Water Quality Information Center of the National Agricultural Library
Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Economics and the Environment

86 citations from the Agricola Database
January 1984 - June 1998

Joe Makuch
Water Quality Information Center

This electronic bibliography is intended primarily to provide awareness of recent investigations and discussions of a topic and is not intended to be in-depth and exhaustive. The inclusion or omission of a particular publication or citation should not be construed as endorsement or disapproval. Citations are arranged by title and abstracts are included where available.

Send suggestions for electronic bibliographies related to water resources and agriculture to wqic@nal.usda.gov.

To locate a publication cited in this bibliography, please contact your local, state, or university library. If you are unable to locate a particular publication, your library can contact the National Agricultural Library (please see "Document Delivery Services" at http://www.nal.usda.gov/ddsb/).

  1. The 4P approach to dealing with scientific uncertainty.
    Costanza, R. and Cornwell, L.
    Environment 34: 9 pp.12-20, 42. (Nov 1992).
    NAL Call#: DNAL HM208.E5
    Descriptors: climatic-change environmental-management uncertainty- risk- environmental-policy securities- incentives- regulations- usa- global-warming bonds- precautionary-polluter-pays-principle

  2. Action, society and nature : communicative ethics and the practice of ecological economics.
    Lewis, Bernard J.
    St. Paul, Minn. : College of Natural Resources and the Agricultural Experiment Station, Institute of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, University of Minnesota, [1991] 37 leaves : ill.: "July 1991." The paper as contained here may be f ound in: 'Proceedings of a workshop, Ecological economics--implications for forest management and practice.'" Includes bibliographical references (leaf 36-37).
    NAL Call#: DNAL SD144.M6S72--no.81
    Descriptors: Ecology-Economic-aspects Human-ecology

  3. The African environment.
    Sheffield, UK : ROAPE Publishers, 1988. 122 p. : ill., maps: Includes bibliographical references.
    NAL Call#: DNAL GE160.A35A37--1988
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics-Africa Environmental-policy-Africa Africa-Environmental-conditions

  4. Argument in the Greenhouse : the international economics of controlling global warming.
    Mabey, Nick 1967
    London ; New York : Routledge, 1997. xiii, 442 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 422-432) and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5A74--1997
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics Global-warming Greenhouse-effect,-Atmospheric International-economic-relations

  5. Assessing and communicating data quality in policy-relevant research.
    Costanza, R., Funtowicz, S. O., and Ravetz, J. R.
    Environ Manage 16: 1 pp.121-131. (Jan/Feb 1992).
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5E5
    Descriptors: wetlands- data-collection quality- uncertainty- statistical-methods environmental-policy value-theory louisiana-

  6. Controlling pollution : incentives and regulations.
    Mehta, Shekhar., Mundle, Sudipto., and Sankar, U.
    New Delhi ; Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 1997. 153 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [145]-149) and indexes.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC440.P55M45--1997
    Descriptors: Pollution-Government-policy-India Environmental-economics-India Environmental-law-India

  7. The development of dynamic spatial models for landscape ecology: a review and prognosis.
    Sklar, F. H. and Costanza, R.
    Ecol-Stud-Anal-Synth. New York, N.Y. : Springer-Verlag. 1991. v. 82 p. 239-288. pp.
    NAL Call#: DNAL QH540.E288
    Descriptors: landscape-ecology ecosystems- vegetation-types dynamic-models spatial-models

  8. Dynamic spatial simulation modeling of coastal wetland habitat succession.
    Sklar, F. H., Costanza, R., and Day, J. W. Jr.
    Ecol Model 29: 1/4 pp.261-281. ill., maps. (Sept 1985).
    NAL Call#: DNAL QH541.15.M3E25
    Descriptors: plants- ecological-succession habitats- dynamic-models land-resources simulation-models ecosystems- habitat-destruction wetlands- coastal-areas

  9. The Earthscan reader in environmental economics.
    Markandya, Anil., Richardson, Julie 1960, and Earthscan.
    London : Earthscan, 1992. 469 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 467-468).
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5E5772--1992
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics Environmental-development-Environmental-aspects

  10. Ecological economics and sustainable development : theory, methods, and applications.
    Bergh, Jeroen C. J. M. van den 1965
    Cheltenham, UK ; Brookfield, US : Edward Elgar, c1996. xi, 312 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 281-304) and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5B457--1996
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics Sustainable-development

