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Class Information
Updated August 12, 2008

Click on the categories below to access the documents.  Use your browser's back button to return to this page.

General Information   Applicable Laws 
Army National Guard  Guidance & Director's Memos Legal   Miscellanous Information  
Notebook References  Regulations and Agreements 

General Information 

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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
NCTC Library

Applicable Laws

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ESA - all
FWS NEPA Reference Handbook
NEPA 1969

Army National Guard 

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98 - Camp Rilea - Oregon Examples

Camp Atterbury

Camp Shelby

Guidance and Director's Memos

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Decision File & Admin Record Guidance - 06-27-06
Decision on Deliberative Process for Emails - 09-05-02 - DOI
Director's Memo - Conservation Banking Guidance - 05-02-03
DIRECTOR'S ORDER NO. 194- Subject: Extension of the Redelegation of Authority for Intra-Service Endangered Species Act Section 7 Findings
ESA Policies Table - July 05 - Relevance
Evaluating the Net Benefit of Hazardous Fuels Treatment Projects - 01-13-03
FS-BLM Agreement for ESA Right-of-Way Access 01-30-03
Guidance for the Establishment, Use, and Operation of Conservation Banks
Information Quality - OMB - 02-22-02
Information Quality Guidelines - Department of Commerce - 10-01-02
Information Quality Guidelines - Department of Interior - 10-01-02
Information Quality Guidelines - Fish & Wildlife Service
Information Quality Guidelines - NOAA Fisheries - 09-30-02
Interested Party - Emergency Consultation Guidance - 03-03-06
Region 1 - Delegation of Section 7 Signature Authority - 08-01-06
Secretarial Order 3206 - Tribal Trust Responsibilities - 06-05-97
SOL guidance re:writing defensible decisions and rules - 2006
Streamling Guidance - Hazardous Fuels Treatment Projects - 01-13-03


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All American Canal - FWS Memo (ESA Transboundary)
All American Canal - Summary Judgment 07-03-06
All America Canal - Court Order 07-03-06
Cattle Growers I - Solicitor's Review - 06-02-02
Cattle Growers II - Forest Guardians v Johanns - 06-13-06
District Court Decision - Deliberative Process Privalige by FWS -0 6-30-02
Gifford Pinchot Task Force vs USFWS - Spotted Owl - 08-06-04
Lynx - T vs E - Defenders of Wildlife v Gale Norton - 12-26-02
Mexican Spotted Owl Critical Habitat - CBD v Gale Norton - 01-13-03
Pilchuck Audubon and PEER vs NOAA Fisheries - Salmon in Washington 07-18-01

Miscellaneous Information

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Affect vs Effect
BA Preparation and Review - 03-10-93
Beyond Harm - Vanderbilt Law Review - Vol 52
Exposure Sample Spreadsheet - Bair Island -0 5-02-07
FWS - Endangered Species Program link
The Military & the ESA - Fact Sheet
Using Anecdotal Occurance Data for Rare or Elusive Species - Bioscience - 06-08
Web-Based, Integrated Planning & Consultation System Description 02-06
Web-based Information, Planning, and Consultation System

Notebook References

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50 CFR Preamble 600.920 NOAA Fish EFH Cons. Recs.
A - Pertinent Websites
B - 50CFR402 - sec7regs
C - 50CFR424 - Listing T&E and CH
D - 50CFR17.1 - 17.3 - FWS T&E
E - 50 CFR 17.40-17.96 – Selected Readings
F - 50CFR222 - NMFS T&E Subpart A
Ga - 50 CFR 600 Consultation Guidance Definitions
Gb - 50 CFR 600.10 Definitions
Gc - 50 CFR 600.920 - EFH BA Contents
H - CEQ-NEPA Part 1508
I - NEPA Glossary
J - Legislated Timelines
J - NEPA - ESA Gross Overview
K- Glossary of ESA terms
L - BA Contents Rev 05
M - Developing Conservation Strategies and BMPs
N - Surviving & Recovering + Exposure Profile
Oa - BA template--updated 05-29-03
Ob - BA Format and checklist
P - Cover Letter - Consultation Request Memo 26 Nov 03
Q - SECRETARIAL ORDER # 3206 - adjust left margin
R - BLM & FS Manual Sections
S - Evaluating the Net Benefits of Hazardous Fuels Treatments 12-10-2002 short term vs long term_final
T - Interested Party - Emergency Consultation Guidance
U - Consultation Agreement - Yuma RMP_BLM USFWS Consultation Agreement

Regulations and Agreement

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50 CFR 402 - Implementing Regulations for Section 7
50 CFR 402 - Preamble -06-03-86
Definition of Harm - 11-08-99.pdf
MOA - BLM-FS - Section 7 Programmatic Consultations - 10-10-00
MOA - EPA - Clean Water Act & ESA 02-22-01
MOU - NRCS-Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies - 02-16-07
MOU - NRCS-USGS-FSA - Information Sharing - 03-22-07
NOAA Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions - Essential Fish Habitat - 01-17-02
Section 7 Consultation Handbook

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National Conservation Training Center
698 Conservation Way
Shepherdstown, West Virginia 25443
U S Fish and Wildlife Service