
The quality of being able to do something, especially the physical, mental, financial, or legal power to accomplish something.  A natural or acquired skill or talent. State or quality of being able (capability, flexibility, availability, etc.)


Means of increasing or adding to the workforce. Examples include: enlisted recruiting, officer commissions, Chief Warrant Officer Appointments, civilian hiring, recall of retired or reserve personnel.

Accession Training

Minimum essential training designed to provide basic skills required for service-entry or job-entry level performance. Includes Recruit, Class \"A\" Schools, OCS, Academy, CWO Indoctrination, Direct Commission, Basic Flight, CSPI, PPEP, NAPS.


A tangible achievement.  An accomplishment may be a degree, license, certification, language proficiency, test score, honor, award or membership of an individual.  Accomplishments have specified achievement dates and may have defined durations or expiration dates.

Accrual Process Date

Used on the Vacation Request (leave) page. Date vacation entitlement (leave balance) was credited.

Active Duty

Full-time duty in an active military service of the United States. It includes duty on the active list, full-time training duty, annual training duty, and attendance while in the active military service, at a school designated as a service school by law or by the Secretary of the military department concerned. (10 U.S.C. 101)

Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW-AC)

ADSW-AC is Active Duty for Special Work performed by a reservist in support of the Active Component (formerly called TEMAC). Long-term ADSW-AC is duty performed consecutively in excess of 139 days. Short-term ADSW-AC is duty performed consecutively for 139 days or less. Reserve personnel on ADSW-AC do not fill an active duty PAL billet.

Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW-RC)

ADSW-RC is Active Duty for Special Work performed by a reservist in support of the Reserve Component (formerly called SADT). Long-term ADSW-RC is duty performed consecutively in excess of 139 days. Short-term ADSW-RC is duty performed consecutively for 139 days or less. Reserve personnel on ADSW-RC do not fill an active duty PAL billet.

Active Duty for Training (ADT)

A tour of active duty for training members of the Reserve component to provide trained units and qualified persons to fill needs of the Armed Forces during war or national emergency and such other times as national security requires. It includes annual training, special tours of ADT, school tours, and the initial duty of training performed by non-prior service enlistees.

Active Duty Other Than Training (ADOT)

A tour of Active Duty that is used for support of Coast Guard missions. ADOT includes Active duty for Special Work (ADSW), Emergency Voluntary Active Duty, and Involuntary Active Duty.

Active Duty Promotion List (ADPL)

A list of Coast Guard Officers on active duty in the rank of CWO2 and above who are not Reserve Program Administrators, Permanent Commissioned Teaching Staff, or Retired Officers recalled to Active Duty. The ADPL is used principally to determine precedence for promotion and is displayed in the Register of Officers.

Activity Guide

The Activity Guide simplifies navigation by grouping separate tasks into one area.

Advanced Education

Formal training or education which provides officer and enlisted personnel with the skills and knowledge required to become subject matter experts in various occupational specialties. Includes all Duty-under-Instruction, including post-graduate; ACET; Physician Assistant; Senior Service Schools.


Military pay, compensation, subsistence rations and entitlements for active duty, cadets, and reserve members undergoing Initial Active Duty Training (IADT).


Compensation, entitlements, and relocation costs for civilian employees.


Permanent Change of Station (PCS), travel and transportation expenses incident to PCS orders for military and dependents. Civilian relocation costs are funded from the AFC-08 account.


General operating and unit level maintenance expenses.

AFC-30 \"T\"

These are AFC-56 which has been converted to AFC-30 to facilitate further transfer to the field and headquarters units.


General expenses to support health care of military members and their dependents.


Reserve expenses including repayments to other Coast Guard appropriations.

AFC 56

Formal training performed as TAD for civilian and military personnel, including Reserve members in the RK, RP and RY programs, and Auxiliarists.


Organizational ability to adjust and/or respond to new or changing conditions or requirements.

Airport Terminal

The Airport Terminal provides commands with the ability to view pending arrivals and departures of personnel and to view member job related information. PCS orders will appear on the Airport Terminal until the PMIS transactions for the transfer have processed through the system.

Allotment Fund Control (AFC)

AFC codes represent a breakdown of Operating Expenses (OE), Reserve Training (RT) and administrative operating targets (AOT) for specified purposes.

Annual Count of Officers

14 USC 42 requires the Secretary of Transportation to conduct a count of all officers on the ADPL at least once each year (usually in late May). The number of reimbursable officers (serving in joint commands) is subtracted from the total, and the remainder determines the maximum number of LCDR-RADM officers allowed on the ADPL.

Annual Training (ADT-AT)

The specified period of active duty (normally 12 days) required annually of all members of the Selected Reserve. It may be performed in increments of one or more days depending upon mission requirements and budget constraints. The training must be related to the reservist's rate, RPAL billet requirement, or unit mission.


Someone who applies for a job.

Application Portal

A Web site that helps you navigate to other web-based applications and content. This is usually your entry point when you launch your browser.  You may customize it to include PeopleSoft application links, external links, and intranet links.


An annual authorization by an Act of Congress to incur obligations for specified purposes and to make payments out of the Treasury. Appropriations are subdivided into budget activities, subheads, programs, projects, etc.

Assigned Billets/Positions

Specific billets/positions at units or locations, listed by rating and paygrade (enlisted), specialty and paygrade (officer), or grade and series (civilian). These are approved and controlled by G-CCS, and are included on the Personnel Allowance List (PAL). Military personnel fill billets. Civilian personnel fill positions. In the Direct Access data structure all billets and positions are now referred to as positions.


The status of an employee's training or training request (e.g., completed, incomplete, course wait, or session wait).


All personnel losses from the Coast Guard, including resignation, death, administrative discipline, retirement, etc. May also be used to express losses from specific training courses or other programs.

Authorized Grade Distribution

The total number of commissioned officers on the ADPL authorized to hold (by promotion) each grade as determined by the annual count of officers in accordance with 14 USC 42.

Authorized Strength

The maximum number of personnel on active duty at the end of the fiscal year, as set by Congress in the current Coast Guard Authorization Act. The authorized strength of the Selected Reserve is set in the current National Defense Authorization Act.

Bargaining Unit Employee.

