A Meeting of Minds: GLOBE Students and Scientists Share Research in Iowa

09 March 2006

Student Presentations and Posters

On February 10, 2006 GLOBE students shared their research and exchanged ideas with GLOBE Scientists at the GLOBE ONE Student Research Symposium at the Hartman Reserve Nature Center in Black Hawk County, Iowa.
Courtney Richman of Orange Elementary discusses her project "A Study of Climatographs" with Lin Chambers, the GLOBE PI for contrails.
Despite blustery winter weather, 174 students participated, representing the following GLOBE schools: Orange Elementary School, Orchard Hill Elementary, West High School, St. Edward Elementary, IC St. Joseph's, Hoover Middle School and Kittrell Elementary School. Presentations were given by students and GLOBE Principal Investigators (PIs), students shared posters of their work, and there were opportunities for everyone to interact and participate in Earth Science-related activities.
As part of GLOBE ONE, students performed research focused on topics such as surface temperature, land cover mapping, hummingbirds, weather and climate, contrails, and incoming solar radiation. This symposium provided them with a chance to discuss their project with many of the GLOBE PIs and with each other. After the symposium, the scientists also met to discuss plans for continuing to analyze the data collected through GLOBE ONE.

Marcy Seavey, who directed local implementation of GLOBE ONE, and the Iowa Academy of Science are owed a debt of gratitude for their incredible work to make this event a success. Special thanks are also due to the teachers and students for making this an event that is sure to be remembered by all who participated.

Students from St. Edward Elementary present their project entitled "Snow Equivalents and Air Temperature".
You can learn more about GLOBE ONE from the project Web site at GLOBE ONE students will be submitting their finalized research projects to the GLOBE Student Investigations in the coming weeks.

Peggy LeMone, GLOBE Chief Scientist, leads students in an activity about the process of science.

Students help test a method for measuring contrail length proposed by GLOBE ONE students.

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