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Appendix C: Publications from PPB Staff and
PPB-Supported Networks, 1999-2004
(PPB staff names appear in bold.)

Selected PPB Portfolio Publications
CHIME Study Publications
NISP Study Publications
ICPS Publications
AAIMS Publications
Chicago Infant Mortality Study Publications
Kaiser California SIDS Study Publications
MFMU Network Publications
NRN and MLS Publications

Selected PPB Portfolio Publications

Chambliss KL & Shaul PW. (2002). Estrogen modulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Endocrine Reviews, 21:655-686.

Xiao D, Huang X, Pearce WJ, Longo LD, & Zhang L. (2003). Effect of cortisol on norepinephrine-mediated contractions in ovine uterine arteries. American Journal of Physiology, 284:1142-H2252.

Pearce WJ, Williams JM, Chang MM, & Gerthoffer WT. (2003). ERK inhibition attenuates 5- HT-induced contractions in fetal and adult ovine carotid arteries. Archives and Physiology and Biochemistry, 111:36-44.

Hunter CJ, Blood AB, White CR, Pearce WJ, & Power GG. (2003). Role of NO in hypoxic cerebral vasodilatation in the ovine fetus. Journal of Physiology (London), 549:625-33.

Gilbert RD, Pearce WJ, & Longo LD. (2003). Fetal cardiac and cerebrovascular acclimatization responses to high-altitude, long-term hypoxia. High Alt Med Biol, 4:203-13.

Lin M, Hessinger DA, Pearce WJ, & Longo LD. (2003). Developmental differences in Ca+ activated K+ channel activity in ovine basilar artery. Am J Physiol: Heart, Circulation, and Physiology, 298:H701-9.

Mbaku EM, Zhang L, Pearce WJ, Duckles SP, & Buchholz J. (2003). Chronic hypoxia alters the function of NOS nerves in cerebral arteries of near-term fetal and adult sheep. J App Physiol, 94:724-32.

Limesand SW & Hay, Jr., WW. (2002). Adaptation of ovine fetal pancreatic insulin section to chronic hypoglycemia and euglycemic correction. Journal of Physiology, 026:831.

Konduri GG, Ou J, Shi Y, & Pritchard KA. (2003). Decreased association of Hsp90 impairs endothelial NOS in fetal lambs with persistent pulmonary hypertension. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 285:H204-H211.

Kim S-J, Cheung CY, Wildness JA, & Brace RA. (2002). Temporal response of plasma erythropoietin to hemorrhage in the ovine fetus. J Soc Gynecol Invest, 9:75-79.

Davis LE, Widness JA, & Brace RA. (In press). Renal and placental secretion of EPO during anemia or hypoxia in the ovine fetus. Am J Obstet Gynecol.

Panigrahy A, Filiano J, Sleeper LA, et al. (2000). Decreased serotonergic receptor binding in rhombic lip-derived regions of the medulla oblongata in the SIDS. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, 59:377-384.

Zec N & Kinney HC. (2001). Anatomic relationships of the human nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis: a DiI labeling study. Autonomic Neurosci, 89:110-24.

Curran AK, Darnall RA, Filiano JJ, Li AH, & Nattie EE. (2001) Muscimol dialysis in the rostral ventral medulla reduced the CO2 response in awake and sleeping piglets. JAP, 90:971-980.

Darnall RA, Curran AK, Filiano JJ, Li AH, & Nattie EE. (2001). The effects of a GABA (A) agonist in the rostral ventral medulla on sleep and breathing in newborn piglets. Sleep, 24:514-527.

BuSha B, Leiter JC, Curran AK, Li AH, Nattie EE, & Darnall RA. (2001). Spontaneous arousals during quiet sleep in piglets: a visual and wavelet-based analysis. Sleep, 24:499-513.

Patel AL, Harris KA, & Thach BT. (2001). Inspired CO2 and O2 in sleeping infants re-breathing from bedding: relevance for SIDS. JAP, 91:2537-2545.

Patel AL, Paluszynska D, Harris KA, &Thach BT. (2003). Occurrence and mechanisms of sudden oxygen desaturation in infants who sleep face down. Pediatrics, 111:e328-e332.

Sridhar R, Thach BT, Kelly DH, & Henselee JA. (2003). Characterization of successful and failed autoresuscitation in human infants, including those dying of SIDS. Pediatr Pulmon, 36:113-122.

Sahni R, Saluja D, Schulze KF, Kashyap S, Ohira-Kist K, Fifer WP, & Myers MM. (2002). Quality of diet, body position, and time after feeding influence behavioral states in LBW infants. Pediatr Res, 52:399-404.

Ye B, Valdivia CR, Ackerman MJ, & Makielski JC. (2003). A common human SCN5A polymorphism modifies expression of an arrhythmia causing mutation. Physiol Genomics, 12:187-193.

Yang X, Wen H, Bobst S, Day M, & Kellems R. (2003). Maternal autoantibodies from preeclamptic patients activate angiotensin receptors on human trophoblast cells. J Soc Gynecol Investig, 10:82-83.

Woods LL, Ingelfinger JR, Nyengaard JR, & Rasch R. (2001). Maternal protein restriction suppresses the newborn rennin-angiotensin system and programs adult hypertension in rats. Pediatr Res, 49:1-8.

Woods LL. (2000). Fetal origins of adult hypertension: a renal mechanism? Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertension, 9:419-425.

Handwerger S & Aronow B. (2003). Dynamic changes in gene expression during human trophoblast differentiation. Recent Prog Horm Res, 58:263-81.

Many A, Hubel CA, Fisher SJ, Roberts JM, & Zhou Y. (2000). Invasive cytotrophoblasts manifest evidence of oxidative stress in preeclampsia. Am J Pathol, 156:321-31.

Yang W, Ahn H, Hinrichs M, Torry RJ, & Torry DS. (2003). Evidence of a novel isoform of placenta growth factor (PlGF-4) expressed in human trophoblast and endothelial cells. J Reprod Immunol, 60:53-60.

Musicki B, Pepe GJ, Albrecht ED. (2003). Functional differentiation of the placental syncytiotrophoblast effect of estrogen on chorionic somatomammotropin expression during early primate pregnancy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 88:4316-4323.

Ain R, Tash JS, & Soares MJ. (2003). Prolactin-like protein-A is a functional modulator of NK cells at the maternal-fetal interface. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 204:65-74.