An employee included in an appropriate bargaining unit for which a labor organization has been granted exclusive recognition.


A billet is the authorization for a full time military position. It represents the duties, skills, responsibilities, pay grade and command relationships assigned to the military member. The parallel civilian term was position, but in the Direct Access data structure all billets and positions are now referred to as positions.


A small horizontal menu of links that is always present across the top of your page. The links show what pages, components, or menu navigation links you used to get to the current page.


A function  used to group selected information and email it in one single email.

Business Process Re-engineering

Changing practices, policies, and/or programs to improve overall performance. Based on an assessment of why the practice, policy and/or program exists, what it is intended to achieve, and what alternative methods could be used to better achieve the same objective.

Business strategy

The long term goals and directions of an organization.


Electronics & IT Support Center

Career Development

Any activity or intervention that increase or changes an individual's knowledge, ability, or level of competency in areas that are designed to have direct linkage to a person's FUTURE job performance or career potential.

Causal Loop

Generic: A description of the relationships among entities, quantities, properties, actions, whether constant or variable, such that the influence of one on another or others can be understood.Special use: a description of a circle of causality in which every element is both a cause and an effect, characterized by feedback, delays, and capable of generating behavior as a function of its structure. Usually used to describe a system, its components, its structure, and its predictable behavior.


Coast Guard Human Resources Management System

Change Notice

The electronic notification to G-CPA that the PAL should be changed based on delegated reprogramming authority as described in chapter 1 of this Personal Resources Reprogramming Manual.


Civilian Human Resources Transformation Team


Commandant's Intent Action Order

Civilian Staffing Requirements (CSR)

The CSR is a projection of the near-term civilian staffing needs of the Coast Guard. The CSR uses known budgetary changes and known reprogramming to predict the size and composition of the workforce. The CSR is then used in workforce planning.


The process of determining the proper title, series, and grade level of a position, based on an in depth review of the duties and responsibilities, conducted through a Command's servicing Command Staff Advisor (CSA). A Position Description (PD) is tentatively classified when the process of determining the proper title, series, and grade level of a position has been completed with the exception of the PD cover sheet being certified and signed by the Classification Specialist.

Closed Rating

This term is used in the CFTRR process to refer to a rating having more personnel in its enlisted peer group than ideal peer group. To be categorized as closed, the number of personnel in the rating must be greater than or equal to the number of authorized billets based on projected end-of-fiscal year personnel levels.

Collateral Duty

Duty assigned to an individual by the commanding officer which is in addition to the individuals primary duty. These duties are normally performed at the individual's permanent duty station.

College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative (CSPI)

Formerly known as Minority Officer Recruiting Program (MORE). Offered at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) and other institutions approved by CGRC. Applicants are selected from sophomore and junior year civilian and Coast Guard reservists attending designated institutions that offer an accredited 4-year bachelor degree program. CSPI is a fully funded scholarship program which may pay up to two academic years of college tuition, books, and essential supplies for full time students. While enrolled in school the CSPI candidate is enlisted in the regular Coast Guard, as an E-3, with a four-year active duty obligation.

Command Staff Advisor (CSA)/Human Resource Specialist

Provide front line civilian personnel advisory services to management and employees. They are located in Washington DC, Baltimore, MD, Norfolk, VA, Elizabeth City, NC, Boston, MA, USCG Academy, Miami, FL, New Orleans, LA, Alameda, CA, Seattle, WA, Kodiak, AK and Honolulu, HI.

Command User

A permission list/user role, which allows unit administrators access to the Airport Terminal, Unit Roster, Unit Personnel Allowance List (PAL), review and approved orders, reserve drills,  career intentions worksheets and Employee Review (enlisted evaluations).


Competencies is a PeopleSoft term used to describe a person's skills, training, achievements and awards. In the Coast Guard, we use the Competencies module to record the following information about our personnel:  Competencies (formerly known as Qualification Codes)  Education and Degree Information  Languages  Honors and Awards  Test Results from Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests and retests.  School completions, including Class \"A\" and \"C\" schools that are entered through the Training Administration System (TAS).  Licenses & Certifications  Memberships


A skill, ability, behavior (other), or knowledge directly related to an employee's current position.  Replaced Qual Code or Experience Indicator.

Competency Dictionary

The definitive list of all competencies available for use.  Includes the Competency Code, Title, Description, Eligibility, Sponsor, Special Status

Competency Model

Set of job competencies that together make up a profile for success for a particular job.

Competency Type

Broad grouping of competencies establishing the functional area of a competency; Cutter Ops, Aviation, Communications.  Competency Types can usually be directly related to Job Codes and/or Positions.


A group of related pages that pertain to a specific task. You access components from the menu. Components contain folder tabs with each tab containing a related page.

Contingency Personnel Requirements List (CPRL)

The consolidated listing of forces (as contained in Contingency Plans) required by Operational Commanders and Headquarters to conduct contingency operations in time of war or national emergencies. The skills, rates, and ratings needed for CPRL-driven Reserve force requirements are reflected in the Reserve billets contained on the PAL as prioritized during the Reserve Workforce Structure Board process.

Contract Manpower Equivalent - (CME)

The number of man-years required if in-house employees perform contract workload at the same level of performance required in the contract's Performance Work Statement (PWS).

Controlled Enlisted Paygrades

The grades E-8 and E-9 are controlled grades per 10 USC 517. This cap is set as a percentage of the active duty enlisted workforce at 1% for E-9 and 2.5% for E-8.

Controlled Officer Paygrades

The number of officers on the ADPL serving in paygrades O4-O8 is limited to certain percentages prescribed by 14 USC 42. The exact number is determined at the beginning of the promotion year through the annual count process and maintained through promotion to vacancy. O9 and O10 are controlled by 14 USC by position not number.

Core Values

The personal attributes expected of each member of Team Coast Guard.

Cost Benefit Analysis

Compares what efforts will cost to expected in order to determine which is greater.

Course Session

The instance of a course at a facility on a date.  Each session has a sequence number.  Replaced Scheduled Course Convene

Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB)

A retention bonus paid to active duty officers and enlisted who are qualified in a designated critical skill. By accepting the CSRB, the member agrees to an additional obligated service of not less than one year. A critical skill is a military skill designated as critical by the Secretary of Homeland Security.


