Reserve Mobilization/Demobilization Under Title 14 U.S.C.


  • Chapter 11 of the Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual. The chapter is a job aid for reserve mobilization and demobilization. It provides checklists, examples of orders, examples of travel vouchers, and other information required to complete the tasks associated with recall and release from active duty.

Topics on this page

  1. Entitlements on Title 14 Recall Orders
  2. Policy for Title 14 Orders Duration and Frequency
  3. Demobilization Processing

Entitlements on Title 14 Recall Orders

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R 141302Z SEP 06
UNCLAS //N07220//
ALCOAST 462/06
A. Title 14 U.S.C., Section 712
B. Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act Of 2006 (P.L. 109-241 Of July 11, 2006)
C. Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR)
D. Coast Guard Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29a
E. Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual, PSCINST M1000.2a, Ch. 11
F. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28a
G. Identification Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services, Their Eligible Family Members, and Other Eligible Personnel, COMDTINST M5512.1

1. Ref (a) provides authority to effect involuntary recall of ready reservists to active duty (AD) in support of natural or man-made disasters [ALCOAST 458/06 explains the changes. Title 14 Orders can now be issued for up to 60 days.]. The purpose of this ALCOAST is to provide policy clarification concerning entitlements for recalled reserve personnel. The intent is to ensure that recalled reserve personnel receive all compensation authorized under law or regulation under terms of their orders.

2. Reservists recalled to AD under involuntary recall orders per ref (a) are not ordered to a new Permanent Duty Station (PDS). This distinction precludes the issuance of permanent Change of Station (PCS) entitlements and is the conceptual foundation for the pay and allowance entitlements cited in this ALCOAST.

3. Travel and transportation entitlements:

a. Travel entitlements.

(1) Under ref (a) (as amended by ref (b)), reservists may be involuntarily ordered to active duty for up to 60 days and are authorized travel allowances.

(2) Involuntary active duty orders under authority of ref (a) are TDY type orders and must reflect the availability of govt quarters and messing. Govt quarters and messing shall be used to the maximum extent possible.

b. Per diem authority.

(1) Reservists involuntarily recalled to ad for up to 60 days whose principal place of residence is not within commuting distance of the ad site are entitled to applicable travel/per diem allowances for the entire period.  Absent a determination under par. 3.b.(2) below, a one-way reasonable commuting distance is considered 50 miles/one hour.

(2) Local order-issuing authorities are responsible for determining the local reasonable commuting distances within their AORs. Areas within a reasonable commuting distance are described in par. U3500-b of ref (c).

(3) In any event, regardless of the distance actually traveled, a member who voluntarily commutes between home and duty location is not authorized per diem or allowances, even if their residence lies outside the local reasonable commute distance. Recalled reservists in the local travel area, residing outside the limits of the duty location, may be authorized per diem when their duties require them to remain away from their principal place of residence to be authorized per diem. One round trip mileage to/from their residence is authorized for the entire TDY period.

(4) Members assigned to career sea pay eligible vessels are not authorized per diem.

4. Pay and allowances:

a. Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH).

(1) Reservists ordered to active duty under ref (a) for 30 days or less are entitled to the applicable BAH-RC rate for their respective pay grade and dependency status.

(2) Reservists ordered to active duty under ref (a) for 31 days or more are entitled to Locality-Based BAH (based upon the members residence) or Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) (if outside the united states) for their respective pay grade and dependency status. A member retains entitlement to Locality-Based BAH even if released from active duty (RELAD) before completion of the initial period of duty so long as the orders were initially issued for 31 or more days of consecutive active duty.

(3) If the initial orders for less than 31 days are extended or changed to ADSW-AC that extend duty periods beyond the initial 30 days, Locality-Based BAH (based upon the members residence) or OHA (if outside the united states) is authorized only if the new orders are for more than 30 days as computed from the date of amendment. Otherwise, BAH-RC remains the housing allowance entitlement. Example: a member is ordered to duty for a period of 30 days involuntary active duty under ref (a).  On day 15 of the active duty period, the orders are amended to extend the duration by 15 more days, for a total of 45 days active duty. Since, as of the date of amendment, the remaining period of active duty totals only 30 days, the housing allowance entitlement is BAH-RC. In the foregoing example, the amendment to orders on day 15 would have to be for an additional 16 or more days, making the remaining duration of active duty 31 days, in order for the member to become entitled to Locality-Based BAH. In the latter case, Locality-Based BAH would be payable only from the date of the amendment.

b. Subsistence allowance.

(1) BAS is authorized.

