State of Colorado: Governor Bill Ritter

eNewsletter - The Governor in the New Yorker

The Code Of The West

What Barack Obama can learn from Bill Ritter.

The New Yorker Cartoon of Gov. Ritter by Barry Blitt


Governor Ritter's Colorado offers a glimpse of what may be the Democratic future.

One day in early August, Bill Ritter, Jr., the governor of Colorado, met with Steve Feld, a professional filmmaker, to work on the video that will welcome delegates to the Democratic National Convention -- and present Colorado to the rest of the country. Feld, whose television credits include "The New Lassie" and "America's Funniest People," steered the Governor toward a conference room on the seventeenth floor of a downtown building and clipped a microphone to his lapel. The backdrop for the shoot, visible through a window, was the city of Denver -- bristling with construction cranes and skyscrapers for high-tech companies like Qwest Communications -- and, in the distance, the Rockies."


Click here to read what else Ryan Lizza of the New Yorker had to say about Governor Ritter and the future of the Democratic Party as it relates to the West in his September 1st article.