CIAO Reorganization Review Team


A complex of typical behavior or standardized social characteristics peculiar to a specific group, occupation, or profession.

Culture Shifts

Managing Readiness requires more than an information system, it requires a fundamental shift in our attitude and behavior. The paradigms of our past will hinder our future success.


Anyone internal or external to the service for whom the organization provides goods or services.


Collection of measurement indicators.


Deputy Commandant for Mission Support


Deputy Commandant for Operations

Deciding Official

Term used in civilian employee relations. Management or supervisory official in the line of authority over the grievant has the responsibility to decide informal and formal grievances. Grievance-deciding officials must be at a higher administrative level than the official who initiated the subject action. At the informal step, an employee presents a grievance involving performance ratings to the approving official for reconsideration. The employee then presents the formal grievance, to the next level supervisor in the chain of command.


A unit or subordinate element of a unit.  Used in place of the terms Unit or subunit.

Department ID/DeptID

A number used to identify a department.  Replaced ATU/OPFAC.

Department Type

Refers to Unit Type (e.g., MSO, Air Station, etc.).

Dependent /Beneficiary

List of Employee's Dependents.

Dependent Life

Servicemember's Group Life Insurance for Dependents.

Direct Commission Officer (DCO)

Category of accession programs. Provides officers with specialized skill sets to fill junior officer billets. Examples include Direct Commission lawyers, aviators, and Kings Point graduates.


To lower the paygrade to a PAL position.


Deployable Special Forces


Process used to endorse the e-Resume


The e-Resume, Job Basket and e-Interview functions are new terms used to describe the functionality that replaced the Electronic Assignment Data Card (e-ADC), Shopping List and the e-ADC endorsement process. The applications are accessed via the Coast Guard intranet (CGWEB), and consist of multiple web pages, which users complete, or review.


Instruction which provides the learner with knowledge and skills desired or required for future application in the accomplishment of general tasks or combinations of tasks, usually related to a particular discipline


The level of success in achieving established objectives or meeting established standards. A ratio of accomplishment to objective.


A measure of how well resources are being utilized; the absence of waste in a process.

Employee Class/Empl Class

Indicates the employee's affiliation with the Coast Guard. Replaced Member Type codes.

Employee ID/Emplid

A system-generated unique identifier for an employee (7-digit number).    The Emplid replaces the social security number as the primary method of accessing member records.  This ID is not Privacy Act or FOIA sensitive.

Employee Review

An employee performance evaluation. Replaces Enlisted Performance Evaluation Review (EPER) or Officer Evaluation Report (OER)

Employee Scope

Policies and procedures extend to resent non-bargaining unit employees except for probationary, intermittent, and temporary employees not entitled to grievance rights.

Employee Status/Empl Status

Indicates the employee's status in relation to the empl class (i.e., Regular(class), Active(status)). Replaces Member Type Three, Duty Dtatus Code.

End Strength

The number of officer and enlisted requirements that can be authorized (funded) based on approved budgets.

Enlisted Force

An ideal proportion of billets for each rate as a percentage of the total enlisted structure E-4 through E-9. The ideal enlisted force structure is based on Time In Grade goals which are common to the whole enlisted workforce; realistic attrition rates for each rating/paygrade; and statutory limits on the total number of E-9's (1%) and E-8's (2.5%) authorized as a percentage of the overall enlisted workforce.

Enlisted Selective Early Retirement Board (ESERB)

Form of compensation in which a control board selects senior retirement eligible enlisted personnel for early mandatory retirement ensuring best qualified individuals are retained. This method gives responsibility to a select group to make an informed decision on the promotion ability of senior enlisted personnel based on their performance.

External Applicant

A person who is not employed by the company and applies for a position.


The location at which the session is conducted - typically a CG Training Center or DOD site.

Fact Finder

Term used in civilian employee relations. An individual the formal grievance-deciding official appoints to investigate an issue(s) raised in a grievance. The fact finder must be a person uninvolved in the subject issue and who holds a position equal to any official who recommended, advised, decided or otherwise is or was involved in the contended matter. The fact finder may be an employee within the Coast Guard command or of another Coast Guard command, or any other person competent to carry out the fact-finding investigation.


The amount of clear information received regarding how well or how poorly one's job has been performed.

Fiscal Year (FY)

The twelve month period beginning 1 October and ending 30 September, which serves as the basis for the Federal Budget Cycle.

Folder tabs

Folder tabs correspond to panel group items.  Multiple panels are grouped into a panel group in PeopleSoft applications to organize information that cannot effectively fit onto one panel.


An aggregation of military personnel, weapon systems, and necessary support or combination of such elements.

Force Structure

The proportion of billets in each paygrade to the total for a specific force.

Force/Rating Managers

Force managers are experts assigned to an Assistant Commandant who advise on rating specific or specialty issues and changes.

Full Time Equivalent (FTE)

The equivalent of 2,080 work hours, which is the standard work year. The term FTE is sometimes used interchangeably with the term man-years.

Full Time Permanent Positions (FTP)

Positions that are authorized without a time limit and which provide for a regular 40 hour workweek. Although typically used to describe civilian positions, the term FTP can also be used to describe billets or positions in the Coast Guard budget.


The aggregation of occupationally related tasks within a mission.

General Detail

A necessary part of the military workforce that accounts for personnel who are not filling an assigned unit billet. The purpose of the General Detail is to account for accession and some follow on training of the military workforce, and for extended period of absence due to disciplinary, medical, or transient reasons. In other words, the General Detail is the overhead required to ensure that all assigned billets can be filled all the time with no lapse. The General Detail is composed of the Support Allowance and the Training Allowance.

Geocentric Staffing

An international staffing method that ignores nationality in favor of ability and seeks the best people for key jobs.


A step or degree in a graduated scale of military rank or civilian grade that has been established by law or regulation.


A method of presenting data in rows and columns.  This is similar to a spreadsheet.


An employee's or group of employees' written request for personal relief in a matter of concern or dissatisfaction about their employment subject to the commanding officers' for MWR and CGES managers' control.


Stands for Graphical User Interface.  A computer display that takes advantage of graphics capabilities in order to make a program easier to use. Well-designed graphical user interfaces can free the user from learning complex command languages.

