Industry and Consumer Interaction forums and of the Educational Outreach activities over the last 24-month period.  The following chart is used to document that status.  Meeting minutes, agendas, by-laws, charters, membership criteria and lists, frequency of meetings, roles, performed actions and documentation of food safety educational efforts are to be maintained by the regulatory authority.

Industry and Consumer Interaction Forums

Forum Title Regulatory Participants By Organization Industry Participants by Organization Consumer Participants by Organization Meeting Dates Summary of Activities Related to Control of Risk Factors

Educational Outreach

Dates Summary of Activities


Please list any additional outreach activities of note below.

Dates Summary of Activities

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