(2) Recalled reservists assigned to career sea pay eligible vessels will have discount meal rates deducted as appropriate.

c. Family Separation Housing Allowance (FSH). Recalled reserve personnel are not authorized FSH because they are not ordered to a Permanent Duty Station.

d. Family Separation Allowance (FSA). FSA is intended to compensate members with dependents for the additional expenses incurred because of family separation when members are assigned to a ship away from its homeport or in a TEMDU/TDY status away from (in this case) their dependents. FSA is not payable under involuntary active duty orders of 30 days or less duration. However, if the orders are for active duty periods of more than 30 days (either the initial duration or as amended), FSA may be authorized to start from the initial date of recall for personnel whose duty required them to be away from their dependents for a period of more than 30 consecutive days. However, if a mobilized reservist interrupted the initial 30 day period of family separation for any reason (such as a short visit during liberty), the 30 day separation period must be re-set.

e. Advance pay. Not applicable.

f. CONUS COLA. Reservists recalled under ref (a) are not authorized CONUS COLA.

g. Family Supplemental Subsistence Allowance (FSSA). Recalled reservists may be eligible for FSSA. See section 3-n of ref (d) concerning policy and application procedures.

h. Special and incentive pays. Reservists recalled to AD who perform duties under the same circumstances as active duty component members are eligible to receive any of the special/incentive pays listed in sections 4-b (CSP), 4-g (Dive Pay), 4-h (IDP/HFP), 4-i (SDAP), 4-j (PA Board Cert Pay), or 5-c (Flight Deck HDIP) of ref (d), and ALCOAST 353/04 (HDIP-VBSS) and ALCOAST 585/05(FLPP).  Reservists qualified for and ordered to duties for which Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) is authorized must have SDAP authorized on the orders (on original or by amendment) which recalled them to AD.

i. Uniform allowances. Enlisted reservists are entitled to BMA or SMA for orders of 30 or more days duration, and RBMA/RSMA for orders less than 30 days duration.

j. Ref (e) contains pay and personnel procedures related to reserve mobilizations for servicing personnel offices (SPOs). SPOs need to be extremely careful when preparing Title 14 orders in order to prevent overpayments/underpayments. See para 6.a. below regarding reserve order processing.

5. Benefits:

a. Leave. Leave is only earned for active duty periods of 30 or more consecutive days.  In instances where the AD period is extended by changing the type of orders all members who serve a combined consecutive period of 30 days or more, accrue 2.5 days of leave per month of active duty. Recalled reservists should, consistent with their unit’s operational requirements, be allowed and encouraged to use their accrued leave. Otherwise accrued leave must be sold at RELAD per section 10-a of ref (d).  All travel claims must be reviewed to ensure leave taken is annotated as such. Leave accrued under orders of 365 days or less are not subject to the 60 day career limitation on sale of leave.

b. Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI). All reservists recalled to active duty are automatically insured under SGLI for 400,000 dollars and under Traumatic SGLI (TSGLI) for up to 100,000 dollars for a scheduled, dismemberment-type loss. Children are automatically covered under SGLI. Members must request spousal coverage if they do not already have it by submitting form SGLV- 8285a to their SPO. Members may opt out or reduce their own SGLI coverage by completing form SGLV-8286 and submitting it to their Servicing Personnel Office (SPO). Members electing reduced or no coverage must complete the required forms within 60 days of reporting for duty.

(1) When released from duty under Title 14, members transitioning to SELRES will automatically be re-enrolled at full coverage and must complete another form SGLV-8286 to opt out or reduce their coverage.

(2) When released from duty under Title 14, members transitioning to IRR, without scheduled training, will no longer be eligible for SGLI, but will retain 120 days of coverage following RELAD, providing they do not decline coverage during or after their active duty period.

(3) Members electing to reduce coverage or opt out, must do so within 60 days of commencement of eligibility. Members may complete the form after the end of the Title 14 duty period, but not more than 60 days after the active duty eligibility period started. Members who transition from Title 14 to SELRES, may complete one form (within the same time frame) to cover both periods. Example: A member is recalled under ref (a). On 15 September 2006. If he/she elects to opt out, or reduce the level of coverage, he/she must complete the form NLT 14 November 2006. If the member transitioned to SELRES on 12 October 2006, he/she may complete one form for both periods up until 14 November 2006.

c. Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). All members in a pay status may participate in the Thrift Savings Plan by completing form TSP-U-1 and mailing it to PSC (mas-tsp). To avoid an overpayment situation, reservists should ensure that sufficient funds are available in their pay account after TSP deductions to cover any outstanding garnishments or debts (such as SGLI).

