Seal of U.S. Department of Labor
U.S. Department of Labor
Employment & Training Administration

Graphical Version

Business Relations Group

The Business Relations Group (BRG) serves America's workers and employers by creating partnerships between the workforce system and business. It applies innovative approaches to help business and industry better access the services of the state and local workforce investment system and to educate the public and the workforce system about the jobs in demand with career paths. The major initiative of the BRG are the Partnerships for Jobs and the High-Growth Job Training Initiative.

Office Structure

Partnerships for Jobs: The BRG will develop national partnerships with employers and national employer associations.

High-Growth Job Training Initiative: The Initiative is specifically designed to build collaborations among employers, industry leaders, business associations, educators, trainers, the community and technical college system, and the public workforce system. The purpose of these partnerships is to support models that operationally demonstrate how a demand-driven workforce system can more efficiently serve the workforce needs of business while also effectively help workers find good jobs at good wages.

More Info

Visit the
Business Relations Group Web site.