Haluska GJ, Wells TR, Hirst JJ, Brenner RM, Sadowsky DW, & Novy MJ. (2002). Progesterone receptor localization and isoforms in myometrium, deciduas, and fetal membranes from rhesus macaques: evidence for functional progesterone withdrawal at parturition. J Soc Gynecol Investig, 9:125-36.

Oldenhof AD, Shynlova OP, Liu M, Langille BL, & Lye SJ. (2002). Mitogen-activated protein kinases mediate stretch-induced c-fos mRNA expression in myometrial smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, 283:C1530-9.

Wadhwa PD, Garite, TJ, Porto M, Glynn L, Chicz-Demet, A, Dunkel-Schetter C, & Sandman C. (In press). Placental CRH, spontaneous preterm birth, and fetal growth restriction: a prospective investigation. Am J Obstet Gynecol.

Elovitz MA, Ascher-Landsberg J, Saunders T, & Phillippe M. (2000). The mechanisms underlying the stimulatory effects of thrombin on myometrial smooth muscle. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 183:674-681.

Elovitz MA, Saunders T, Ascher-Landsberg J, & Phillippe M. (2000). Effects of thrombin on myometrial contractions in vitro and in vivo. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 183:799-804.

Maul H, Olson G, Fittkow CT, Saade GR, & Garfield RE. (2003). Cervical LIF in humans decreases throughout gestation and before delivery: preliminary observations. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 188(2):537-41.

Shah S, Nathan L, Singh R, Fu YS, Chaudhuri G. (2001). E2 and not P4 increases NO release from NANC nerves of the gastrointestinal tract: implications in pregnancy. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 280:R1546-54.

Lanasa MC, Hogge A, Kubik CJ, Ness RB, Harger J, Nagel T, Prosen T, Markovic N, & Hoffman E. (2001). A novel X chromosome-linked genetic cause of recurrent spontaneous abortion. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 185:563-68.

Anand KJS, Hall RW, Desai N, et al. (In press). Effect of morphine analgesia in ventilated preterm neonates: primary outcome from the NEOPAIN trial. Lancet.

Ronzoni S, Marconi A, Paolini C, Teng C, Pardi G, & Battaglia FC. (2002). The effect of a maternal infusion of amino acids on umbilical uptake in pregnancies complicated by IUGR. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 187:741-6.

Thaete LG, Dewey ER, & Neerhof MG. (2004). Endothelin and the regulation of uterine and placental perfusion in hypoxia-induced fetal growth restriction. J Soc Gynecol Investig, 11:16-21.

Clapp, III, JF, Stepanchak W, Hashimoto K, Ehrenberg H, & Lopez B. (2003). The natural history of antenatal cords. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 189(2):488-93.

Sekhon HS, Keller JA, Proskocil BJ, Martin EL, & Spindel ER. (2002). Maternal nicotine exposure up-regulates collagen gene expression in fetal monkey lung—association with alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Am J Resp Cell Mol Biol, 26:31-42.

Seidman DS, Moise J, Ergaz Z, Laor A, Vreman HJ, Stevenson DK, & Gale R. (2003). A prospective randomized controlled study of phototherapy using blue and blue-green lightemitting devices, and conventional halogen-quartz phototherapy. J Perinatol, Mar;23(2):123- 7.

Zhang W, Contag PR, Hardy J, Zhao H, Vreman HJ, Hajdena-Dawson M, Wong RJ, Stevenson DK, & Contag CH. (2002). Selection of potential therapeutics based on in vivo spatiotemporal transcription patterns of heme oxygenase-1. J Mol Med, Oct;80(10):655-64.

Limesand SW, Regnault TR, & Hay, Jr., WW. (2004). Characterization of glucose transporter 8 (GLUT8) in the ovine placenta of normal and growth-restricted fetuses. Placenta, Jan;25(1):70-7.

Limesand SW & Hay WW Jr. (2003). Adaptation of ovine fetal pancreatic insulin secretion to chronic hypoglycaemia and euglycaemic correction. J Physiol, Feb;15;547(Pt 1):95-105.

Mulrooney N, Jobe AH, & Ikegami M. (2004). Lung inflammatory responses to intratracheal interleukin-1-alpha in ventilated preterm lambs. Pediatr Res, Apr;55(4):682-7.

Ikegami M, Kallapur SG, & Jobe AH. (2004). Initial responses to ventilation of premature lambs exposed to intra-amniotic endotoxin four days before delivery. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, Mar;286(3):L573-9.

Jobe AH. (2003). Animal models of antenatal corticosteroids: clinical implications (Review). Clin Obstet Gynecol, Mar;46(1):174-89.

Jobe AH. (2003). Antenatal factors and the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (Review). Semin Neonatol, Feb;8(1):9-17.

Kramer BW, Jobe AH, & Ikegami M. (2003). Monocyte function in preterm, term, and adult sheep. Pediatr Res, Jul;54(1):52-7.

Jobe AH, Kramer BW, Moss TJ, Newnham JP, & Ikegami M. (2002). Decreased indicators of lung injury with continuous positive expiratory pressure in preterm lambs. Pediatr Res, Sep;52(3):387-92.

Anand KJS, Hall RW, Desai NS, Shephard B, Bergqvist LL, Young TE, Boyle EM, Carbajal R, Bhutani VK, Moore MB, Kronsberg SS, & Barton BA for the NEOPAIN Trial Investigators Group. (2004). Effects of pre-emptive morphine analgesia in ventilated preterm neonates: Primary outcomes from the NEOPAIN trial. Lancet, 363:1673-1682.

CHIME Study Publications

Weese-Mayer DE, Corwin MJ, Peuker MR, DiFiore JM, Hufford DR, Tinsley LR, Neuman MR, Martin RJ, Brooks LJ, Ward SLD, Lister GL, Willinger M, & the CHIME Study Group. (2000). Comparison of identified apnea identified with respiratory inductance plethysmography with that detected by end-tidal CO2 and thermistor. Am J of Resp Crit Care Med, 162:471-480.

Kulp TD, Corwin MJ, Brooks LB, Peucker M, Fabrikant G, Crowell DH, Hoppenbrouwers T, & the CHIME Study Group. (2000). The effect of epoch length and smoothing on infant sleep and waking state architecture for term infants at 42 to 46 weeks. Sleep, 23:893-899.

