Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Coast Guard Personnel Command

Officer Personnel Management Division

Officer Evaluations Branch (CG PC-opm-3)

OER Restrictions

Members of the rating chain shall not:

1.  Mention the officer's conduct is the subject of a judicial, administrative, or investigative proceeding, including criminal and non-judicial punishment proceedings under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, civilian criminal proceedings, PRRB, CGBCMR, or any other investigation (including discrimination investigations) except as provided in Article 10.A.3.c. Referring to the fact conduct was the subject of a proceeding of a type described above is also permissible when necessary to respond to issues regarding that proceeding first raised by an officer in a reply under Article 10.A.4.g. These restrictions do not preclude comments on the conduct that is the subject of the proceeding. They only prohibit reference to the proceeding itself.

2.  Consider or evaluate the performance of any officer as a member of court-martial, or give a less favorable evaluation to any defense counsel because of the zeal with which they represented an accused. Such evaluations are prohibited by the Manual for Courts-Martial, M.C.M. 104 (b) (1). This is not intended to preclude the accurate evaluation of, and comment on, counsels' advocacy skills (e.g., trial preparation, organization, logical analysis, writing ability, oral advocacy, direct or cross examination, handling of evidence, use of expert witnesses or demonstrative evidence, etc.) displayed in a court-martial setting. However, in commenting on such performance, whether favorable or unfavorable, no reference will be made to the name, case number, or final result (acquittal, conviction, or sentence).

3.  Mention or allude to the fact that the Reported-on Officer was not selected by a board or panel (e.g., references to non-voluntary retirement or separation).

4.  Mention any PRRB or CG BCMR application or decision.

5.  Mention any medical or psychological conditions, whether factual or speculative. Restriction applies to Reported-on Officer and family members.

6.  Mention pregnancy. Restriction applies to Reported-on Officer and family members.

7.  Expressly evaluate, compare, or emphasize gender, religion, color, race or ethnic background.

8.  Place emphasis upon a third party by name, gender, religion, color, race, or ethnic background (e.g., Catholic lay minister, wrote award recommendation for African-American civilian,  was a female role model).

9.  Refer to the Reported-on Officer by first name.

10.  Refer to Reported-on Officer's marital or family status.

11.  Discuss Reported-on Officer's performance or conduct which occurred outside the reporting period.

12.  Provide comments, attachments or citations which include information subject to a security classification. Evaluations of officers in billets dealing with classified national security issues should characterize performance in a manner which captures the essence of actions and their impact as specifically as possible without raising the classification above the UNCLAS level.

Last Modified 9/16/2008