Guiding Principles

Overarching values that govern the conduct of Coast Guard business.


Global Workforce Information Solution.  Provides capability to view personnel data for members under your area of responsibility. Provides the conduit for review of data and an awareness of the quality level.

Hearing Examiner

The formal grievance-deciding official authorizes to conduct a hearing on an issue(s) raised in a grievance. The hearing examiner mush have been trained to conduct hearings, is uninvolved in the contended matter, and occupies a position equal to an official who recommended, advised, decide, or otherwise was involved in the contended matter.

High-level key

The field in a row of data in a PeopleSoft database that uniquely identifies that row from the other rows in the database.

High Year Tenure (HYT)

Prescribes professional growth points (PGP) that must be achieved if an individual is to remain on active duty. These PGPs indicate the pay grade a member must reach within a certain time. See PERSMAN Chapter 12.G.


Hiring someone into the company is the process of making an applicant an employee. The hire process includes gathering personal information, recording payroll data, assigning benefit programs, etc.

HR Generalist

Administers or coordinate programs that span several HR functions.

HR Planning

A process that forecasts personnel needs for an organization and develops programs and activities to meet those needs.

HR Specialist

Has expertise in a discrete HR functional area.


Human Resources and Admin


Health, Safety, and Work-Life

Human Capital

Consists of combined knowledge, skills, and experience of a company's employees.

Human Resource Management (HRM)

Is the function that assists organizations in achieving goals by obtaining and maintaining effective employees.


The person currently holding a specific position.


A gauge on the dashboard. Can be a weighted index of measures.

Individual Development

Any activity or intervention that increases or changes an individual's knowledge, ability, or level of competency.

Internal Applicant

A person who is already employed by the company and applies for a different position within the company.

Job Basket

The Job Basket serves as a holding area to store your job selections for inclusion on your e-Resume. The Job Basket is accessible from the View Job Postings page. Jobs stay in your job basket until you remove them

Job Competencies

Basic characteristics that can link individuals or teams to enhanced performance; critical success factors needed to perform a given role in an organization. To help understand the scope of this notion, most research and most competency models suggest that there are up to about 20 competencies involved in any single job.

Job Family

A named grouping of jobcodes. BM, HS, and TC are examples of Job Families. (Ratings)

Job Requisition

A request to have a vacant position filled by an applicant. When an employee leaves a job or a new job is created, a job requisition containing relevant job information is created.


A numeric code that represents an enlisted person's pay grade or an officer's rank. (Rate, Grade or Rank)

Lagging Indicator

Measure of performance that has already occurred. Examples include the number of deaths in recreational boating last year, number of lives saved, number of gallons spilled and number of pounds of drugs seized.

Language Proficiency

Description of a member's ability to speak, read, or write in a foreign language.  See the user aid for full description of the codes used and their meaning. Replaced Language code.


Logistics Centers

Leading Indicators

Measures that can be assessed to predict future performance. For example, the trend in percentages of new boaters taking boating safety courses.

Loss Rate

The rate at which members leave any specified workforce or other identified entityIt includes both attrition and transition to other workforces or componentsFor example, losses from Enlisted to Officer programs; transitions from Active Duty to the Reserve and visa versaLoss rate is calculated by dividing all losses during a year by the strength of the specified workforce at the beginning of the year.


Logistics Transformation Program Integration Office

Maintain Gross

A special tax withholding status utilized by members who desire not to have federal tax withheld from their pay.  Note:  If indicated, wages will continue to be reported to the IRS.  Additionally, status must be renewed annually by 1 February.

Man-Hour Availability Factor (MAF)

The average number of man-hours per month an assigned individual is available to perform primary duties. Required man-hours are divided by MAF times the overload factor to determine the manpower requirement.

Man-Hour. A unit measuring work

It is equivalent to one person working at a normal pace for 30 minutes, or similar combination of people working at a normal pace for a period of time equal to 60 minutes.

Management Study

An analysis of an organization's products and services, customers, suppliers, processes, metrics and resources for the purpose of developing the most efficient organization (MEO). The MEO is the in-house organizational and product/service task structure which best meets the requirements of the a performance work statement (PWS) while using minimal amount of resources.


The specific inventory of personnel at an activity in terms of numbers, grades, and occupational groups.

Manpower Determinant

A means of quantifying manpower requirements. Determinants may cover a wide variety of methodologies including but not limited to manpower standards, models, and guides.

Manpower Management

The methodical process of determining validating, and using manpower requirements as a basis for budget decisions, determining manpower authorization priorities based on available funding and personnel inventory; and the ability to link all these factors together.

Manpower Requirement

The expression of skilled labor needed to accomplish a job, workload, mission or program. There are two types of manpower requirements: funded and unfunded. Funded manpower requirements are those that have been validated and allocated and are reflected in the most recent Military Staffing Requirement. Unfunded requirements are validated manpower needs but deferred because of budgetary constraints.

Manpower Standard

A quantitative expression representing manpower requirements in response to varying levels of workload. A standard also includes a description of the workload, associated conditions on which the standard is built, a grade and skill level table, approved variances, and a product/service task analysis summary.


A three-column navigation list that contains menu headings and links you can click to move between the pages of your system.


Individual data points.

Military Essential

Positions that directly contribute to prosecution of war (combat support), exercise Uniform Code of Military Justice authority, are required by law, military due to customs or traditions, are needed for overseas rotations, or require a skill not available in the civilian workforces. Other workloads are not military essential and should be performed and should be performed by in-service civilians or contract services.

Military Skill

Skill associated with a military that is not considered to be part of a person's occupational specialty.

Military Staffing Requirements (MSR)

The MSR is a projection of the near-term staffing needs of the Coast Guard. The MSR uses known budgetary changes and known reprogramming to predict the size and composition of the workforce. The MSR/CSR is then used in workforce planning of accessions, training, and promotion.

Minimal Crewing

The overriding goal of minimal crewing is to determine the smallest quantity of people required to operate and maintain a platform without due regard for total system support, lifetime sustainability, and total ownership cost implications. This results in an imbalance between the shipboard personnel requirement and the enabling personnel support elements such as training, assignments, billet backfill supply/demand, skill/experience supply/demand, quality of service, etc. The upshot is that a quest for lowest life-cycle cost for a platform by minimizing the size of its crew likely results in greater total ownership costs, risk, and adverse impacts with respect to the full range of human resources considerations.