Ramanathan R, Corwin MJ, Hunt CE, Lister G, Tinsley L, Baird L, Silvestri JM, Crowell DH, Hufford D, Martin RJ, Neuman M, Weese-Mayer DM, Cupples LA, Peucker M, Willinger M, Keens TG, & the CHIME Study Group. (2001). Cardiorespiratory events recorded on home monitors: comparison of healthy infants with those at increased risk for SIDS. JAMA, 285:2199-2207.

Hunt CE, Durham J, Guess S, Kapuniai LE, Golub H, & the CHIME Study Group. (2001). Telephone subsidy is an effective incentive for successful participation in home memory monitor study. Archives Ped Adolesc Med, 155:954-959.

Neuman MR, Watson HL, Mendenhall RS, Zoldak JT, DiFiore JM, Peucker M, Baird TM, Crowell DH, Hoppenbrouwers TT, Hufford D, Hunt CE, Corwin MJ, Tinsley LR, Weese- Mayer DE, Sackner MA, & the CHIME Study Group. (2001). Cardiopulmonary monitoring at home: the CHIME monitor. Physiological Measurement, 22;267-286.

Zoldak JT, Watson HL, Bolduc DB, DiFiore JM, Mendenhall RS, Peucker M, Neuman MR, & the CHIME Study Group. (2001). An electronic simulator for testing infant apnea monitors that use realistic physiologic data. Physiological Measurement, 22:N1-N12.

Ratliff-Schaub K, Hunt CE, Schafer SC, Baird T, Crowell D, Palmer P, Smok-Pearsall S, Bak S, Cantey-Kiser J, & the CHIME Study Group. (2001). Relationship between infant sleep position and motor development in preterm infants. J Develop Behav Pediatr, 22:293-299.

Crowell DH, Kulp TD, Kapuniai LE, Hunt CE, Hoppenbrouwers T, Brooks L, Silvestri J, Davidson Ward S, Corwin M, Tinsely LR, & the CHIME Study Group. (2002). Infant polysomnography: reliability and validity of infant arousal assessment. J Clin Neurophysiol, 19:649-483.

Crowell DH, Kapuniai LE, Hoppenbrouwers T, Brooks LJ, Neuman MR, Davidson Ward SL, Hunt CE, Weese-Mayer DE, Corwin MJ, Peucker MR, Lister G, Tinsley L, Silvestri JM, Willinger M, Pearce JW, & the CHIME Study Group. An Atlas of Infant Polysomnography. Parthenon Publishing/CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida: 2003.

Crowell DH, Tinsley L, Kapuniai L, Wesse-Mayer DE, Silvestri J, DeFiore J, Davidson Ward S, Hunt CE, Corwin M, Willinger M, & the CHIME Study Group. (In press). Ontogeny of arousal. J Clin Neurophysiol.

Silvestri JM, Lister G, Corwin MJ, Smok-Pearsall SM, Baird TM, Crowell DH, Cantey-Kiser J, Hunt CE, Tinsley L, Palmer PH, Mendenhall R, Hoppenbrouwers TT, Neuman MR, Weese- Mayer DE, Willinger M, & the CHIME Study Group. (Revision under review). The Collaborative Home Infant Monitoring Evaluation: factors influencing use of a home cardiorespiratory monitor for infants. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.

Hunt CE, Baird T, Tinsley L, Palmer P, Ramanathan R, Crowell D, Schafer S, Martin R, Hufford DR, Corwin M, Peucker M, Bak S, Weese Mayer DE, Silvestri J, Neuman M, & the CHIME Study Group. (Revision under review ). The effect of cardiorespiratory events detected by home cardiorespiratory monitoring during infancy on neurodevelopmental outcome at one year of age. J Pediatr.

NISP Study Publications

Willinger M, Ko C-W, Hoffman HJ, Kessler RC, & Corwin MJ. (2000). Factors associated with caregivers' choice of infant sleep position, 1994-1998: the NISP Study. JAMA, 283:2135- 2142.

Willinger M, Ko C-W, Hoffman HJ, Kessler RC, & Corwin MJ. (2003). Trends in infant bed sharing in the United States, 1993-2000. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 157:43-49.

ICPS Publications

Corwin MJ, Lesko SM, Heeren T, Vezina RM, Hunt CE, Mandell F, McClain M, & Mitchell AA. (2003). Secular changes in sleep position during infancy: 1995-1998. Pediatrics, 111:52-60.

Vernacchio L, Corwin MJ, Lesko SM, Vezina RM, Hunt CE, Hoffman HJ, Willinger M, & Mitchell AA. (2003). Sleep position of LBW infants. Pediatrics, 111:633-640.

Hunt CE, Lesko SM, Vezina RM, McCoy RM, Corwin MJ, Mandell F, Willinger M, Hoffman HJ, & Mitchell AA. (2003). Effect of infant sleep position on health outcomes. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 157:469-474.

McCoy RC, Hunt CE, Lesko SM, Vezina R, Corwin MJ, Willinger M, & Hoffman HJ. (In press). Frequency of bed sharing and its relationship to breastfeeding. J Develop and Behav Ped.

AAIMS Publications

Randall LL, Krogh C, Welty TK, Willinger M, & Iyasu S. (2001). The Aberdeen Indian Health Service Infant Mortality Study: design, methodology, and implementation. Am Indian Alask Nat Mental Health J Nat Center, 10:1-20.

Iyasu S, Randall LL, Welty TK, Hsia J, Kinney HC, Mandell F, McClain M, Randall B, Habbe D, & Willinger M. (2002). Risk factors for SIDS among Northern Plains Indians. JAMA, 288:2717-2723.

Kinney HC, Randall LL, Sleeper LA, Willinger M, Belliveau RA, Zec N, Rava LA, Dominici L, Iyasu S, Randall B, Habbe D, Wilson H, & Welty TK. (2003). Serotinergic brainstem abnormalities in Northern Plains Indians with SIDS. J Neuropath Experimental Neurol, 62:1166-1177.

Chicago Infant Mortality Study Publications

Meny RG, Vreman HJ, Stevenson DK, Hauck FR, Donoghue ER, Smialek JE, Fowler DR, & Zielke HR. (2002). Failure to detect elevated levels of carboxyhemoglobin in infants dying from SIDS. J Forensic Sci, 47:660-662.

