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Autism Overview: References

1.  Filipek, et al. (2000). Practice Parameter: Screening and Diagnosis of Autism—Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Child Neurology Society. Neurology, 55:468-479.

2.  Diagnostic and Statistics Manual, fourth edition. (1994). American Psychiatric Association: Washington, DC.

3.  Fombonne, 2002; and Gilberg and Wing, 1999. As cited in: Immunization Safety Review Committee, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences. (2004). Immunization Safety Review: Vaccines and Autism. National Academy Press: Washington, DC.

4.  Immunization Safety Review Committee, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences. (2004). Immunization Safety Review: Vaccines and Autism. National Academy Press: Washington, DC.

5.  Volkmar, 1993; and McLennen, 1993.  As cited in: Ashley-Koch, et al. (1999). Genetic Studies of Autistic Disorder and
Chromosome 7. Genomics, 61:227-236.

6.  Gillberg, 2000; Chakrabarti, 2001; and Chudley, 1998. As cited in: Muhle, et al. (2004). The genetics of autism. Pediatrics, 113(5):e472-e486.

7.  Lord, 1995; Stone, 1999; and Charman, 1997. As cited in: Filipek et al. (2000). Practice Parameter: Screening and Diagnosis of Autism—Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Child Neurology Society. Neurology, 55:468-479.

8.  Cox, 1999; Mars, 1998; Werner, 2000; and Baranek, 1999. As cited in: Filipek, et al. (2000). Practice Parameter: Screening and Diagnosis of Autism—Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Child Neurology Society. Neurology, 55:468-479.

9.  Johnson, CP. (2004). New tool helps primary care physicians diagnose autism early. AAP News, 24(2):74.

10.  Goldberg, 2003; and Rodier, 1998. As cited in: Lord, et al. (2004). Regression and word loss in autistic spectrum disorders. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45(5):936-955.

11.  Filipek et al. (1999). Screening and diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 29(6):439-484.

12.  Filipek et al. (2000). Practice Parameter: Screening and Diagnosis of Autism—Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Child Neurology Society. Neurology, 55:468-479.

13.  Media Resource Team, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). (2001). Guidelines on Diagnosis and Management of Autism. E-News, May 2001 [Electronic Version].  Retrieved November 5, 2004, from;107/5/1221 (Registration Required).

14.  Committee on Children with Disabilities, AAP. (2001). The pediatrician’s role in the diagnosis and management of autistic spectrum disorder in children. Pediatrics, 107:1221-1226.

15.  Committee on Children with Disabilities, AAP. (2001). Technical report: The pediatrician’s role in the diagnosis and management of autistic spectrum disorder in children. Pediatrics, 107:e85. Retrieved November 4, 2004, from

16.  Dawson, 1997; Hurth, 1999; Rogers, 1989; Hoyson, 1984; Lovaas, 1987; Harris, 1991; McEachin, 1993; Greenspan, 1997; Smith, 1997; and Smith, 1998. As cited in Committee on Children with Disabilities, AAP. (2001). The pediatrician’s role in the diagnosis and management of autistic spectrum disorder in children. Pediatrics, 107:1221-1226.

17.  For complete information about IDEA, visit

18.  For complete information about IDEA, visit

19.  Adapted from NICHD, NIH, DHHS. (2003). Are there treatments for Fragile X syndrome? Families and Fragile X Syndrome (NIH Pub. No. 03-3402). U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC; pages 24-31.

20.  Adapted from:  Potenza and McDougle. (2001). New Findings on the Causes and Treatment of Autism. CNS Spectrums, Medical Broadcast Limited. Retrieved November 8, 2004, from

21.  Study confirms secretin mo more effective than placebo in treating autistic symptoms, NICHD, November 2001.  Retrieved November 08, 2004, from

22.  Gillberg. (1998). Chromosomal disorders and autism. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 28:415-425.

23.  Tuchman, et al. (2002). Epilepsy in autism. Lancet Neurology, 1:352-358.

24.  Fombonne, et al. (1997). Autism and associated medical disorders in a French epidemiological survey. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36:1561-1569.

25.  Kielinen, et al. (2004). Associated medical disorders and disabilities in children with autistic disorder. Autism,

26. Sigman M, Dissanayake C, Arbelle S, and Ruskin E. (1997). Cognition and emotion in children with autism. In Cohen and Volkmar (Eds.) Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, second edition (pp. 248-265).  Wiley and Sons: NY. 

The NICHD would like to thank Sally Rogers, Ph.D., for her assistance with this fact sheet.

Publish Date: 05/03/2005

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