The task, together with the purpose, that clearly states and indicates the action to be taken and reason thereforeA duty assigned to an individual or unit.

Mission Demand/Resource Capability Gap

The delta between the required ability to respond and accomplish specific or multiple mission areas identified by a threat assessment and the reality of utilizing resources that are not necessarily designed or best suited for that specific mission area.

Mission Requirements

A statement of manpower needed to accomplish a job, workload, mission, or program. There are two types of manpower requirements: funded and unfunded. Funded manpower requirements are those that have been validated and allocated. Unfunded requirements are validated manpower needs which are deferred because of budgetary constraints

Monthly Summary of Military Billets (MSMB)

Report which provides the monthly distribution of military billets by pay grade on the Personnel Allowance List (PAL). These billets are identified as assigned, other allowances, training, and support allowance billets.


Mission Support Leadership Team


Mission Support Planning and Integration Team

Multi-part key

The combination of fields in a row of data in a PeopleSoft database that uniquely identifies that row from the other rows in the database.

National ID

Social Security Number (SSN). A sequence of numbers which identifies one specific individual.

Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS)

School designed to provide qualified enlisted personnel with the educational skills required to compete effectively for appointments to the Coast Guard Academy. NAPS is specifically aimed at personnel who may have been educationally or culturally deprived, but who have demonstrated that they possess the potential to become a Coast Guard officer.

Navigation Header

The header area in PeopleSoft Internet Architecture that remains static as you navigate through your pages. The navigation header contains links back to your homepage and a Signoff button. If you are running the portal, the navigation header also has a Categories, Favorites, and Search feature.

Needs Analysis

Process by which an organization's human resource development needs are identified and articulated in order to help the organization accomplish its objectives; also called assessment or needs assessment.

Needs Assessment

Process by which an organization's human resource development needs are identified and articulated in order to help the organization accomplish its objectives; also called assessment or needs analysis.


National Environmental Policy Act

Non Employee, Applicant

A person who will attend Coast Guard sponsored training or is in the process of becoming a Coast Guard employee.  An applicant will have an employee ID that begins with an 'A'.

NVQ Unit

National Vocational Code. NVQs are qualifications for work and show you can actually do a job, and not simply that you know how to do it in theory.

Officer Corps

Consist of commissioned officers between the paygrades of O-1 (ensign) and O-10 (admiral). Includes officers serving on regular active duty, reserve officers serving on extended active duty (EAD) contracts, retired officers in recall status (on \"retired recall\"), members of the Permanent Commissioned Teaching Staff (for the CG Academy), and reserve officers serving on active duty as Reserve Program Administrators (RPA). While chaplains and uniformed members of the Public Health service do wear the Coast Guard uniform, they are not considered part of the Officer Corp. Federal Law limits the overall size of the officer corps to 6,200 officers. In addition to limiting the overall size of the officer corps, Federal law limits the number of officers serving in paygrades O-4 (lieutenant commander ) and above. Currently, the number of flag officers (O-7 & O-8) cannot exceed 0.75% of the active duty officer corps. Likewise, captains (O-6) are limited to 6%, commanders (O-5) are limited to 12%, and lieutenant commanders (O-4) are limited to 18% of the active duty officer corps.

Officer Specialty Managers

The officer specialty manager performs a similar function to the Enlisted Rating/Force Manager. Specialty Managers are not listed in any formal Coast Guard publication, but are typically assigned as a collateral duty on the staff of a given Headquarters Program Manager. The concept of officer specialty management has taken shape for the officer corps to deal with specific officer specialty accession, training, and assignment needs.

Open Rate List (ORL)

A list of rates (rating/paygrade) into which recruiters may recruit prior CG and/or DOD personnel. These ratings may have temporary shortages and/or require special skills that are currently not available in the CG.

Operating Facilities of the Coast Guard (OPFAC)

An OPFAC is a Coast Guard unit or facility, including assigned boats and aircraft. The listing of all OPFACs in the Coast Guard is found at the G-CPA Intranet site. By definition, an OPFAC is a manned facility, thus having personnel resources allocated to accomplishing the assigned missions. This intranet OPFAC listing outlines the command relationships for every unit and sub-unit in the Coast Guard. OPFACs have unique identification numbers that are integrated in the assignment, pay, and logistics systems of the Coast Guard. The PAL on G-CPA's Intranet site has been modified so that Direct Access \"Department IDs\" can be cross-referenced with OPFAC numbers.

Operating Facility Change Orders (OFCO)

An OFCO is a change to an OPFAC. An OFCO is required under many circumstances, including commissioning, decommissioning, relocating, or renaming a unit. OFCOs must always address personnel resource changes, and thus are a primary input to the Personnel Resource Management System. Operating Facility Change Order Procedures, COMDTINST M5440.3 (series) details the OFCO process.

Operator ID/OprID

The code an employee uses to access CGHRMS. This can be the same as your employee ID or your name or a combination of the two.

Optimal Crewing

First and foremost, optimal crewing is not minimum crewing! Rather, it is an analytically determined crew size consistent with risk, affordability, human performance capability, and human workload. The largest single component of life cycle cost for a naval ship is manpower, including recruiting, training, assigning, and supporting Sailors for operations, maintenance and support. The primary benefits of optimal crewing are improved total system performance and a significant reduction in ownership costs. Other benefits include an increased emphasis on supporting human performance, productivity, safety, and quality of life, resulting in enhanced crew satisfaction and greater acceptance of technology initiatives.There are several critical factors required to achieve optimal crewing. Acquisition and design processes for ship systems must foster a design approach that encompasses human roles and requirements while reducing workload allocated to the human. Additionally, current policies for personnel and training and supporting infrastructure and the means to support a new and potentially different crew composition in a competitive personnel resource market environment, must be reviewed. Finally, the laws, regulations, doctrine, and cultural drivers for all of these policies must be addressed.An optimal crewing strategy begins with an assumed manning level of zero (0). Human involvement must be justified through a top down functional and task analysis. Human involvement requirements must be defined by a human-centered systems engineering process, called human systems integration (HSI). HSI brings to systems design a concern for the human as a part of the total system. It is an application of total systems engineering with emphasis on the roles, responsibilities, and requirements for the human. The process, tools and data required to integrate human performance into a system are also part of HSI, as are the traditional human factors engineering areas, such as manpower, personnel, training, safety, and life support. Through HSI, mission function and task allocation can be analytically applied to hardware, software, or people in terms of life cycle cost and performance tradeoffs.

