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"Our core business is GIS."

The King County Geographic Information System (KCGIS) is a coordinated regional geographic information resource that meets the business needs of King County, local agencies, and the general public. KCGIS comprises centrally managed core GIS resources, as well as GIS activity that is distributed across twelve county departments and related to the business activities of the agencies within those departments.

The King County GIS Center mission is to deliver top value to the region by providing efficient, high-quality GIS leadership, coordination, infrastructure, and services that meet the business needs of King County and the communities we serve.

The GIS Center goals are to:

  • Preserve the County’s investment in GIS by prudent, coordinated operation and maintenance.

  • Provide responsive and innovative GIS services to King County customers within an efficient business environment.

  • Continue logical, enterprise-based and business-driven development of KCGIS data, applications, systems, staff, and regional coordination.

To achieve these goals, the GIS Center is organized to:

  • Manage the coordination of GIS activity across county departments

  • Provide guidance, expertise, and oversight for the KCGIS community

  • Administer the core KCGIS database

  • Administer the core system components that provide access to the KCGIS database

  • Coordinate countywide GIS hardware and software purchase and maintenance contracts

  • Support maintenance of core GIS data by county departments

  • Develop and maintain a standard GIS data and application front end.

An additional resource we provide to King County is the GIS Center Client Services Group. This group is composed of staff available for GIS-related projects, services, consulting, and products on a charge-back cost reimbursable basis. Examples of the GIS Center’s client service offerings include:

  • Custom GIS-based map development

  • Department GIS environment customization

  • Custom GIS application development

  • Custom cartography

  • Technical writing

  • GIS training

  • GIS data development.

See more about Client Services go to client services

For more information about the King County GIS Center, feel free to contact me:

George Horning
King County GIS Center Manager mail to George Horning
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Revised October 17, 2002


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