Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Tuition Assistance Eligibility and Limitations


Eligibility and benefits are standardized service-wide for Coast Guard active duty, appropriated funded civilian employees, drilling reserve members (SELRES), and Public Health Service members working with the Coast Guard. TA will be processed "up-front" for all courses. Courses may be resident or remote.

Note: All courses 18 weeks or more in duration will now be funded "up-front". All courses will be related to the USCG mission or to the individual's career development. All courses must be taken with a nationally or regionally accredited Institution, resulting in "accredited" college credit. TA is not authorized for Continuing Education Units (CEUs), Professional Development Units (PDUs) and clock or contact hours.

Member Eligibility

If you are Service requirement is
Enlisted member (active duty & select reserve - SELRES) Must complete the TA authorized course(s) on or prior to RELAD, discharge, or retirement.
Note: If member is going to RELAD and provides documentation showing that he/she will be in the SELRES, then TA authorized course(s) may begin in active duty status and be completed in SELRES status.
Officer (active duty, select reserve -SELRES, Public Health Service - PHS) Must complete one-year service upon completion of the course. Officers who use CG Tuition Assistance incur obligated service in exchange for their participation in the program. Specifically, Officers agree not to request release, separation, retirement or termination off SELRES status for 12 months following the course completion date of the last course funded by TA. This service obligation is no different than that incurred for Advanced Education, Senior Service School , PCS Orders, Promotion, Aircraft Transition, etc.
Note (1): The following officers are not eligible for this program:
  • In an involuntary/mandatory separation status
  • In a retired recall status
  • CWOs extended beyond 30 years
Note (2): If member is going to RELAD and provides documentation showing that he/she will be in the SELRES, then TA authorized course(s) may begin in active duty status and be completed in SELRES status -- as long as the one year service upon completion of course requirement is met.
SELRES Must maintain at least "minimum drill attendance" (maintain satisfactory participation).
Civilian Employees "Permanent" Must have at least 90 days of CG service; agree to retain employment with the CCG for one month for each completed course credit hour upon completion of the course.
Civilian Employees "Temporary" Must have 12 months previous CG service and have remaining contract with the CG of one month for each completed course credit hour. If member was previously employed by the Coast Guard for over 1 year; had a break in service; then returned to the CG; member will not be required to complete another 12 months in the CG to eligible.


TA is not authorized for any course for which the member is receiving assistance under any other Federally funded program where such a payment would constitute a duplication of benefits from the Federal Treasury. In cases where Federal grant monies are credited to the student's Institution account, the credited portion will not be reimbursed by Tuition Assistance.

  1. Course tuition paid for by primary employer ( not Coast Guard). If only a portion of the tuition is paid for by primary employer, member may submit TA request for the remainder of the tuition.
  2. TA may be used when a member is receiving "financial aid" such as a student loan, Sallie Mae, Stafford loan, etc. However per Comdt Inst 1500.24.7(1), "TA is to be calculated after grants, scholarships and fellowships have been deducted from the cost of tuition."
  3. Audited courses.
  4. Courses previously completed when the member received a "final grade of D or better".
  5. Physical education or recreation courses, unless the courses are required by the Institution for degree completion, or the member is a candidate for a degree with a major in physical education or recreation.
  6. Members in a duty-under-instruction status where the member's educational fees are being paid through another Coast Guard program.
  7. Coast Guard members that are inmates in military prisons.
  8. Undergraduate students who's average GPA is less than 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) for the previous 12 semester hours completed under TA.
  9. Graduate students whose academic average for previous 12 semester hours is "less than a grade of "B".
  10. Courses resulting in Continuing Education Units (CEUs), or Professional Development Units (PDUs).
  11. Contact hours and clock hours.
  12. TA from another military service. TA is not authorized from any other service. Member must go through CG educational service officer to process TA application.
  13. Preparatory courses, Licenses (maritime, real estate, AC&R, etc.), or Tests (GMAT, GRE, LSAT), Certification Courses (computer, maritime, law, medical, etc.)
Last Modified 9/8/2008