Hack FR, Moore CM, Herman SM, Donovan M, Kalekar M. Christofel KK, Hoffman HJ, & Rowley D. (2002). The contribution of prone sleeping position to the racial disparity in SIDS: the Chicago Infant Mortality Study. Pediatrics, 110:772-780.

Hauck FR, Herman SH, Iyasu S, Moore CM, Donoghue E, Kirshner RH, & Willinger M. (2003). Sleep environment and the risk of SIDS in an urban population: the Chicago Infant Mortality Study. Pediatrics, 111:1207-1214.

Kaiser California SIDS Study Publications

Li DK, Pettiti DB, Willinger M, Goldman R, Oduili R, Vu H, & Hoffman HJ. (2003). Infant sleep position and SIDS risk in California, 1997-2000. Am J Epidemiol, 157:446-455.

MFMU Network Publications

Goldenberg RL, Andrews WW, Guerrant RL, Newman M, Mercer B, Iams J, Moawad A, Meis P, Das A, Miodovnik M, Menard MK, Caritis S, Thurnau G, Bottoms S, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2000). Cervical lactoferrin concentration, other markers of lower genital-tract infection and preterm birth. Am J Obstet, 182(3):631-635.

Meis PJ, Goldenberg RL, Mercer BM, Iams JD, Moawad AH, Miodovnik M, Menard MK, Caritis SN, Thurnau GR, Dombrowski MP, Das A, Roberts JM, McNellis D, & the NICHD MFMU Network. (2000). Is socioeconomic status a risk factor for bacterial vaginosis in black or in white women? Am J Perinatology, 17:41-45.

Goldenberg RL, Iams JD, Mercer BM, Meis PH, Moawad AH, Miodovnik M, Dombrowski MO, Das A, Roberts JM, McNellis D, & the NICHD MFMU Network. (2000). Sequential cervical length and FFN testing for the prediction of spontaneous preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 182(3):636-643.

Goldenberg RL, Andrews WW, Mercer B, Iams J, Moawad A, Meis P, Das A, Miodovnik M, Menard MK, Caritis S, Thurnau G, Bottoms S, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2000). The Preterm Prediction Study: granulocyte colony stimulating factor and spontaneous preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 182(3):625-630.

Goldenberg RL & Das A. (2000). FFN and bacterial vaginosis in smokers and non-smokers. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 182(1):164-166.

Sibai BM, Caritis S, Hauth J, Lindheimer M, VanDorsten JP, MacPherson C, Klebanoff M, Landon M, Miodovnik M, Paul R, Meis P, & Dombrowski M for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2000). Risk of preeclampsia and adverse neonatal outcomes in women with pregestational diabetes mellitus. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 182(2):364-370.

Hogg B, Hauth JC, Meis PJ, Roberts JM, & Meikle S. (2000). Reply to: What is the meaning of authorship? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 183(3):775.

The NICHD MFMU Network Investigators, Goldsmith LT, & Weiss G. (2001). The Preterm Prediction Study: maternal serum relaxin, sonographic cervical length and spontaneous preterm birth in twins. J Soc Gynecol Investig, 8(1):39-42.

Alexander JM, Mercer BM, Miodovnik M, Thurnau GR, Goldenberg RL, Das AF, Meis PJ, Moawad AH, Iams JD, VanDorsten P, Paul RH, Dombrowski MP, Roberts JM, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2000). The impact of digital cervical examination on expectantly managed preterm ruptured membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 183(4):1003-1007.

Carey JC, Klebanoff MA, Hauth JC, Hillier SL, Thom EA, Ernest JM, Heine RP, Nugent RP, Fischer ML, Leveno KJ, Wapner R, Trout W, Moawad A, Sibai BM, Miodovnik M, Dombrowski M, O'Sullivan MJ, VanDorsten P, Langer O, & Roberts J for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2000). Metronidazole to prevent preterm birth among asymptomatic pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis. N Eng J Med, 342(8):534-540.

Mercer BM, Goldenberg, RL, Meis PJ, Moawad A, Shellhaas C, Das A, Menard K, Caritis S, Thurnau G, Dombrowski MP, Miodovnik M, Roberts JM, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2000). The Preterm Prediction Study: prediction of preterm premature rupture of the membranes through clinical findings and ancillary testing. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 183(3):738-745.

Newman RB, Goldenberg RL, Iams JD, Mercer BM, Meis PJ, Moawad AH, Caritis S, Thurnau G, Miodovnik M, Dombrowski MO, Das A, Roberts JM, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2001). Occupational fatigue and preterm premature rupture of membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 184(3):438-446.

Andrews WW, Goldenberg RL, Mercer BM, Moawad A, Das A, VanDorsten P, Caritis S, Thurnau G, Miodovnik M, Roberts JM, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2000). The Preterm Prediction Study: association of second trimester genitourinary chlamydia infection with subsequent spontaneous preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 183(3):662-668.

Goepfert AR, Mercer BM, Iams J, Meis P, Moawad M, Thom E, VanDorsten JP, Caritis S, Thurnau G, Miodovnik M, Dombrowski M, Roberts JM, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2000). The Preterm Prediction Study: quantitative FFN values and the prediction of spontaneous preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 183(6):1480-1483.

Goepfert AR, Mercer BM, Iams J, Meis P, Moawad M, Thom E, VanDorsten JP, Caritis S, Thurnau G, Miodovnik M, Dombrowski M, Roberts JM, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2001). The Preterm Prediction Study: association between cervical interleukin-6, FFN, and spontaneous preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 184(3):483-388.

Goldenberg RL, Klebanoff M, Carey JC, Ernest J, Heine RP, MacPherson C, Leveno KJ, Wapner RJ, Varner M, Moawad A, Dombrowski MP, O'Sullivan MJ, VanDorsten PJ, Langer O, Roberts JM, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2000). Vaginal FFN measurements from 8 to 22 weeks' gestation and subsequent spontaneous preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 183(2):469-75.

Iams JD, Goldenberg RL, Mercer BM, Moawad A, Meis PJ, Das A, Caritis S, Miodovnik M, Menard MK, Thurnau G, Dombrowski MP, & Roberts JM for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2001). The Preterm Prediction Study: can low-risk women destined for spontaneous preterm birth be identified? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 184(4):652-655.

Branch DW, Porter TF, Rittenhouse L, Caritis S, Sibai B, Hauth J, Lindheimer MD, Klebanoff M, MacPherson C, VanDorsten P, Landon M, Paul R , Miodovnik M, Meis PJ, & Thurnau G for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2001). Antiphospholipid antibodies in women at risk for preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 184(5):825-834.

