Norwegian GLOBE School Passes its 100,000th Measurement Mark!

13 June 2006

Vang Students enter their 100,000 MeasurementIn the seven years since the Vang barne-og ungdomsskule (K-10) in Valdres, Norway, started the GLOBE Program, they have amassed over 100,000 measurement points. On 30 May the school celebrated the momentous occasion with a big party, during which seven students together pushed the button to enter the 100,000th measurement. With enthusiasm and pride, they watched a special video message from GLOBE acting Director Ed Geary congratulating them on their accomplishments. On hand to share in the celebration was Tone Berit Nordland, the mayor of Vang, David A. Henry, a representative from the US embassy in Oslo, and Karl Torstein Hetland, the Norway GLOBE Country Coordinator. The school was awarded $1,500 USD from GLOBE Norway to continue its GLOBE work.

Vang Principal Jon Heimlid congratulates teachers Ottar Jaegersborg and Solveig Boe and computer specialist Oddvin Almenning on their acheivementThey have the highest number of hydrology measurements of any GLOBE School, nearly 50,000, that can be taken at 14 measurement stations. Vang attributes its successes to the way they have integrated GLOBE in their school:

Congratulations to Vang on this great event!

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