Organization Analysis

A method for evaluating organizational structure. It examines the structure's effectiveness and efficiency in supporting the organization's mission and it includes development of a suitable organization.

Organization Reengineering Study

A holistic analysis of an organization's mission and structure, products and services, customers, suppliers, tasks, metrics, resources and operating environment for the purpose of developing the most efficient and effective delivery of the products and services needed to meet mission requirements.

Organizational Culture

Is the shared attitudes and perceptions in an organization.


The amount of something produced by a system or process during a given span of time.


The individual display and data-entry screens for each part of your PeopleSoft application. Pages appear in the browser window.  In PeopleSoft 7.5, this was called a panel.


A characteristic or property of a population.

Pareto Chart

Shows how several items contribute to a total effect.


The ability to generate the highest level of results at the least cost.

Performance Cycle

View the chart at: http://mycg.uscg.mil/uscg_docs/portal/MyCG/Editorial/20031009/Performance.cycle.graph.pdf

Performance Standards

The expectations of management translated into behaviors and results that employees can deliver.

Permission Lists

The permission lists are the objects that control what a user can and can't access in the system. In most cases, users have a collection of permission lists. A collection of permission lists is a Role. See Role User


Personnel Service Center (not the old PSC Topka, which is now PPC, Pay and Personnel Center)

Personal Development

Areas that are for purely personal benefit without direct linkage to a person's job performance or career potentialE.g., estate planning, managing credit, marriage workshop, lawn repair.Any activity or intervention that increases or changes an individual's knowledge, ability, or level of competency in areas that are for purely personal benefit without direct linkage to a person's job performance or career potential; e.g., estate planning, managing credit, marriage workshop, lawn mower repair.

Personal Relief

A specific remedy directly benefiting the grievant(s); it may not include a request for disciplinary or other action affecting another employee or individual.

Personnel Allowance Amendment (PAA)

A document (CGHQ-9750A) used to modify any attributes of military billets or civilian positions on the Personnel Allowance List (PAL).

Personnel Allowance List (PAL)

The PAL is a database listing of authorized full-time permanent civilian positions, selected reserve military billets and active duty military billets (including General Detail) that includes relevant information related to that billet (OPFAC; position number; OBC; appropriation, program, and sponsor codes; source; special training and qualification requirements; OPM series classification codes). PAL is the personnel resource allocation tool for the Coast Guard.

Personnel Assigned

A tabulation of all officer and enlisted personnel charged to an activity.

Personnel Inventory

Number of personnel available by occupational classification, paygrade and distribution category.


Billet (military) and position (civilian).

Position Description (PD)

A position description is a written record of duties, responsibilities and supervision received for each civilian position. A PD is tentatively classified when the process of determining the proper title, series, and grade level of a position has been completed with the exception of the PD cover sheet being certified and signed by the Classification Specialist.

Position number

Identifies a position. Replaced Billet Control Number (BCN).

Position Number (PN)

Numbering systems used in Direct Access to identify billets and positions on the PAL. The PAL on G-CPA's Intranet site has been modified so that Direct Access Position Numbers can be cross-referenced with POSITION NUMBERs/POSITION NUMBERs.

Precommissioning Program for Enlisted Personnel (PPEP)

Enables selected enlisted personnel with associate degrees to attend college full-time for up to two years with a goal of qualifying to attend OCS. The program serves as an upward mobility mechanism for qualified enlisted members to become commissioned officers.


A process intended to ensure that response plans, capability, and the organization are ready for prompt and effective reaction to incidents, with the goal of minimizing impacts.


The procedures undertaken by the public and private sector to minimize either the likelihood of occurrence of certain acts or events or the consequences of their occurrence.

Professional Development

Any activity or intervention that increase or changes an individual's knowledge, ability, or level of competency in areas that are designed to have direct linkage to a person's CURRENT job performance.

Proficiency Level

Proficiency levels relate to the POSITION, not the PERSON in the position.  These levels describe the level of proficiency required of a competency that is needed in order to accomplish the duties and tasks of a position.

Program Manager

An individual who has the responsibility of advocating for, setting performance standards for, and monitoring the successful use of resources engaged in pursuing the goals of a program.


The process of transplanting planned force requirements into time-phased manpower.

Projected Workload

An amount of work proposed or anticipated in the future to meet the requirement of a program/function.


Personnel Support Division

Quality Control

Those actions taken by the performing organization to control the production of goods or services so that they will meet the requirements of the performance work statement.

Readiness Management Period (RMP formerly known as \"Appropriate Duty\")

A special period of Inactive Duty Training (IDT) for reservists (differing from single and multiple drills), under orders of three to eight hours duration, normally performed on one calendar day. However, one period may be performed incrementally within one calendar week. One RMP is equivalent to a single IDT drill for pay and point purposes.

Recruitment Bonus

Is a one time payment, up to 25% base pay, to fill a newly appointed civilian position from outside the Federal Government, when in absence of such a bonus, difficulty would be encountered in filling the position.

Reduction-In-Force (RIF)

An involuntary separation of civilian employees involving layoffs, furloughs for more than 30 days or involuntary retirement (demotion without separation could be considered a RIF). Under the RIF system, employees compete for retention in their jobs based on the following retention factors (specified by law): (1) Type of appointment (tenure) (2) Veterans preference (3) Total length of civilian and creditable military service (4) Performance ratings.


A holistic, methodical approach to reviewing the products and services of an enterprise, the associated processes and tasks, and the resources to accomplish them so as to construct an organization that matches people and available resources to products/services and track in the best, most efficient way to meet customer requirement.

