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  National Threat Level: Elevated

Coast Guard Inspirational Leadership Awards

The Office of Leadership and Professional Development sponsors four annual leadership awards: Awards Process (for the Witherspoon, McShan, and Putnam awards) In addition, we manage two Navy League leadership awards:  Awards Process

2008 Inspirational Leadership Awards

MCPOCG Charles "Skip" Bowen, DCC Steven Simpson, Dr. Laurel Goulet,  LCDR Olav Saboe, Mr. Alfred Verdi, and ADM Thad Allen on 27 March 2008  at Coast Guard Headquarters.

These people were selected for the Inspirational Leadership Awards in 2008: 

Witherspoon Award

Winner: LCDR Olav Saboe, Air Station New Orleans

McShan Award

Winner: DCC Steven Simpson, Training Center Petaluma

Putnam Award

Winner: Dr. Laurel Goulet, Coast Guard Academy

Greanoff Award

Winner: Mr. Alfred Verdi, District 11-Southern Region, Flotilla 12-4

Award Recipients To Date

Witherspoon Inspirational Leadership Award

2008 LCDR Olav Saboe
2007 CWO2 Edwin Martin
2006 CDR Scott Kitchen  
2005 LCDR Adrian West
2004 CDR Keith Smith
2003 LCDR James Elliott
2002 CDR Lynn Henderson
2001 LT Michael Davanzo
2000 CDR Michael Ghizzoni
1999 LCDR Philip Ross
1998 LCDR Karl Schultz
1997 LT Russell Davidson
1996 LCDR Timothy O’Leary
1995 CDR Manson Brown

McShan Inspirational Leadership Award

2008 DCC Steven Simpson
2007 YNC Linda Laswell
2006 BMC Heath Jones  
2005 DCC Travis Lovvorn
2004 SKC Stacey Dolly
2003 BMC Terry Lathrop
2002 EMC Jerome Rider 

Putnam Inspirational Leadership Award

2008 Dr. Laurel Goulet
2007 Ms. Sheila Shepard
2006 Ms. Kathleen Thore  
2005 Mrs. Norma Bullock

Greanoff Inspirational Leadership Award

2008 Mr. Alfred Verdi
2007 Ms. Christella (Chris) Gress

Jarvis Award for Inspirational Leadership

2007 CWO4 Stephen Lyons
2006 LT Joseph Leonard
2005 CWO Thomas Guthlein
2004 LTJG Joseph Abeyta
2003 LTJG Eric Matthies
2002 LT Michael Batchelder
2001 LT Tracy Wannamaker
2000 CWO3 Curtis Bradley

Munro Award for Inspirational Leadership

2007 BMC Timothy Guy
2006 BMC George Williams
2005 FSC Richard Sambenedetto, Jr.
2004 MKC Timothy Cotton
2003 PO1 Shannon Davis
2002 GM1 Stephane Corriveau
2001 BMCS John Buchanan
2000 BMC Brian Klimeck

Last Modified 9/18/2008