Use the dropdown box to sort results with the following options:
Keyword: |
Type a word in the search box to locate a result based on document keywords. |
Title: |
Type the name of the (document) title of your search. |
Abstract: |
Type the name of a word or two pertaining to the summary description of the document. |
Author: |
Type the name of the document's author. |
All: |
Include all the above parameters. Include any combination of words. Please note that searching for general words, i.e. "country" will always yield a greater quantity of documents. |
First select a Search Type: Product No., Keyword, Title, or Author. Selecting All will search all available records.

Choose how many Results to display, from 10 to 500. Follow the same logic for both the From Year and To Year dropdown menus.

Fill in the following Text Boxes per your requirements.
With All of the words should be the primary focus of your search.
With the exact phrase narrows and specifies search results.
With at least one of the words forces inclusion of a certain word.
Exclude Words filters out any word(s).
Limit Results By Source Agency limits search to a particular Source Agency. A list of Source Agency codes is available by clicking on the Select Source Agency link at right (See Figure # 1).
Figure # 1 |

Click the Select Source Agency link; the Select Source Agency Popup Window will appear with a list of all Agency codes.
Use the text field to search for the Source Agency of your choice.
Click the Find button to perform search.
Check any and all boxes that apply.
Select View Only Checked to limit results to only checked boxes.
Clear All unchecks all previously checked boxes.
The red circle denotes an example of an Agency Code.
When ready, click the Select and Close button to exit popup window and automatically populate the Source Agency text field.

Limit Results by Collection: The options are Business Collection, Computer Products, Economic Research Service, National Audiovisual Center, Office of Toxic Substances, and Subscription. Selecting ALL will not limit results by collection.
Figure A: Select one Collection by clicking.
Figure B: Choose more than one Collection by clicking and dragging your mouse pointer. Alternatively, click, and hold down Shift to select multiple Collections.

Check Search Audio Visual Products Only to search multimedia files.

Use the Limit Results By Category dropdown menu to select a particular category.

Sort by Rank, Year, or Title.

Type in your primary search words, then click the Search button at right. Or, press the Enter key.

Notice the Search Results below the Advanced Search Box. Scroll down and click on the more details... button to read more about the product including an Abstract, Author, Year, and Source Agency. Click the Select media and add to Cart to buy this item link to proceed to Cart and Checkout.

Unchecking the Show Search Help checkbox removes the Search Help tab at top.

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You can make your search more precise and get more useful results by following these tips:
- Select the field to search from the drop down menu. Selecting All will search all fields.
- Enter search phrase or words in the text box and click the search button.
- Do not use operators such as AND, OR in the search text box; use the appropriate text box instead.
- To search for all words (logical operator AND) enter your search in the With All of the words input text box.
- To force inclusion of certain words (logical operator OR), enter your search next to the With at least one of the words input box.
- To search for the exact phrase enter your search next to the With the exact phrase input text box.
- To limit results by category click on the Limit Results by Category checkbox and select category from the category dropdown list.
- To limit the results by year, select From Year and To Year from the dropdown list.
- You can sort the results by Year or by Title using the Sort By dropdown list.
- Check the Search Audio Visual Products Only checkbox to limit the search results to Audio Visual products.
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