  11. Ecological economics--integrating natural and social dimensions.
    Bradley, D. P. and Lewis, B. J.
    J For 90: 2 pp.30-33. (Feb 1992).
    NAL Call#: DNAL 99.8-F768
    Descriptors: forestry- forest-ecology economics-

  12. Ecological economics: its implications for forest management and research (a Workshop Summary).
    Hall, C. A. S. and Bradley, D. P.
    Conserv Biol J Soc Conserv Biol 4: 3 pp.221-224. (Sept 1990).
    NAL Call#: DNAL QH75.A1C5
    Descriptors: forest-ecology economic-analysis forest-management research- workshops-programs usa-

  13. Ecological economics: reintegrating the study of humans and nature.
    Costanza, R.
    Ecol appl 6: 4 pp.978-990. (Nov 1996).
    NAL Call#: DNAL QH540.E23

    Ecological economics : the journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics. Journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics.
    International Society for Ecological Economics.
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; New York : Elsevier, c1989- v. pp.
    NAL Call#: DNAL QH540.E26
    Descriptors: International-Society-for-Ecological-Economics-Periodicals Ecology-Economic-aspects-Periodicals Ecology-Periodicals Environmental-policy-Economic-aspects-Periodicals Conservation-of-natural-resources-Economic-aspects-Periodicals

  14. Ecological economics--the next step for forestry research evaluation.
    Jakes, P. J.
    FRI Bull For Res Inst N Z For Serv: 173 pp.208-211. (1992).
    NAL Call#: DNAL SD112.F67
    Descriptors: forestry- research- ecology-

  15. Ecological economics : the science and management of sustainability.
    Costanza, Robert. and Wainger, Lisa.
    New York : Columbia University Press, c1991. xiii, 525 p. : ill., map: Based on papers presented at a workshop held May 24-26, 1990 at the Aspen Institute. Includes bibliographical references and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HD75.6.E29-1991
    Descriptors: Economic-development-Environmental-aspects

  16. Ecological effects of animal production. 1. ed. Efectos ecologicos de la produccion animal : conceptos para su investgacion y docencia.
    Leon Dousset, Jorge Salvador. and Garcia Hernandez, Luis Arturo.
    Mexico, D. F. : Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco, 1995. 64 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5L46--1995
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics-Developing-countries Animal-culture-Environmental-aspects-Developing-countries Land-reform-Developing-countries

  17. Ecology, law and economics : the simple analytics of natural resource and environmental economics.
    Mercuro, Nicholas., Lopez, Franklin A., and Preston, Kristian P.
    Lanham, MD : University Press of America, c1994. viii, 204 p. : ill., map: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL GE170.M46--1994
    Descriptors: Environmental-policy Natural-resources-Management Environmental-economics Environmental-law

  18. Economic democracy and green economics.
    Robertson, James.
    Littleton, CO : Aigis Publications, c1997. xiv, 222 p.: Cover title. Includes bibliographical references. NAL Call #: DNAL GE195.E26--1997
    Descriptors: Environmentalism- Green-movement Social-ecology

  19. Economic ecology. Okonomische Okologie.
    Stephan, Gunter 1952 and Ahlheim, Michael 1951
    Berlin ; New York : Springer, 1996. ix, 198 p. : ill.: "Springer Lehrbuch"--Cover. Includes bibliographical references (p. [185]-198).
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5S74--1996
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics Environmental-protection-Economic-aspects Environmental-policy-Economic-aspects

  20. Economists and the environment. Pianeta degli economisti. English.
    Ravaioli, Carla.
    London ; Atlantic Highlands, N.J. : Zed Books, 1995. xx, 212 p. : ill.: "What the top economists say about the environment"--Cover. Includes bibliographical references (p. 201-204) and index. NAL Call #: DNAL HC79.E5R38--1995
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics Environmental-policy

  21. Economy, environment, and technology : a socioeconomic approach.
    Burgenmeier, Beat.
    Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, c1994. 219 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HD79.E5E287--1994
    Descriptors: Environmental-policy-Economic-aspects Environmental-policy-Social-aspects Environmental-economics