Sibai BM, Hauth J, Caritis S, Lindheimer MD, MacPherson C, Klebanoff M, VanDorsten JP, Landon M, Miodovnik M, Paul R, Meis P, Thurnau G, Dombrowski M, Roberts J, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2000). Hypertensive disorders in twin versus singleton gestations. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 182(4):938-942.

Goldenberg RL, Iams JD, Mercer BM, Meis PJ, Moawad A, Das A Miodovnik M, VanDorsten PJ, Caritis SN, Thurnau G, & Dombrowski MP for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2001). The Preterm Prediction Study: toward a multiple marker test for spontaneous preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 185(3):643-651.

Iams JD, Newman RB, Thom EA, Goldenberg RL, Mueller-Heubach E, Moawad A, Sibai BH, Caritis SN, Miodovnik M, Paul RH, Dombrowski M, & Thurnau G for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2002). Uterine contraction frequency and preterm birth. N Eng J Med, 346(4):250- 255.

Goldenberg RL, Klebanoff M, Carey JC, & MacPherson C for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2001). Metronitazole treatment of women with positive FFN test result. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 185(2):485-486.

Sibai B, Caritis S, Hauth J, MacPherson C, VanDorsten J, Klebanoff M, Landon M, Paul R, Meis P, Miodovnik M, Dombrowski M, Thurnau G, Moawad A, & Roberts J for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2000). Preterm delivery in women with pregestational diabetes mellitus or chronic hypertension relative to women with uncomplicated pregnancies. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 183(6):1520-1524.

Ramsey PS, Tamura T, Goldenberg RL, Mercer BM, Iams JD, Meis PJ, Moawad AH, Das A, VanDorsten JP, Caritis SN, Thurnau G, & Miodovnik M for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2002). The Preterm Prediction Study: elevated cervical ferritin levels at 22-24 weeks' gestation are associated with spontaneous preterm delivery in asymptomatic women. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 186(3):458-463.

Owen J, Yost N, Berghalla V, Thom E, Swain M, Dildy G, Miodovnik M, Langer O, Sibai B, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2001). Mid-trimester endovaginal sonography in women at high risk for spontaneous preterm birth. JAMA, 286(11):1340-1348.

Moawad A, Goldenberg RL, Mercer B, Meis PJ, Iams, JD, Das A, Caritis SN, Miodovnik M, Menard MK, Thurnau GR, Dombrowski M, & Roberts JM for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2002). The Preterm Prediction Study: the value of serum alkaline phosphatase, alphafetoprotein, and plasma CHR and other serum markers for the prediction of spontaneous preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 186(5):990-996.

Klebanoff MA, Carey JC, Hauth JC, Hillier SL, Nugent RP, Thom EA, Ernest JM, Heine RP, Wapner RJ, Trout W, Moawad A, Leveno KJ, Miodovnik M, Sibai BM, VanDorsten JP, Dombrowski MP, O'Sullivan MJ, Varner M, Langer O, McNellis D, & Roberts JM for the for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2001). Failure of metronidazole to prevent preterm birth among asymptomatic pregnant women with Trichomonas Vaginalis. N Eng J Med, 345(7):487-493.

Wang EY, Woodruff TK, Moawad A, Goldenberg RL, Mercer BM, Iams JD, Meis PJ, VanDorsten PJ, Caritis SN, Thurnau G, & Das A for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2002). Follistatin-free activin A is not associated with preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 186(3):464-9.

Harger JH, Ernest JM, Thurnau GR, Moawad A, Momirova V, McNellis D, Landon MB, Paul R, Miodovnik M, Dombrowski M, Sibai B, & VanDorsten P for NICHD MFMU Network. (2002). Risk factors and outcome of varicella zoster pneumonia in pregnant women. J Infectious Diseases, 15,185(4):422-427.

Buchbinder A, Sibai B, Caritis S, MacPherson C, Hauth J, Lindheimer M, Klebanoff M, VanDorsten P, Landon M, Paul R, Miodovnik M, Meis P, & Thurnau G for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2002). Adverse perinatal outcomes are significantly higher in severe gestational hypertension than in mild preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 186(1):66-71.

Harger J, Ernest J, Thurnau G, Moawad A, Thom E, Landon M, Paul R, Miodovnik M, Dombrowski M, Sibai B, VanDorsten P, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2002). Frequency of congenital varicella syndrome in a prospective cohort of 347 pregnant women. Obstet Gynecol, 100(2):260-5.

Hnat MD, Sibai BM, Caritis S, Hauth J, Lindheimer MD, MacPherson C, VanDorsten JP, Landon M, Miodovnik M, Paul R, Meis P, Thurnau G, & Dombrowski M. (2002). Perinatal outcome in women with recurrent preeclampsia compared with women who develop preeclampsia as nulliparas. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 186(3):422-6.

Schatz M, Dombrowski M, Wise R, Thom EA, Landon M, Mabie W, Newman R, Hauth J, Lindheimer M, Caritis S, Leveno K, Meis P, Miodovnik M, Wapner R, Paul R, Verner M, O'Sullivan M, Thurnau G, Conway D, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (In press). Asthma morbidity during pregnancy can be predicted by asthma severity classification. Am J Res and Crit Care Med.

Berghella V, Klebanoff M, McPherson C, Carey C, Hauth JC, Ernest JM, Heine RP, Wapner R, Trout W, Moawad A, Miodovnik M, Leveno K, Sibai B, VanDorsten JP, Dombrowski MP, O'Sullivan MJ, Varner M, & Langer O for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2002). Sexual intercourse association with asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis and Trichomonas vaginalis treatment in relationship to preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 187(5):1277-1276.

Landon MB, Thom E, Spong CY, Gabbe SG, Leindecker S, Johnson F, Lain K, Miodovnik M, & Carpenter M. (2002). A planned, randomized clinical trial of treatment for mild GDM. J Mat-Fet Neo Med, 11:1-6.

Hauth J, Carey JC, Klebanoff M, Hillier S, MacPherson C, Ernest JM, Fischer ML, Heine P, Nugent R, Wapner RJ, Trout W, Moawad A, Leveno K, Miodovnik M, Sibai B, VanDorsten JP, Dombrowski M, O'Sullivan M, Varner M, Langer O, and the NICHD MFMU Network. (2003). Early pregnancy threshold vaginal pH and gram stain scores predictive of subsequent preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 188(3):831-5.