Reimbursable Agreement Numbers

Reimbursement is an amount collected and credited to an appropriation for items andservices furnished, usually on an occasional basis.  An interagency agreement providesbudget authority to the performing agency in addition to that provided by its ownappropriation.  In simple terms, this means that the Coast Guard�s budget authorityis increased to cover the obligations incurred by these additional services.  The Coast Guard uses reimbursable agreements to provide services to other agencies. For example, Coast Guard reservists may be ordered to duty to support the FederalEmergency Management Agency (FEMA) for hurricane, oil or hazardous chemical responses. Another example would be Coast Guard support to the Selective Service System (SSS).

Relocation Bonus

A one time payment to a civilian employee of up to 25% of basic pay, to entice a current high quality Federal employee to accept a position in a different commuting area.


The act of reallocating financial or personnel resources from one use to another, which produces no net change to the overall Coast Guard appropriation on number of billets/positions. For example, the reprogramming of funds from AFC-01 to AFC-08 is neutral to the overall Operating Expenses appropriation. Similarly, moving a YN2 billet from one unit to another is neutral. While most reprogrammings are not simple, they all result in no net change to Coast Guard appropriations

Reserve Personnel Allowance List (RPAL)

A listing of Coast Guard billet requirements for selected reservists based on contingency needs, augmentation, and training opportunities. SELRES member accessions, assignments, and advancements are based upon RPAL, which includes a POSITION NUMBER, a rating and grade, and any required qualification code for each billet. The Reserve Personnel Allowance List (RPAL) is integrated with the Personnel Allowance List (PAL).

Reserve Program Administrator

An officer of the Coast Guard Reserve assigned on extended active duty for the purpose of performing duty in connection with organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, and training the Reserve component of the Coast Guard (see 10 U.S.C. 10211).


Generally, a measure of the voluntary component of turnover: those who, having a choice to leave, choose to stay. This may be a measure (\"retention is increasing\") or an action to influence the decision (\"our retention programs include bonuses and �\"). Specific to the military, the number of people who, after the end of their service obligation, remain in the service.

Retention Allowance

Is an ongoing payment, up to 25% of basic pay to retain a current federal employee in his or her present position. These allowances are intended to be used in unusual cases.

Risk Analysis

A technique for assessing the risk associated with reducing or eliminating functions/sub-functions. This is accomplished by assigning a priority code to all functions/subfunctions. Impact statements for lowest priority work are developed for use by management in deciding whether to eliminate or reduce low priority tasking.

Role User

Role users are the User Profiles or users that have membership to a particular role. Users inherit most of their permissions from the role(s) assigned to the User Profile.

Run Control

A run control is a database record that provides values for these settings. Instead of entering the same values each time you run a report, you create (and save) a run control with those settings. The next time you run the report, you select the run control, and the system fills in the settings.

Run Control IDs

Each run control you create receives a unique run control ID. When you select a report from a menu, a search dialog box appears, asking for a run control ID. If you're in Add mode, enter a new ID for the run control you're about to define. If you're in Update/Display mode, enter an existing run control ID or press Enter and select from the list of available run control IDs.

Same Day Transfer

A term used on orders directing a change of station where both stations are located within the same corporate limits and, therefore, do not require traveling.


Scrollbars are provided when grids contain more information than what will fit on the screen.  Click the scrollbar arrows to view hidden rows and columns.


Support Centers

Selected Reserve (SELRES)

That portion of the Ready Reserve consisting of units and, as designated by the Secretary concerned, of individual reservists with the highest priority for mobilization who participate in inactive duty training periods and annual training in a pay status. Also includes persons performing initial active duty for training.

Selective Early Retirement Board (SERB)

A workforce management tool designed to force military members to retire earlier than prescribed by other mandatory retirement laws. Currently used as a continuation board for CWO4's.

Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB)

This bonus is a cash payment which the Coast Guard uses as an incentive to retain members in specialties experiencing personnel shortages. (A reenlistment bonus that is used as an incentive to encourage the retention of individuals in designated critical ratings.)

Service Contract

A contract which delivers a task or service rather than furnishing an end item of supply.


Surface Forces Logistics Center

Shared Vision

A unified set of objectives held by everyone in the entire organization to focus on completing priorities.

Signal Number

Each officer on the ADPL and IDPL is assigned a signal number annually. This number designates their seniority in relation to other active duty officers at the beginning of the calendar year.


Shore Infrastructure Logistics Center

Skills Inventories

Data files containing information on knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience of current employees.


Indicates whether a position is active duty, reserve, or civilian.

Special Salary Rate

Pay rates which are set higher than the minimum for all civilian employees in a particular occupation and location where there is significant recruitment and retention problems. Coast Guard requests must be submitted through DOT and OPM before special rates can be established.

Specialty Training

Training needed by an individual to function in a specific assigned billet. Specialty training is typically received between the notification for PCS orders and the reporting date at the new unit. Mandatory (\"pipeline\") training must be received prior to reporting. Suggested training is desirable before reporting. Includes \"C\" Schools greater than 20 weeks in duration; all mandatory pre-arrival (\"pipeline\") training and Aviation Student Engineering.

Staffing Standards

A Staffing Standard defines the quantitative and qualitative manpower required to accomplish identified workloads for a class of units, unit or activities. A staffing standard identifies the skill levels, series, rating and paygrades needed to perform Coast Guard work activity. Staffing standards, determined by studies, are contained in the Staffing Standards Manual, COMDTINST M5312.11 (series).

Standard Personnel Costs (SPC)

Standard Personnel Costs provide estimates of the total costs associated with the employment of a civilian or military member for an entire year. It is broken down by paygrade and includes all pay and allowances as well as travel expenses. For military members, the costs associated with retirement are not included as because this is a separate mandatory appropriation. These costs should be used when preparing budget documents for the relevant budget year and for other internal purposes such as Reource Proposals, Planning Proposals, etc. SPCs are maintained by the Director of Finance & Procurement.


An exact value, a physical entity, or an abstract concept established and defined by authority, custom, or common consent to serve as a reference, model, or rule in measuring quantities or qualities, establishing practices or procedures, or evaluating results ..a fixed quantity or quality.