  22. Ecosystem health : new goals for environmental management.
    Costanza, Robert., Norton, Bryan G., and Haskell, Benjamin D.
    Washington, D.C. : Island Press, c1992. x, 269 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references and index. NAL Call #: DNAL GT21.E26-1992
    Descriptors: Human-ecology-Philosophy Environmental-policy Human-ecology-Moral-and-ethical-aspects Ecology-Philosophy

  23. Ecosystem valuation : an overview of issues and uncertainties.
    Toman, Michael A. and Resources for the Future.
    Washington, D.C. : Resources for the Future, [1995], c1994. 16 p.: "March 1995"
    NAL Call#: DNAL QH75.T66--1994
    Descriptors: Ecosystem-management-United-States Environmental-economics-United-States

  24. Ecuador's Amazon region : development issues and options.
    Hicks, James F. 1944, Daly, Herman E., Davis, Shelton H., and Freitas, Maria de Lourdes de 1938
    Washington, D.C. : World Bank, c1990. xii, 41 p. : col. maps: Includes bibliographical references (p. 39-41).
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC203.O75H53
    Descriptors: Oriente-Ecuador-Economic-policy Oriente-Ecuador-Economic-conditions

  25. Elements of forest and environmental economics and valuation. 2a ed. Elementi di economia ed estimo forestale-ambientale.
    Merlo, Maurizio.
    Bologna : Patron, 1991. viii, 545 p. : ill.: First publ. 1982 under the title: Appunti di estimo forestale. Includes bibliographical references (p. 533-545).
    NAL Call#: DNAL SD623.M47--1991
    Descriptors: Forests-and-forestry-Economcic-aspects-Italy

  26. The emergence of an ecological economics paradigm: examples from fisheries and aquaculture.
    Folke, C. and Jansson, A. M.
    Ecol-Econ-Environ. Dordrecht : Kluwer. 1992. v. 2 p. 69-87. pp.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5E26
    Descriptors: marine-areas fishery-management aquaculture- economic-development social-development ecosystems- scandinavia-

  27. Energy and the U.S. economy: a biophysical perspective.
    Cleveland, C. J., Costanza, R., Hall, C. A. S., and Kaufmann, R.
    Science 225: 4665 pp.890-897. ill. (Aug 31, 1984).
    NAL Call#: DNAL 470-SCI2

  28. Environmental cost estimating software report.
    Donley Technology (Firm).
    Colonial Beach, VA : Donley Technology, c1996- v. : ill. pp.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5E5773
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics-Computer-software-Periodcals

  29. Environmental economics : a reader.
    Markandya, Anil 1945 and Richardson, Julie.
    New York : St. Martin's Press, 1993. 469 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5E5772-1993
    Descriptors: Environmental-policy-Economic-aspects Economic-development-Environmental-aspects

  30. Environmental economics: an evolutionary critique and a plea for pluralism.
    Norgaard, R. B.
    Work-Pap-Giannini-Found-Agric-Econ-Calif-Agric-Exp-Stn. Berkeley : The Station. June 1984. (299) 23 p. pp.
    NAL Call#: DNAL-AGE 916970AGE
    Descriptors: environment- ecosystems- pollution- uncertainties- evolution-
    Extract: Environmental economics is a contradiction in terms. The contradiction is intuitive to the puzzled lay person inquiring about the nature of our subdiscipline. It is explicit to those who think of environmental systems in ter ms of complex, evolving interconnectedness and identify the economic model with the automistic and mechanistic assumptions of classical mechanics. Within the subdiscipline, we try to resolve the contradiction by internalizing externalities, by matching ma rket feedbacks with environmental relations. While acknowledging that insights can be drawn from the market view of environmental problems, I argue in this essay that (1) the contradiction is never resolved; (2) multiple, incongruous perspectives are all we have for understanding the interface between economic and environment systems; and (3) environmental economics will thrive with a return to philosphical pluralism, to the open acceptance of the contradiction.