Andrews WW, Sibai BM, Thom EA, Dudley D, Ernest JM, McNellis D, Leveno KJ, Wapner R, Moawad A, O'Sullivan MJ, Caritis SN, Iams JD, Langer O, Miodovnik M, Dombrowski M, and the NICHD MFMU Network. (2003). A randomized clinical trial of metronidazole plus erythromycin to prevent spontaneous preterm delivery in FFN-positive women. Obstet Gynecol, 101:847-855.

Meis P, Klebanoff M, Thom E, Dombrowski M, Sibai S, Moawad A, Spong C, Hauth J, Miodovnik M, Varner M, Leveno K, Caritis S, Iams J, Wapner R, Conway D, O'Sullivan M, Carpenter M, Mercer B, Ramin S, Thorp J, & Peaceman A for the NICHD MFMU Network. (2003). Prevention of recurrent preterm delivery by 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate. N Eng J Med, 348:2379-85.

Newman RB, Johnson F, Das A, Goldenberg RL, Swain M, Moawad A, Sibai BM, Caritis SN, Miodovnik M, Paul RH, Dombrowski MP, Collins-Sharp BA, & Fischer M for the NICHD MFMU Network. (In press). Uterine contraction frequency before and after successful tocolytic therapy for preterm uterine contractions. J Repro Med.

Schatz M, Dombrowski M, Wise R, Thom EA, Landon M, Mabie W, Newman R, Hauth J, Lindheimer M, Caritis S, Leveno K, Meis P, Miodovnik M, Wapner R, Paul R, Verner M, O'Sullivan M, Thurnau G, Conway D, & McNellis D for the NICHD MFMU Network. (In press). Asthma morbidity during pregnancy can be predicted by asthma severity classification. Am J Res and Crit Care Med.

NRN and MLS Publications

Demarini S, Donnelly MM, Hoath SB, Specker BL, Dollberg S, Ho M, & Donovan EF. (1999). Antenatal corticosteroids increase neonatal blood pressure in VLBW infants. J Perinatology, 19(6):419-425.

Donovan EF, Tyson JE, Ehrenkranz RA, Verter J, Wright LL, Korones SB, Bauer CR, Shankaran S, Stoll BJ, Fanaroff AF, Oh W, Lemons JA, Stevenson DK, & Papile LA. (1999). Inaccuracy of the new Ballard Score before 28 weeks' gestation. J Pediatr, 135:147- 52.

ElSohly MA, Stanford DF, Murphy TP, Lester BM, Walls HC, Wright LL, Smeriglio VL, Verter J, Bauer CR, Shankaran S, & Bada HS. (1999). Immunoassay and GC/MS procedures for the analysis of drugs of abuse in meconium. J Anal Toxicol, 23:436-45.

Ehrenkranz RA, Younes N, Lemons JA, Fanaroff AA, Donovan EF, Wright LL, Katsikiotis V, Verter J, Tyson JE, Oh W, Shankaran S, Bauer CR, Korones SB, Stoll BJ, Stevenson DK, & Papile LA. (1999). Longitudinal growth of hospitalized VLBW infants. Pediatrics, 104:280- 9.

McCain GC, Donovan EF, & Gartside P. (1999). Preterm infant behavioral and heart rate responses to antenatal phenobarbital. Res Nurs Health, 22:461-70.

Sokol GM, Van Meurs KP, Wright LL, Rivera O, Thorn WJ, Chu P, & Sams RL. (1999). NICHD NRN, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): nitrogen dioxide formation during inhaled NO therapy. Clin Chem, 45(3):382-7.

Stoll BJ, Temprosa M, Tyson JE, Papile LA, Wright LL, Bauer CR, Donovan EF, Korones SB, Lemons JA, Fanaroff AA, Stevenson DK, Oh W, Ehrenkranz RA, Shankaran S, & Verter J. (1999). Infectious complications among VLBW patients enrolled in the NICHD dexamethasone trial. Pediatrics, 104:e63.

Tyson JE, Wright LL, Oh W, Kennedy KA, Mele L, Ehrenkranz RA, Stoll BJ, Lemons JA, Stevenson DK, Bauer CR, Korones SB, Fanaroff AA, Donovan EF, Carlo WA, Shankaran S, Stark AR, Papile L, Jobe A, Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis M, & Verter J for the NICHD NRN. (1999). A multicenter randomized trial of vitamin A supplementation for ELBW infants. N Eng J Med, 340:1962-8.

Neonatal Inhaled NO Study Group. (2000). Inhaled NO and hypoxic respiratory failure in nearterm infants: neurodevelopmental follow-up at 18-24 months. J Pediatr, 136:611-7.

Stevenson DK, Verter J, Fanaroff AA, Oh W, Ehrenkranz RA, Shankaran S, et al. (2000). Sex differences in outcomes of VLBW infants: the newborn male disadvantage. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal, 83(3):F182-F185.

Vohr BR, Wright LL, Dusick AM, Mele L, Verter J, Steichen JJ, Simon NP, Wilson DC, Broyles S, Bauer CR, Delaney-Black V, Yolton KA, Fleisher BE, Papile L, & Kaplan MD. (2000). Neurodevelopmental and functional outcome of ELBW infants: the NICHD NRN Follow-up Study. Pediatrics, 105:1216-1226.

Walsh-Sukys MC, Fanaroff AA, Bauer CR, Korones SB, Stevenson DK, Tyson JE, Verter J, Wright LL, Stoll BJ, Lemons JA, Papile LA, Donovan EF, Shankaran S, Oh W, & Ehrenkranz RA for the NICHD NRN. (2000). Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) in the era before NO: practice variation and outcomes. Pediatrics, 105:14- 20.

The STOP-ROP Multicenter Study Group. (2000). Therapeutic Oxygen for Prethreshold Retinopathy of Prematurity (STOP-ROP), a randomized, controlled trial: primary outcomes. Pediatrics, 105(2):295-310.

Hintz SR, Gaylord TD, Oh W, Fanaroff AA, Mele L, & Stevenson DK for the NICHD NRN. (2001). Serum bilirubin levels at 72 hours by selected characteristics in breast and formulafed term infants delivered by cesarean section. Acta Paediatr, 90:776-781.

