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What is the Counter-Terrorism Section
Lieutenant Jason Bledsoe
Lieutenant Jason Bledsoe
The Oregon State Police’s Counter-Terrorism Section began as the “Office of Public Safety and Security,” following its creation by former Superintendent Ronald C. Ruecker after the events of September 11, 2001.
The activities of personnel assigned to this section include active investigations of international, domestic and biological terrorism with federal law enforcement partners, coordination of similar federal and local investigations, and involvement in domestic preparedness issues. The section works closely with the Arson/Explosives Section of the Oregon State Police.
The section provides law enforcement support and coordination to the Governor's Homeland Security Advisor and Oregon’s Adjutant General, Major General Raymond F. Rees.
Supervisors and Detectives assigned to this office must qualify for and receive appropriate national security clearances.
Lieutenant Jason Bledsoe oversees the section. He can be reached by phone or by email as provided below:

Oregon State Police
Lieutenant Jason Bledsoe

Any information provided regarding suspected terrorism activities will be treated confidentially.

Page updated: October 12, 2007

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