  31. Environmental economics: an evolutionary critique and a plea for pluralism.
    Norgaard, R. B.
    J Environ Econ Manage 12: 4 pp.382-394. (Dec 1985).
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.P55J6
    Descriptors: nature-conservation environmental-protection nature-conservancy neoclassical-economics

  32. Environmental economics and harmony with nature.
    Weinschenck, G.
    Dev Agric Econ: 7 pp.166-173. (1991).
    NAL Call#: DNAL HD1401.D4
    Descriptors: man- ecology- renewable-resources economic-evaluation environmental-management sustainability- objectives-

  33. Environmental economics and management : pollution and natural resources.
    Forsund, Finn R. and Strom, Steinar.
    London ; New York : Croom Helm, c1988. 307 p. : ill.: "Published in the USA by Croom Helm in association with Methuen."--T.p. verso. Includes bibliographies and indexes.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5F67
    Descriptors: Environmental-policy Pollution-Environmental-aspects Natural-resources Human-ecology

  34. Environmental economics and sustainable development.
    Munasinghe, Mohan 1945
    Washington, D.C. : World Bank, c1993. 112 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [63]-70). NAL Call #: DNAL HC79.E5M86--1993
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics Economic-development-Environmental-aspects

  35. Environmental economics as a part of agricultural economics. Ekonomika srodowiska w ekonomice rolnictwa. Ekonomika srodowiska w ekonomice rolnictwa.
    Urban, M.
    Zagad-Ekon-Roln. Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawn. Rolnicze i Lesne. 1982. (1/2) p. 9-25. pp.
    NAL Call#: DNAL 281.8-Z14
    Descriptors: Poland-

  36. Environmental economics : in theory and practice.
    Hanley, Nick., Shogren, Jason F., and White, Ben Benedict
    New York : Oxford University Press, 1997. xv, 464 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5H32923--1997
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics

  37. Environmental economics sustainable management and the countryside : proceedings of a workshop held on the 25 April 1994 at the Water Services Association, London.
    R. W. (Robert Wood) and Countryside Recreation Network.
    Cardiff : Countryside Recreation Network, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, University of Wales College of Cardiff, c1994. 66 p. : ill., maps: Cover title. Spiral binding. Includes bibliographical references.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5E592--1994
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics Economic-development-Environmental-aspects Environmental-policy-Congresses Land-use,-Rural-Congresses

  38. Environmental economics : the analysis of a major interface.
    Pillet, Gonzague Jacques. and Murota, Takeshi 1943
    Geneva : Roland Leimgruber, c1987. ix, 307 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographies.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5E577
    Descriptors: Environmental-policy-Economic-aspects Environmental-protection-Economic-aspects

  39. Environmental options : accounting for sustainability.
    Uno, Kimio.
    Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1995. xxv, 419 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [395]-407) and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5E362--v.10
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics Sustainable-development

  40. Environmental sustainability: universal and non-negotiable.
    Goodland, R. and Daly, H.
    Ecol appl 6: 4 pp.1002-1017. (Nov 1996).
    NAL Call#: DNAL QH540.E23

  41. Financial results of the operation of large sugar cane farms in Louisiana, 1937 to 1949.
    Efferson, J. Norman John Norman 1912 and Cobb, Mildred.
    [Baton Rouge, La.] : Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1951. 36 p.:
    NAL Call#: DNAL 100-L93-1-no.456
    Descriptors: Sugarcane-Economic-aspects-Louisiana Farms,-Large-Louisiana Sugar-growing-Economic-aspects-Louisiana

  42. Financial results of the operation of large sugar cane farms in Louisiana for nine years, 1937 to 1945.
    Efferson, J. Norman John Norman 1912, Stanley, Felix E., and Cobb, Mildred.
    [Baton Rouge, La.] : Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1947. 47 p.:
    NAL Call#: DNAL 100-L93-1-no.419
    Descriptors: Sugarcane-Economic-aspects-Louisiana Farms,-Large-Economic-aspects-Louisiana

  43. Financial results of the operation of raw sugar mills in Louisiana, 1937 to 1949.
    Efferson, J. Norman John Norman 1912 and Cobb, Mildred.
    [Baton Rouge, La.] : Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1951. 34 p.:
    NAL Call#: DNAL 100-L93-1-no.457
    Descriptors: Sugar-factories-Economic-aspects-Louisiana

  44. Financial results of the operation of raw sugar mills in Louisiana for nine years, 1937 to 1945.
    Efferson, J. Norman John Norman 1912 and Cobb, Mildred.
    [Baton Rouge, La.] : Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1947. 36 p.: Includes bibliographical references.
    NAL Call#: DNAL 100-L93-1-no.418
    Descriptors: Sugar-factories-Economic-aspects-Louisiana

