Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated
Home > TCYorktown > Training > MST > Classroom

MST Classroom Setting

Classes are normally conducted Monday through Friday 0800 - 1630 and are held in either room 136 or 234 of Hamilton Hall.


The classroom has a capacity for 30 students and houses the school's reference library. Each student will be assigned a set of both individual and shared references to use throughout the course.


Students will complete practical exercises using Microsoft Windows XP and Word, Excel, and Outlook. They will also gain a basic working knowledge of the Coast Guard's Maritime Information for Safety and Law Enforcement (MISLE) database.


Students will also learn the functions and uses of atmospheric measurement devices and hazardous materials response gear, including the donning of response suits and a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).

Fit test

The school is equipped with a wet lab where students will learn how to use and properly fit-test a variety of respiratory protection equipment.


Students in classroom

The use of Atmospheric Measurement Devices is needed to detect chemical, flammable and oxygen hazards in the Marine Safety Field.


Not all training occurs in the classroom. Field exercises are conducted to simulate responses to oil and chemical spills, as well as a vessel boarding and waterfront facility inspection.


Last Modified 9/9/2008