d. Incapacitation benefits: Chapter 6 of ref (f) applies. Issuance of a line of duty determination is the critical first step. Line of duty policy application is specifically outlined in 6.a.6 of ref (f), and can be satisfied by completion of CG-3822 or letter incident report.  As per 6.a.6.d. of ref (f), a member on a call or order to active duty specifying a period of 30 days or less who incurs or aggravates an injury, illness, or disease shall not have his or her orders terminated solely because of the injury, illness, or disease, unless requested by the member. Upon RELAD, the member is entitled to benefits as outlined in chapter 6 of ref (f).  As per 6.a.6.c. of ref (f), a member on a call or order to active duty specifying a period of 31 or more days who is RELADED within 30 days, or commencing such period of active duty because they to not meet physical standards for retention or deployment due to a pre- existing condition not aggravated during the period of active duty, shall be considered to have been serving under an order to active duty for a period of 30 days or less.  Medical and dental care shall be provided for reservists incurring or aggravating an injury, illness, or disease in the line of duty, and physical examinations shall be authorized to determine fitness for duty or disability processing. Reservists who are not medically qualified to perform military duties because of an injury, illness, or disease incurred or aggravated in the line of duty may be eligible to receive incapacitation pay.

e. Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS):

(1) Reservists ordered to active duty under ref (a) for 30 days or less will not be eligible for TRICARE Prime benefits.

(2) Reservists ordered to active duty under ref (a) for 31 days or more and their dependents are entitled active duty TRICARE benefits and must be correctly enrolled in DEERS. Upon demobilization, reservists will not be eligible for Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP) benefits.

f. TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS), TRICARE Dental Program (TDP) and Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP).

(1) Members mobilized under ref (a) are not entitled to Tier I TRS or REAP benefits.

(2) TRS premiums are suspended for members ordered to active duty for 31 days or more.

(3) TDP premiums are suspended for members ordered to active duty for 31 days or more.

6. Administration procedures.

a. Field commands and ISCs(pf) must complete diligent reviews of recall candidates before issuing orders. Commands must verify a members physical ability to perform duty prior to deployment, or in exigent circumstances in the first 30 days. ISC(pf)s are required to determine the amount of combined active service for recall candidates before issuing orders. Members approaching 16 yrs or more combined active service must obtain CG-1/G-CCS approval per art 3.b.6.b of ref (g). Order preparing officials shall ensure that orders are prepared in Direct Access using "Invol Active Duty, Title 14" as the type of duty. Specific guidance for preparing Title 14 reserve orders can be found on the PSC web site at The website contains a Direct Access Reserve Orders Guide and specific guidance for preparing reserve mobilization orders. ALSPO C/06 contains specific guidance related to BAH entitlements when preparing reserve orders. Original orders must be printed and signed.

b. Reservists may use Title 14 active duty to satisfy on a day-for-day basis all or part of their Annual Active Duty for Training requirement.

7. Questions concerning pay and travel allowance entitlements may be submitted via e-mail to: . Questions concerning DEERS eligibility may be submitted via email to: . Questions concerning reserve incapacitation benefits shall be directed to the servicing ISC(pf) or CGPC-rpm.  Questions regarding order issuing procedures shall be directed to the servicing ISC(pf).

8. Internet release authorized.

9. Capt M. C. Cosenza, Acting Director for Personnel Management, sends.

Policy for Title 14 Orders Duration and Frequency

UNCLAS //N03061//
ALCOAST 458/06


1. Reference (a), the authority to recall reservists in support of incidents such as serious natural or manmade disasters, accidents, catastrophes, and acts of terrorism has been amended by the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2006 to increase the duration of an involuntary recall from 30 to 60 days in any 4-month period. The ceiling is increased to a maximum of 120 days in any 2-year period. The change also authorizes recall of reservists prior to an incident or event "to aid in prevention of an imminent catastrophe, act of terrorism, or transportation security incident."

2. Recall requests shall follow the procedures outlined in reference (b). Reservists recalled under Title 14 may be issued orders for up to 60 days.

3. These changes will be reflected in the next update to references (b) and (c)[And to Chapter 11 of the Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual]

4. Any questions should be directed to LT Richard Lavigne, e-mail richard.j.lavigne(at)

5. Internet released authorized.

6. Released by CAPT F. A. Dutch, Acting Director of Reserve and Training.

Demobilization Procedures

E-Mail ALSPO message L/05-Reserve Title 14 Mobilization/Demobilization Issues provides some helpful tips for processing Title 14 demobilizations.

SPOs will:

Last Modified 9/16/2008