    For the common good : redirecting the economy toward community, the environment, and a sustainable future. 2nd ed., updated and expanded.
    Daly, Herman E., Cobb, John B., and Cobb, Clifford W.
    Boston : Beacon Press, c1994. viii, 534 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 508-520) and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HD75.6.D35--1994
    Descriptors: Economic-development-Environmental-aspects Environmental-policy Sustainable-development Common-good United-States-Economic-policy-1993-

  45. Forest environmental economics : general framework, contingent valuation methodology, and welfare analysis of threatened species Mattias Boman.
    Boman, Mattias.
    Uppsala : Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 1997. 1 v. (various pagings) : ill.: Thesis (doctoral)--Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 1997. Includes bibliographical references.
    NAL Call#: DNAL SF131.A28--no.45

  46. Free trade and environmental economics.
    Paden, R.
    Agric human values 11: 1 pp.47-54 (Winter 1994).
    NAL Call#: DNAL HT401.A36
    Descriptors: free-trade environment- economics- policy- sustainability-

  47. From care to action : making a sustainable world.
    Holdgate, Martin W. and International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
    Washington, D.C. : Taylor & Francis, 1996. xviii, 346 p. : ill., maps: At foot of t.p.: IUCN. Includes bibliographical references (p. [310]-328) and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5H647--1996
    Descriptors: Sustainable-development Environmental-economics Environmental-policy Environmental-protection

  48. The Gaia atlas of green economics : wealth beyond measure. 1st Anchor Books ed.
    Ekins, Paul., Hillman, Mayer., and Hutchinson, Robert 1941
    New York : Anchor Books, 1992. 191 p. : ill.: "A Gaia original." Includes bibliographical references.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5E363-1992
    Descriptors: Green-movement Economic-development-Environmental-aspects Human-ecology Gaia-hypothesis

  49. Geohydrology and susceptibility of major aquifers to surface contamination in Alabama, area 12.
    Scott, John C. 1926, Cobb, Riley H., and Alabama. Dept. of Environmental Management. Geological Survey (U.S.).
    Montgomery, Ala. : Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey ; Denver, Colo. : Books and Open-File Reports [distributor], 1988. v, 51 p. : col. ill., maps (some col.): One map on folded leaf in pocket. Bibliography: p. 19-21.
    NAL Call#: DNAL GB 701.W375-no.88-4078
    Descriptors: Water,-Underground-Pollution-Alabama-Dale-County-Region Geology-Alabama-Dale-County-Region

  50. The green national product : a proposed index of sustainable economic welfare.
    Cobb, Clifford W., Cobb, John B., and Human Economy Center.
    Lanham, Md. : University Press of America ; [Mankato, MN] : Human Economy Center, c1994. v, 343 p.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [301]-329) and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HD75.6.C59--1994
    Descriptors: Sustainable-development Economic-development-Environmental-aspects Quality-of-life

  51. Guide to the field of environmental and natural resource economics. 2nd ed.
    Hutter, Carollyne.
    Washington, D.C. : World Wildlife Fund, [1996?] 149 p.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 90-97).
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5H97--1996
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics Natural-resources-Management

  52. Hicksian vs. Marshallian welfare measures: why do we do what we do.
    Alston, J. M. and Larson, D. M.
    Am J Agric Econ 75: 3 pp.764-769, 782-783. (Aug 1993).
    NAL Call#: DNAL 280.8-J822
    Descriptors: agricultural-economics environment- welfare-economics linear-models income- environmental-economics

  53. Hydrology of the Tertiary-Cretaceous aquifer system in the vicinity of Fort Rucker Aviation Center, Alabama.
    Scott, John C. 1926, Law, Linda R., Cobb, Riley H., and U.S. Army Aviation Center.
    Montgomery, Ala. : U.S. Geological Survey, [1984] v, 221 p. : ill., maps: Chiefly tables. Bibliography: p. 34-35.
    NAL Call#: DNAL GB701.W375-no.84-4118
    Descriptors: Water,-Underground-Alabama-Fort-Rucker

  54. In defense of environmental economics.
    Edwards, S.
    Environ Ethics 9: 1 pp.73-85. (Spring 1987).
    NAL Call#: DNAL GF80.E5
    Descriptors: use-value economic-evaluation natural-resources