Lemons JA, Bauer CR, Oh W, Korones SB, Papile L, Stoll BJ, VerterJ, Temprosa M, Wright LL, Ehrenkranz RA, Fanaroff AA, Stark AR, Carlo WA, Tyson JE, Donovan EF, Shankaran S, & Stevenson DK. (2001). VLBW outcomes of the NICHD NRN, January 1995 through December 1996. Pediatrics, 107:e1.

Lester BM, ElSohly M, Walls HC, Wright LL, Smeriglio VL, Verter J, Bauer CR, Shankaran S, Bada HS, Finnegan L, & Maza PL. (2001). The MLS: drug use by meconium toxicology and maternal self-report. Pediatrics, 107:309-17.

Ohls RK, Ehrenkranz RA, Lemons JA, Korones SB, Stoll BJ, Stark AR, Wright LL, Shankaran S, Donovan EF, & Zimmerman N. (2001). Effects of early EPO therapy on the transfusion requirements of preterm infants below 1,250 grams birth weight: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics, 108:934-42.

Schmidt, B, Davis, P, Moddemann, D, Ohlsson A, Roberts, RS, Saigal S, Solimano A, Vincer M, Wright LL, and the TIPP Investigators. (2001). Effects of prophylactic indomethacin on survival without sensory impairments in ELBW infants. N Engl J Med, 344:1966-72.

Sokol GM, Fineberg, NS, Wright LL, & Ehrenkranz RA. (2001). Changes in arterial oxygen tension when weaning neonates from inhaled NO. Pediatric Pulmonol, 32:14-9.

Stark AR, Carlo WA, Tyson JE, Papile L-A, Wright LL, Shankaran S, Donovan EF, Oh W, Bauer CR, Saha S, Poole WK, Stoll BJ, Fanaroff AA, Ehrenkranz RA, Korones SB, & Stevenson DK for the NICHD NRN. (2001). Adverse effects of early dexamethasone in ELBW infants. N Engl J Med, 344:95-101.

Andreozzi L, Flanagan P, Seifer R, Brunner S, & Lester B. (2002). Attachment classifications among 18-month-old children of adolescent mothers (MLS ancillary). Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 156(1):20-6.

Bada HS, Bauer CR, Shankaran S, Lester B, Wright LL, Das A, Verter J, Smeriglio VL, Finnegan LP, & Maza PL. (2002). Central and autonomic nervous systems (CNS/ANS) signs associated with in utero exposure to cocaine/opiates. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal, 87(2):F106-12.

Bada HS, Das A, Bauer CR, Shankaran S, Lester B, Wright LL, Verter J, Smeriglio VL, Finnegan L, & Maza P. (2002). Intrauterine growth of infants exposed to cocaine and/or opiates in utero: Maternal Lifestyle Study. Obstet Gynecol, 100(5):916-24.

Bauer CR, Shankaran S, Bada HS, Lester BM, Wright LL, Krause-Steinrauf H, Smeriglio VL, Finnegan LP, Maza PL, & Verter J. (2002). The MLS: drug exposure during pregnancy and short-term maternal outcomes. Amer J Obstet Gynecol, 186:487-495.

Carlo WA, Stark AR, Wright LL, Tyson JE, Papile LA, Shankaran A, Donovan EF, Oh W, Bauer CR, Saha S, Poole WK, & Stoll B for the NICHD NRN. (2002). Minimal ventilation to prevent bronchopulmonary dysplasia in ELBW infants. J Pediatr, 141(3):370-4.

Lester BM, Tronick EZ, LaGasse L, Seifer R, Bauer CR, Shankaran S, Bada HS, Wright LL, Smeriglio VL, Lu J, Finnegan LP, & Maza PL. (2002). The MLS: effects of substance exposure during pregnancy on neurodevelopmental outcome in one-month old infants. Pediatrics, 110(6):1182-92.

Schmidt B, Wright, LL, Davis, P, Solimano, A, & Roberts RS. (2002). Ibuprofen prophylaxis in preterm neonates. Lancet, 360(9331):492.

Shankaran S, Papile, L, Wright, LL, Ehrenkranz RA, Mele L, Lemons JA, Korones SB, Stevenson DK, Donovan EF, Stoll BJ, Fanaroff AA, Oh W, & Verter J. (2002). Neurodevelopmental outcome following antenatal phenobarbital exposure in a multicenter randomized trial. Amer J Obstet and Gynecol, 187(1):171-7

Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Wright LL, Ehrenkranz RA, Donovan EF, Fanaroff AA, Stark AR, Tyson JE, Poole WK, Carlo WA, Lemons JA, Oh W, Stoll BJ, Papile LA, Bauer C, Stevenson DK, Korones SB, & McDonald S. (2002). Whole-body hypothermia for hypoxicischemic encephalopathy: animal observations as a basis for a randomized controlled pilot study in term infants. Pediatrics, 110:377-85.

Shankaran, S, Fanaroff, AA, Wright, LL, Stevenson DK, Donovan, EF, Ehrenkranz RA, Langer, JC, Korones, SB, Stoll, BJ, Tyson, JE, Bauer, CR, Lemons, JA, Oh W, & Papile LA. (2002). Risk factors for early death among ELBW infants. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 186(4):796- 802.

Stoll BJ, Hanson N, Fanaroff AA, Wright LL, Carlo WA, Ehrenkranz RA, Lemons JA, Donovan EF, Stark AR, Tyson JE, Oh W, Bauer CR, Korones SB, Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Stevenson DK, Papile LA, & Poole WK. (2002). A worrisome change in pathogen distribution among VLBW neonates with early-onset sepsis: the experience of the NICHD NRN. N Engl J Med, 347(4):240-7.

Stoll BJ, Hanson N, Fanaroff AA, Wright LL, Carlo WA, Ehrenkranz RA, Lemons JA, Donovan EF, Stark AR, Tyson JE, Oh W, Bauer CR, Korones SB, Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Stevenson DK, Papile LA, & Poole WK. (2002). Late-onset sepsis in VLBW neonates: the experience of the NICHD NRN. Pediatrics, 110(2 Pt 1):285-91.

Wright, LL. (2001). How to develop and manage a successful research network. Semin Pediatr Surg, 11(3):175-80.

Dusick AM, Poindexter BB, Ehrenkranz RA, & Lemons JA. (2003). Growth failure in the preterm infant: can we catch up? Semin Perinatol, 27(4):302-10.

