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NIATx -The Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment


The Addictions and Mental Health Division is excited to be one of four states participating in the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)-funded Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment NIATx 200 Project.  NIATx works with addiction/recovery treatment providers to make efficient use of capacity and share strategies for improving access to and retention in treatment.  Members of the NIATx collaborative have achieved impressive results and the NIATx 200 Project provides an opportunity to join the network.   


Why should your agency participate? 

Patients will benefit, research shows they will be enrolled more quickly, and will be more likely to complete treatment successfully. You will introduce new business practices that improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Your staff will be trained to use a variety of tools that improve operations and finances.  The profession will gain as participating providers become leaders for process improvement collaboratives that help create cultures of excellence. 


There is still time to become part of this project.  Contact Shawn Clark as soon as possible at (503) 945-9720 or Shawn.Clark@state.or.us


NIATx Application (pdf)

NIATx Participants Welcome Letter (pdf)

NIATx Recruitment Memo from Bob Nikkel (pdf) 

NIATx Tracking System Questions and Answers (pdf)

Oregon joins national project to improve addiction treatment outcomes  (press release) (pdf)

Participant Study Support Letter (pdf)


Resources on NIATx

NIATx Overview (pdf)

NIATX Feature: Change Teams (November 2007) (pdf)

NIATx Feature: Reducing No-shows (October 2007) (pdf)

NIATx Brief Description: Provider Expectations for Oregon (pdf)

NIATx: Process Improvement in Treatment Addictions Research Brief (pdf)

NIATx: Project Management: Reducing Waiting and No Shows- Increase Admissions and Continuation (Powerpoint Presentation)


Web Resources


NIATx E-news


Addiction Messenger Newsletter





Page updated: August 28, 2008

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