  55. Introduction: ecological economics and sustainability.
    Ecol appl 6: 4 pp.975-977. (Nov 1996).
    NAL Call#: DNAL QH540.E23

  56. Investing in natural capital : the ecological economics approach to sustainability.
    Jansson, A. M.
    Washington, D.C. : Island Press, c1994. xvi, 504 p. : ill.: Contributions to a workshop held in August 1992 near Stockholm, Sweden. Includes bibliographical references and index.
    Descriptors: Sustainable-development-Congresses Natural-resources-Management. Congresses. Economic-development. Environmental-aspects. Environmental-economics-Congresses

  57. Kooperatives Umwelthandeln : Modelle, Erfahrungen, Massnahmen. 1. Aufl.
    Diekmann, Andreas., Franzen, Axel., and Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Forderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung.
    Chur, Zurich : Ruegger, c1995. 191 p. : ill.: Papers presented at a conference held Oct. 1993 at the Institut fur Soziologie der Universitat Bern. "Publiziert mit Unterstutzung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung"--T.p. verso. Includes bibliographical references.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5K66--1995
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics-Congresses Environmental-policy-Congresses

  58. The living forests of New Zealand.
    Cobb, John. and Moon, Geoff.
    Auckland, N.Z. : New Zealand Native Forests Restoration Trust with the assistance of Pub Charity, c1992. 224 p. : col. ill., col. map: Includes index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL SD414.N45C62-1992
    Descriptors: Forest-conservation-New-Zealand Forest-fauna-New-Zealand Forest-plants-New-Zealand

  59. Market and nonmarket values of the Georgia landscape.
    Turner, M. G., Odum, E. P., Costanza, R., and Springer, T. M.
    Environ Manage 12: 2 pp.209-217. (Mar 1988).
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5E5
    Descriptors: land-evaluation landscape- market-prices valuation- forests- non-market-benefits land-use-planning georgia- contingent-valuation

  60. Meta-analysis in environmental economics.
    Bergh, Jeroen C. J. M. van den 1965
    Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1997. vii, 219 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-219) and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL GE170.M48--1997
    Descriptors: Environmental-policy-Economic-aspects-Statistical-methods Meta-analysis-

  61. Modeling coastal landscape dynamics.
    Costanza, R., Sklar, F. H., and White, M. L.
    BioSci Am Inst Biol Sci 40: 2 pp.91-107. maps. (Feb 1990).
    NAL Call#: DNAL 500-AM322A
    Descriptors: ecosystems- ecology- coastal-areas marshes- landscape- simulation-models land-use

  62. Modeling economics and ecology: the importance of a spatial perspective.
    Bockstael, N. E.
    Am j agric econ 78: 5 pp.1168-1180. (Dec 1996).
    NAL Call#: DNAL 280.8-J822
    Descriptors: watersheds- landscape- land-use land-diversion ecology- spatial-distribution economic-policy probabilistic-models markov-processes maryland- environmental-economics patuxent-watershed

  63. Natural resource and environmental economics. 1st ed. 1998.
    Prato, Tony.
    Ames, Iowa : Iowa State University Press, 1998. xiii, 344 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC21.P73--1998
    Descriptors: Natural-resources Environmental-economics

  64. Natural resource and environmental economics. Natural resource & environmental economics.
    Perman, Roger 1949, Ma, Yue 1963, and McGilvray, James.
    London ; New York : Longman, 1996. xxiii, 396 p. : ill., maps: Includes bibliographical references (p. [378]-388) and indexes.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5P446--1996
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics Natural-resources-Management Sustainable-development

  65. The North, the South, and the environment : ecological constraints and the global economy.
    Bhaskar, V. and Glyn, Andrew 1943
    New York : St. Martin's Press, 1995. xiii, 263 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references and index. NAL Call #: DNAL HC79.E5N672--1995
    Descriptors: Sustainable-development Environmental-policy-Economic-aspects Conservation-of-natural-resources Consumption-Economics-Environmental-aspects Economic-development-Environmental-aspects

  66. Paradise lost? : the ecological economics of biodiversity.
    Barbier, Edward 1957, Burgess, Joanne C., Folke, Carl., and Biodiversity Programme. Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics.
    London : Earthscan, 1994. xvi, 267 p. : ill.: A presentation of the work done through the Biodiversity Programme of the Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics. Includes bibliographical references (p. [234]-250) and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL QH75.B37--1994
    Descriptors: Biological-diversity Biological-diversity-Economic-aspects

