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Autism Overview: Where can I go for more information about autism?

If you are interested in taking part in one of the CPEA studies, or if you want more information about one of the CPEA sites, visit  You and your family are welcome to take part in many different studies, but you can only take part in one genetics study at a time. 

To find out what studies related to autism are currently looking for participants, go to and choose the “Autism clinical trials currently recruiting patients” link. 

You can also visit or call 1-800-411-1222 for more information on federally funded studies that are seeking participants.

Where can I go for more information about autism?

For more information about the CPEA Network, genetic studies, or autism research, contact the NICHD.  The NICHD supports and conducts research on topics related to the health of children, adults, families, and populations, including autism and developmental disabilities.  The mission of the NICHD is to ensure that every person is born healthy and wanted, that women suffer no harmful effects from the reproductive process, and that all children have the chance to fulfill their potential for a healthy and productive life, free of disease or disability, and to ensure the health, productivity, independence, and well-being of all people through optimal rehabilitation.  You can contact the NICHD through the
NICHD Information Resource Center at:

Mail:  P.O. Box 3006, Rockville, MD  20847
Phone:  1-800-370-2943 (TTY: 1-888-320-6942)
Fax:  (301) 984-1473
E-mail:  (Please use AUTISM in the subject line)

The National Library of Medicine also provides information on ASDs at
The NIH Web site also has information.


Publish Date: 05/03/2005

Page 15

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