Guide to Using the Online PUB-3000

About PUB-3000 "Pages"

The basic unit of the on-line PUB-3000 is the chapter (see, e.g., Chapter 13 on Gases). Because a chapter, as it appears on the Web, does not necessarily correspond to a chapter's pagination in the printed PUB-3000, you will not see page numbers and footers that correspond to those in the published version. The revision date for each chapter appears below the chapter title at the beginning of each chapter.

Printing from Web Versions of PUB-3000

PUB-3000 is available on the Web in HTML; Chapter 8 is available in an HTML version and an RTF version, as it's often necessary to print out a hard copy of Chapter 8.

Printing a Chapter in Browser Format. Most Web browsers will automatically size your HTML document to the size of the layout (e.g., 8-1/2 x 11" page size for "Portrait"). However, before you print, you may have to change the size of the browser window. If the window is too wide, text along the right-hand edge will be cut off. Even the default window width in many graphical browsers will cut off text in printing. If this occurs, narrow the width of the browser window (by dragging the lower right-hand corner of the window to the left) and try again. Note: if you have wide tables that are not scalable, they may be cut off on the right-hand side of the print page.

You can easily print an entire PUB-3000 chapter with your Web browser. To do so, do not specify a page range in the print dialog box. You may also be able to print individual parts of a section by specifying a page range. The results, however, will depend on your printer driver and printer. In addition, the information that fits on each sheet of the printout may not correspond to the pages of the published version of PUB-3000. If your browser will only print entire chapters, you can still print a specific part of a section by copying that part into a word-processing file and printing it through your word processor:

  1. Select the text you want to print by highlighting it. (Note: formatting will be preserved if you use Internet Explorer. If you use Netscape Communicator, the text will have line breaks.) Remember that the revision date for the chapter occurs only below the chapter title at the beginning of the chapter.
  2. Copy the selection to the clipboard.
  3. Open a new document with a word-processing program.
  4. Paste the contents of the clipboard (the text you selected) into the new document.
  5. Print the new document.

Searching the Web Version of PUB-3000

At the bottom of this page and on the PUB-3000 title page, click on the Search PUB-3000 link to search the Web version of PUB-3000 for specific strings of characters.

When using this tool:

  1. Do not use punctuation in the search string.
  2. Make your search string fewer than 30 characters long.
  3. Type AND or OR in your search string to look for places where two different strings both occur or where one or the other occurs.
  4. Type # in your search string to allow variability in that position of the string. For example, "lead#s" will find strings containing "leads," "leaders," "leadership," and "lead time is."

For more information on using this search engine, click on the "Search PUB-3000" link.

Changes to the Web Version of PUB-3000

The web version of PUB-3000 is updated frequently. The date of the last revision appears beneath the chapter title at the beginning of each chapter. The following flags are used to show where the latest change can be located within the document:

Denotes a rewritten or new chapter.
Denotes the beginning of changed text within a chapter

Denotes the end of changed text within a chapter

A record of all changes made to PUB-3000 during the calendar year is recorded in the log of PUB-3000 Changes.

For questions about the content of PUB-3000, contact the Environment, Health and Safety PUB-3000 Manager:

Bill Wells
Berkeley Lab
One Cyclotron Road, Mail Stop 75B0101
Berkeley, CA 94720

Phone: (510) 486-6325
Fax: (510) 486-4776

For questions or comments on the technical aspects of the Health and Safety Manual (LBNL/PUB 3000), please contact:

    • Theresa Duque
      Berkeley Lab
      One Cyclotron Road, Mail Stop 46R0125
      Berkeley, CA 94720

      Phone : (510) 495-2418
      Fax: (510) 486-5333

    • or the EH&S Web master at

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