  67. People, land, and community : collected E.F. Schumacher Society Lectures.
    Hannum, Hildegarde. and E. F. Schumacher Society.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, c1997. xii, 328 p.: Includes bibliographical references (p. [313]-319) and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5P433--1997
    Descriptors: Environmental-economics Sustainable-development

  68. Population, technology, and lifestyle : the transition to sustainability.
    Goodland, Robert J. A. 1939, Daly, Herman E., and El Serafy, Salah 1927
    Washington, D.C. : Island Press, c1992. xvi, 154 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HD75.6.P67-1992
    Descriptors: Economic-development-Environmental-aspects Population-Economic-aspects

  69. Resource and environmental economics: a discussion.
    Schmid, A. A.
    Agriculture and rural areas approaching the twenty-first century : challenges for agricultural economics / edited by R.J. Hildreth ... [et al.]. 1st ed. Ames : Iowa State University Press, 1988. p. 234-237. pp.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HD1755.A39-198 8
    Descriptors: resource-management environmental-education welfare-economics economic-policy risks- information-dissemination agricultural-economics usa-

  70. Resource and environmental economics: a discussion.
    Randall, A.
    Agriculture and rural areas approaching the twenty-first century : challenges for agricultural economics / edited by R.J. Hildreth ... [et al.]. 1st ed. Ames : Iowa State University Press, 1988. p. 230-233. pp.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HD1755.A39-198 8
    Descriptors: resource-management environmental-education economic-theories agricultural-economics economic-policy welfare-economics usa-

  71. Resource and environmental economics: knowledge, discipline, and problems.
    Bromley, D. W.
    Agriculture and rural areas approaching the twenty-first century : challenges for agricultural economics / edited by R.J. Hildreth ... [et al.]. 1st ed. Ames : Iowa State University Press, 1988. p. 208-230. pp.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HD1755.A39-198 8
    Descriptors: resource-management environmental-education agricultural-economics cost-analysis right-of-access uncertainties- environmental-policy economic-policy welfare-economics usa- externalities- entitlements-

  72. Resource economics and the environment.
    Harrison, S. R. and Tisdell, C. A.
    Rev mark agric econ 62: 3 pp.399-413. (Dec 1994).
    NAL Call#: DNAL 286.8-N47M
    Descriptors: natural-resources environmental-protection agricultural-economics ecology- economics- specialization- government-organizations college-curriculum interdisciplinary-research terminology- methodology- environmental-economics ecological- economics bioeconomics-

  73. Rural crisis and the environment. Medio ambiente y crisis rural.
    Bernal Yague, Jose. and Universidad de Valladolid. Fundacion Duques de Soria. Grupo Endesa. Seminario "Medio Ambiente y Crisis Rural" (1995 : Soria, Spain
    Valladolid : Universidad de Valladolid, c1996. 219 p. : ill., maps: "Fundacion Duques de Soria, Grupo Endesa." Includes bibliographical references.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5M43--1996
    Descriptors: Sustainable-development-Spain-Congresses Environmental-economics-Spain-Congresses Botany-Spain-Congresses Hydrology-Spain-Congresses

  74. Social traps and environmental policy.
    Costanza, R.
    BioScience Am Inst Biol Sci 37: 6 pp.407-412. ill. (June 1987).
    NAL Call#: DNAL 500-AM322A
    Descriptors: environmental-policy ecology- decision-making social-customs game-theory

  75. A survey of ecological economics.
    Krishnan, Rajaram., Harris, Jonathan M., and Goodwin, Neva R.
    Washington, D.C. : Island Press, c1995. xxxvi, 384 p.: "A research and publication project of the Program for the Study of Sustainable Change and Development. The Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University." Includes biblio graphical references and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HD75.6.S855--1995
    Descriptors: Economic-development-Environmental-aspects Sustainable-development Ecology-Economic-aspects

  76. Sustainability and global environmental policy : new perspectives.
    Dragun, Andrew K. and Jakobsson, Kristin M. 1957
    Cheltenham, UK ; Lyme, NH : Edward Elgar, c1997. xv, 319 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5S8663--1997
    Descriptors: Sustainable-development Environmental-policy Environmental-protection Environmental-economics Industries-Environmental-aspects

