Armed Forces Recipe Service on CD-ROM 1,700 convenient recipes for groups of 100 that can be easily adjusted up or down.
Census Atlas of the United States
The Census Atlas of the United States is a large-format publication, about 300 pages long, and contains almost 800 maps. Data from the 2000 Census and prior decennial censuses support the maps and figures, providing context and a historical perspective for many of the topics presented.
State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2008
This 569-page document details coral reef conditions in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Navassa Island, southeast Florida, the Florida Keys, Flower Garden Banks, the Main Hawaiian Islands, the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, American Samoa, the Pacific Remote Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam and the Republic of Palau.
County and City Data Book 2007
The 14th edition of the County and City Data Book is the most comprehensive source of information about the individual counties and cities in the United States.
The DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Manuals are intended to facilitate planning and implementation of the DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Course.
Emergency Response to Terrorism: Basic Concepts (Instructor Guide)
Food Code: Recommendations of the United States Public Health Service Contains the latest science-based information: a valuable reference for managing food safety in institutional and retail settings.
Hazardous Materials Guide for First Responders Important information for initial response to both transportation and fixed facility incidents.
Basics of Iraqi Arabic (on CD-ROM)
This CD is for those who need quick language training in Iraqi Arabic.
Other Foreign Language Multimedia Courses
2008 IRS TAX Products DVD: The Official IRS Pub-1796
Pre-publication Price: Reserve your 2008 DVD Now Save, print, and fill-in features for most popular 2008 tax forms. This product will ship January 2008.
FREE technical support!
MeSH Products MeSH publications assist users of the National Library of Medicine's database MEDLINE - and its backfiles. More than 11 million citations indexing major medical, biological, and other life sciences journals from 1966 to the present may be searched on MEDLINE.
Methods and Guidance for the Analysis of Water (official EPA versions) (printed and on CD-ROM) Includes over 350 drinking water and wastewater methods that test for 776 analysts.
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards -- 2005 Edition This handy field manual contains the latest scientific information on 677 substances found in the workplace - an important reference for first responders to safety and disaster situations.
North American Industry Classification System Manual 2007
Now Available!
This is the official U.S. Government site to order either the printed or CD-ROM version of the latest edition of the NAICS Manual.
NOAA Diving Manual (printed and on CD-ROM) One of the most detailed diving references available...a resource all serious divers must have!
Science & Technology on CD and SRIM (Selected Research in Microfiche)
These tailored information services delivers full-text copies of government publications based on your subject needs rapidly and inexpensively.
The State and Metropolitan Area Data Book 2006 is the highly respected companion report to the Census Bureau's Statistical Abstract of the United States. While the Statistical Abstract provides general social, political, and economic data for the U.S. as a whole, the SMA Data Book contains similar information, but focuses on the local areas -- States, metropolitan areas, and micropolitan areas of the United States.
Statistical Abstract of the United States 2008 The single most useful reference book containing vital statistics on the United States.
Stream Corridor Restoration - Principles, Processes, Practices (printed and on CD-ROM) Important manual was produced by 15 Federal government agencies.
Terrorism and Other Public Health Emergencies The media's guides on how to quickly and clearly communicate terrorism and public health emergency messages to the public
Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste Physical/Chemical Methods, SW-846 (printed and on CD_ROM) Procedures for field and laboratory quality control and sampling standards for routine analytical tests adapted for the RCRA program.
World Factbook 2007
This popular CIA reference manual provides a wealth of information on over 260 separate nations and other entities. Full-color printed edition now available.
2006 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (September 2007)
This new edition of the Yearbook, issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, provides immigration data along with related historical information.