Standby Reserve

A category of the Reserve composed of members other than the Ready Reserve and Retired Reserve, who are liable for active duty in time of war or national emergency declared by Congress, or when otherwise authorized by law. No member of the Standby Reserve may be involuntarily ordered to active duty until it has been determined that there are not enough of the required types of units of personnel in the Ready Reserve who are readily available. (10 U.S.C. 373, 10 U.S.C. 674).

Strategic Objectives

Goals and or vision formulated and approved at the highest level of the organization. Strategic objectives encompass operational and tactical objectives.


Strategic Transformation & Alignment Team


Division or branch within a unit

Succession Planning

The process of identifying long-range needs and cultivating a supply of talent to meet those needs.

Superior Qualifications Appointment

Setting pay for a newly appointed civilian employee, higher than the minimum rate of his/her grade due to 1) the superior qualifications of the employee or the employee meets a special need of the agency; and 2) the individual's existing pay.

Support Allowance

The Support Allowance is the part of the General Detail which accounts for work-years of personnel who are not assigned to a Coast Guard unit, but who are not available to fill assigned billets or Training Allowance Billets. This part of the General Detail accounts for the work-years of labor consumed while hospitalized, in correctional custody, assigned to a unit in excess of its authorization, or in transit (change of station) between one unit and the next.


As any element, platform, unit (or collection of units) that work together to execute CG missions. The Coast Guard is a system of systems.


TAS -- The Training Administration System . This application is used by training schedulers at  Training Quota Management Center and  Coast Guard Personnel Command, to maintain course sessions, enroll students, complete course sessions, create  Travel Order Numbers, and start the orders issuing process. Schedulers can verify member level enrollment data, view course sessions that are currently set up, enter unit funded training for a member, and enroll/wait list members for Class \"A\" or \"C\" schools. Training Centers access the application to complete courses sessions.


A subdivision of work within a particular category.


See Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW).

Temporary Early Retirement Authority (TERA)

(Also referred to as the 15 year retirement). A drawdown tool that permits early retirement for selected military members with more than 15 years, but less than 20 years of military service.


An acronym for travel order number.


Instruction which provides the learner with knowledge and skills required for immediate application in the accomplishment of a specific task or combinations of tasks.

Training Allowance

The training allowance is part of the General Detail that accounts for total work-years of personnel undergoing training and education.

Training Allowance Billet (TAB)

A billet or position specifically linked to a training program. In most cases, TAB is really an accounting notion, representing the accumulation of training into one work year of consumed labor. For example, CG Recruit Training is approximately 2months (1/6 of a year) in duration. If the CG anticipates sending 3600 recruits through Boot Camp this fiscal year, the TAB requirement for that training would be 3600 X 1/6 or 600 TABs. In other cases such as Post Graduate Training or Flight Training, members receive PCS orders to a TAB position that is located at the training site.

Training Program

The set of courses for a position.  Commonly referred to as \"Pipeline Training\".  Replaced T Billet.

Training Requirements

The documented (in policy, guidance, or doctrine) skills, knowledge and expertise usually obtained through some level of school house or classroom indoctrination.

Travel & Transportation Expenses

Agencies may pay the travel and transportation expenses of a newly hired Federal employee going to the first post of duty.

Unit Roster

The Unit Roster, accessed via the Airport Terminal, provides a listing of all personnel and positions at a department.


Abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator, which is the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web.

User ID

See Operator ID


A condition that adds to or subtracts from the core workload or impacts the way the work is performed, the grade of a position, or the resource used to fill the position. Variances result from environmental, mission, or technological differences and can be negative, positive, or neutral.

Voluntary Early Out Authority (VERA)

Subject to Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and Departmental criteria Coast Guard may officer civilian employees eligible for early retirement.

Voluntary Early Release

A downsizing tool which waives obligated military service requirements (i.e. enlistment, academy commitment). There are no monetary separation incentives offered with this type of program. It should not be confused with DOD's voluntary incentive programs (VSI and SSB), which offer a monetary incentive to service members who separate.

Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI) and Special Separation Benefit (SSB)

Voluntary downsizing tools usually designated as \"buyouts\". The programs are open to selected military members with more than six years, but less than twenty years of service. Both of these programs were established solely to assist with the drawdown. They are not envisioned to become management tools nor are they expected to be authorized after the drawdown is completed.

Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP)

VSIP, also known as \"buyouts,\" is used to encourage civilian employees to retire early. Buyouts are payments of a cash incentive to encourage federal employees to leave the federal service by resigning, by taking early retirement, if qualified, or simply by retiring. (Buyouts help lessen the need for mandatory RIFs in order to meet downsizing goals.)

Work Area

The physical location in which work is accomplished.

Work Distribution Analysis

A technique to improve production that helps find out what work is being done, how much time is spent on it, and who is doing it.

Work Measurement

A technique employed independently or in conjunction with cost accounting for the collection of data on work-hours and production by work units, so that the relationship between work performed and work-hours expended can be calculated and used as the basis for manpower planning, scheduling, production, budget justification, performance evolution, and cost control.

Work Sampling

A work measurement technique which is based on the laws of probability and which consists of taking observations at random intervals. Inferences are drawn, from the proportion of observations in each category concerning the work area under study.

Work Unit

The basic identification of work accomplished or services performed. Work units should be easy to identify, convenient for obtaining productive count, and usable for scheduling, planning, and costing.

Workforce Management

The execution of plans and actions associated with recruiting, training, assigning and promoting individuals to the right jobs at the right time.

Workforce Management Tools

Used for shaping and/or down-sizing the workforce.

Workforce Optimization

The multi-disciplinary practice of allocating human resources to meet mission performance objectives as efficiently as possible. Optimization involves analysis and selection/assignment of one, or a mix of, active duty, reserve, civilian, or auxiliary forces. Contracting for specific tasks also may be considered. Solutions to performance discrepancies that involve training may be considered as a way to change existing skills.

Workforce Planning

The process which forecasts long and short term human resource needs; coordinates those needs (demand) with the availability of human resources (supply) to provide the best force mix and structure to support Coast Guard missions.


A list of items that requires your attention.


An expression of the amount of work, identified by the number of work units or volume of a workload factor, that a work center has on hand at any given time or is responsible for performing during a specified period of time.

Workload Indicator

A broad index used to measure work and establish a relationship between workload and manpower requirements.