  77. Sustainable consumption and production.
    OECD Work Programme on Sustainable Consumption and Production.
    Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, c c1997. 57 p. : ill.: Report of the OECD Work Programme on Sustainable Consumption and Production. Published in French under the title: Modes de consommation et de production ecologiquemen t viables. Includes bibliographical references (p. 56-57).
    NAL Call#: DNAL HB802.S84--1997
    Descriptors: Consumption-Economics-Environmental-aspects Consumption-Economics-Government-policy

  78. Sustainable development : concepts, rationalities, and strategies.
    Faucheux, Sylvie 1960, O'Connor, Martin., and Straaten, Jan van der.
    Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer, c1998. vi, 324 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references and index. NAL Call #: DNAL HC79.E5E362--v.13
    Descriptors: Sustainable-development Environmental-economics Economic-development-Environmental-aspects

  79. Sustainable growth: a bad oxymoron.
    Daly, H. E.
    Grassroots Dev J Inter Am Found 15: 3 pp.39. (1991).
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC121.J68
    Descriptors: sustainability- economic-growth economic-development

  80. Sustainable trade: a new paradigm for world welfare.
    Costanza, R., Audley, J., Borden, R., Ekins, P., Folke, C., Funtowicz, S. O., and Harris, J.
    Environment 37: 5 pp.16-20, 39-44. (June 1995).
    NAL Call#: DNAL HM208.E5
    Descriptors: international-trade free-trade environmental-protection sustainability- international-agreements north-american-free-trade-agreement

  81. Taking complexity seriously : policy analysis, triangulation, and sustainable development.
    Roe, Emery.
    Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1998. xii, 138 p. : ill.: Includes bibliographical references and index.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5R628--1998
    Descriptors: Sustainable-development Environmental-economics Natural-resources-Management Environmental-policy

  82. Technology, the economy, and the environment. Tecnologia, economia y medio ambiente.
    Fundacion Friedrich Ebert de Colombia.
    Bogota, Colombia : FESCOL, [1986?] 51 p.: Includes bibliographical references (p. 36-38).
    CONTENTS NOTE: Perspectivas de una rendicion de cuentas economico-ecologicas / Christian Leipert -- Tecnologia y riesgo ambiental / Vicente Sanchez.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5T43--1986
    Descriptors: Economic-policy-Environmental-aspects Environmental-policy-Economic-aspects Environmental-economics Environmental-protection Technology-

  83. Theory and practice of ecological economics of agriculture.
    Chiang, Hsueh min.
    Manhattan : Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, 1991. iii, 53 p. : ill.: "Contribution no. 91-165-D from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station." Includes bibliographical references.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HD1401.R447-n o.15

  84. Using dynamic modeling to scope environmental problems and build consensus.
    Costanza, R. and Ruth, M.
    Environ-manage. New York, Springer-Verlag. Mar/Apr 1998. v. 22 (2) p. 183-195. pp.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HC79.E5E5
    Descriptors: wetlands- ecosystems- coastal-areas dynamic-models industry- case-studies louisiana- south-africa maryland-

  85. Valuation methods and policy making in environmental economics.
    Folmer, H. Henk and Ierland, E. van Ekko van
    Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier, c1989. x, 259 p. : ill.: "Selected and integrated papers from the congress "Environmental policy in a market economy," Wageningen, the Netherlands, 8-11 September 1987." Includes index. Includes bibliographical references.
    NAL Call#: DNAL QH540.S8-no.36
    Descriptors: Environmental-policy-Cost-effectiveness-Congresses

  86. Valuation of wildlife: A case study on the Upper Teesdale site of special scientific interest and comparison of methods in environmental economics.
    Willis, K. G. and Benson, J. F.
    Sustainable environmental management : principles and practice / edited by R. Kerry Turner. London : Belhaven Press, c1988. p. 243-264. pp.
    NAL Call#: DNAL HD75.6.S88
    Descriptors: wildlife- valuations- agricultural-production habitats- intensive-production cap- european-communities cost-benefit-analysis wildlife-conservation northern-england

List of Bibliographies
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J. R. Makuch /USDA-ARS-NAL-WQIC/ jmakuch@nal.usda.gov