Seal of U.S. Department of Labor
U.S. Department of Labor
Employment & Training Administration

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Policy Initiatives

WIRED Initiative (Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development) is an ETA initiative funding thirteen sites where universities, companies, government, and workforce and economic development organizations partner to transform and rebuild their regional economy.

Are We Losing the Best and the Brightest: Highly Achieved Women Leaving the Traditional Workforce – This report looks at the reasons why "highly achieved" women, those who have reached top management positions in their previous employment, leave the traditional workforce. Through focus groups and interviews with women who have left the traditional workforce, employers, senior women employees, and other stakeholders, the study seeks to understand how they spend their time currently, gauge their level of interest in returning to the traditional workforce, and gain perspectives from current employees and employers.

Immigrant Workforce Integration Initiative - is actively studying the integration of immigrants into the U.S. workforce with the ultimate aim of recommending ETA actions that will support our country's economic competitiveness through the labor contributions of immigrants in an increasingly global economy.

Individuals with Disabilities Initiative – is committed to “Integrating Americans with Disabilities into the Workforce.” by expanding educational and employment opportunities and promoting full access to community life for people with disabilities. ETA leads and participates in many inter-agency activities to improve services and outcomes for people with disabilities who are served through the One-Stop Career Center system.

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and Hispanic Worker Initiatives aim to improve access to our federally conducted and federally assisted programs and activities for persons who, as a result of national origin, are limited in their English proficiency. Also, seeks to develop strategies that ensure Hispanic American children and families are better served through DOL employment and training programs.

Older Worker Initiative is taking steps to enhance the workforce system's ability to serve older workers, and pursuing new strategies and special initiatives to link older Americans to employers, encouraging them to remain active in the American labor force.

Technology-Based Learning Initiative – an effort to help advance the use of technology for training within the workforce investment system in order to move workers into high growth, high demand occupations and meet the needs of industry for skilled employees.

The President's High Growth Job Training Initiative targets education and skills development resources toward helping workers gain the skills they need to build successful careers in growing industries.

The President's Community-Based Job Training Grants primary purpose is to build the capacity of community colleges to train workers in the skills required to succeed in high growth, high demand industries.

The President's Prisoner Re-entry Initiative calls for collaborative efforts among the Departments of Labor, Justice, and Housing and Urban Development to serve urban centers and areas with the greatest need. It seeks to reduce recidivism by helping non-violent, former prisoners find work and stable housing when they return to their communities.

Asian American Workforce Development Strategy – This study seeks to provide a better understanding of employment issues facing Asian American and Pacific Islander populations in the United States today, the experiences of these populations with the One-Stop Career Center system, and the relationship between One-Stop Career Centers and community-based organizations in serving Asian American and Pacific Islander populations.