Climate Analysis Branch

Publications by Year:


Eischeid, J. K., P. Pasteris, H. F. Diaz, M. Plantico, and N. Lott, 2000: Creating a serially complete, national daily time series of temperature and precipitation for the Western United States. J. Appl. Meteorol., 39, 1580-1591.


The development of serially complete (no missing values) daily maximum-minimum temperatures and total precipitation time series over the western United States is documented. Several estimation techniques based on spatial objective analysis schemes are used to estimate daily values, with the "best" estimate chosen as a missing value replacement. The development of a continuous and complete daily dataset will be useful in a variety of meteorological and hydrological research applications. The spatial interpolation schemes are evaluated separately by interpolation method and calendar month. Cross validation of the results indicates a distinct seasonality to the efficiency (error) of the estimates, although no systematic bias in the estimation procedures was found. The resulting number of serially complete daily time series for the western United States (all states west of the Mississippi River) includes 2034 maximum-minimum temperature stations and 2962 total daily precipitation locations.