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FAQ: Access to care and delivery system

Other FAQs for applicants: ApplyingEnrollmentBenefits • Access • Premiums

What advantage does managed care offer me?

How do I find a provider taking Medicaid patients when I am not enrolled in a managed care plan?

Q. What advantage does managed care offer me?

A. Managed care offers you several advantages:

1. Access to Providers Taking Medicaid Clients. Your enrollment in a managed care plan gives you access to a network of providers that belong to the plan. You can call the plan to get a list of its providers currently accepting new patients. Some of these plans have Web sites with provider directories.
If you’re not in a managed care plan, you must call health care providers yourself to find a provider taking new Medicaid patients.

2. Access to Preventive Services. Your enrollment in a managed care plan gives you access to the plan’s prevention programs, which may not be offered to you if you are not in a managed care plan.

3. Increased Quality of Care. Your enrollment in a managed care plan gets you better care. The plan has a system for improving the quality of care for all of its members.

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Q. How do I find a provider taking Medicaid patients when I am not enrolled in a managed care plan?

A. If you are not enrolled in a managed care plan, you must find these providers yourself. You do this by calling local health care providers and asking whether they are accepting new Medicaid patients.

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Page updated: September 21, 2007

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