Ehrenkranz RA & Wright LL. (2003). NICHD NRN: contributions and future challenges. Semin Perinatol, 27(4):264- 80.

Fanaroff AA, Hack M, & Walsh MC. (2003). The NICHD NRN: changes in practice and outcomes during the first 15 years. Semin Perinatol, 27(4):281-7.

LaGasse LL, Messinger D, Lester BM, Seifer R, Tronick, EZ, Bauer CR, Shankaran S, Bada HS, Wright LL, Smeriglio VL, Finnegan LP, Maza PL, & Liu J. (2003). Prenatal drug exposure and maternal and infant feeding behavior. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed, 88(5):F391- F399.

Lester BM, Lagasse L, Seifer R, Tronick EZ, Bauer CR, Shankaran S, Bada HS, Wright LL, Smeriglio VL, Liu J, Finnegan LP, & Maza PL. (2003). The MLS: effects of prenatal cocaine and/or opiate exposure on auditory brain response at one month. Pediatrics, 142(3):279-85.

Oh W, Tyson JE, Fanaroff AA, Vohr BR, Perritt R, Stoll BJ, Ehrenkranz RA, Carlo, WA, Shankaran S, Poole WK, & Wright LL. (2003). Association between peak serum bilirubin and neurodevelopmental outcomes in ELBW infants. Pediatrics, 112(4):773-9.

Poindexter BB, Ehrenkranz RA, Stoll BJ, Koch MA, Wright LL, Oh W, Papile LA, Bauer CR, Carlo WA, Donovan EF, Fanaroff AA, Korones SB, Laptook AR, Shankaran S, Stevenson DK, Tyson JE, & Lemons JA. (2003). Effect of parenteral glutamine supplementation on plasma amino acid concentrations in ELBW infants. Am J Clin Nutr, 77(3):737-43.

Shankaran S, Bauer CR, Bada HS, Lester B, Wright LL, & Das A. (2003). Health care utilization among mothers and infants following cocaine exposure. J Perinatol, 23(5):361- 367.

Shankaran S & Laptook A. (2003). Challenge of conducting trials of neuroprotection in the asphyxiated term infant. Semin Perinatol, 27(4):320-32.

Sokol GM & Ehrenkranz RA. (2003). Inhaled NO therapy in neonatal hypoxic respiratory failure: insights beyond primary outcomes. Semin Perinatol, 27(4):311-9.

St John EB & Carlo WA. (2003). Respiratory distress syndrome in VLBW infants: changes in management and outcomes observed by the NICHD NRN. Semin Perinatol, 27(4):288-92.

Stoll BJ & Hansen N. (2003). Infections in VLBW infants: studies from the NICHD NRN. Semin Perinatol, 27(4):293-301.

Strand M & Jobe AH. (2003). The multiple negative randomized controlled trials in perinatology—why? Semin Perinatol, 27(4):343-50.

Vohr BR, O'Shea M, & Wright LL. (2003). Longitudinal multicenter follow-up of high-risk infants: why, who, when, and what to assess. Semin Perinatol, 27(4):333-42.

Wadhawan R, Vohr BR, Fanaroff AA, Perritt RL, Duara S, Stoll BJ, Goldberg R, Laptook A, Poole K, Wright LL, & Oh W. (2003). Does labor influence neonatal and neurodevelopmental outcomes of ELBW infants who are born by cesarean delivery? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 189(2):501-6.

Castro L, Yolton K, Haberman B, Roberto N, Hansen NS, Ambalavanan N, Vohr BR, & Donovan EF. (In press). Bias in reported neurodevelopmental outcomes among ELBW survivors. Pediatrics.

Das A, Poole WK, & Bada HS. (In press). A repeated measures approach for simultaneous modeling of multiple neurobehavioral outcomes in newborns exposed to cocaine in utero. Am J Epidemiology.

Konduri G, Solimano A, Sokol GM, Singer J, Ehrenkranz RA, Singhal N, Wright LL, VanMeurs K, Stork E, Kirpalani H, & Peliowski A for the Neonatal Inhaled NO Study Group. (In press). A randomized trial of early versus standard inhaled NO therapy in term and near-term newborn infants with hypoxic respiratory failure. Pediatrics.

Messinger DS, Bauer CR, Das A, Seifer R, Lester BM, LaGasse LL, Wright LL, Shankaran S, Bada HS, Smeriglio VL, Langer JC, & Poole WK. (In press). The MLS: cognitive, motor, and behavioral outcomes of cocaine-exposed and opiate-exposed infants through three years of age. Pediatrics.

Poindexter BB, Ehrenkranz RA, Stoll BJ, Wright LL, Poole WK, Oh W, Bauer CR, Papile L, Tyson JE, Carlo WA, Laptook AR, Narendran V, Stevenson DK, Fanaroff AA, Korones SB, Shankaran S, Finer NN, & Lemons JA. (In press). Parenteral glutamine supplementation does not reduce the risk of mortality or late-onset sepsis in ELBW infants. Pediatrics.

Seifer R, LaGasse LL, Lester B, Bauer DR, Shankaran S, Bada HS, Wright LL, Smeriglio VL, & Liu J. (In press). Attachment status in children prenatally exposed to cocaine and other substances. Child Development.

Stoll BJ, Hansen N, Fanaroff AA, & Lemons JA. (In press). Enterobacter Sakazakii is a rare cause of neonatal sepsis/meningitis in VLBW infants. Journal of Pediatrics.

Stoll BJ, Hansen N, Fanaroff AA, Wright LL, Carlo WA, Ehrenkranz RA, Lemons JA, Donovan EF, Stark AR, Tyson JE, Oh W, Bauer CR, Korones SB, Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Stevenson DK, Papile L, & Poole WK. (In press). To tap or not to tap: high likelihood of meningitis without sepsis among VLBW infants. Pediatrics.

Vohr BR, Wright LL, Dusick AM, Perritt R, Poole WK, Delaney-Black V, Yolton K, Broyles S, Tyson JE, Steichen JJ, Bauer CR, Fleisher BE, Papile LA, Wilson DC, Simon NP, & Kaplan MD for the NICHD NRN. (In press). Site differences and outcomes of ELBW infants. Pediatrics.

Please note that Don McNellis, Susie meikle, and Linda Wright (names in bold above) are no longer PPB personnel, but were part of the Branch when the above papers were published.

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