
LTGovDubie (4)

“The Aerospace States Association (ASA) is a bi-partisan representative of the grass roots of American Aerospace. It is a scientific and educational organization of Lieutenant Governors and Governor-appointed delegates. ASA was formed to promote a state-based perspective in federal aerospace policy development and to support state aerospace initiatives that enhance student/teacher education outreach and economic development opportunities. Currently chaired by The Honorable Brian Dubie, Lieutenant Governor of Vermont. ASA maintains direct ties to the executive branch of state government.”

“The United States currently leads the world in space and aviation, but our nation’s leadership in aerospace faces stiff global competition. We produce 70,000 new engineers per year, yet China educates ten times that number. Our national security, our economic vitality and our national mobility rely on a strong aerospace sector, which today accounts for an estimated 634,000 American jobs, at an average annual paycheck of $73,000. In 2005, it contributed $170 billion to our nation’s economy.

Aerospace States Association is committed to enacting state-based initiatives to strengthen our nation’s leadership in aviation, space and aerospace. We are committed to inspiring a younger generation to innovate, explore and build. We are committed to educating young Americans to lead the world in science, technology, math and engineering. We are committed to linking the global community in peace and commerce via air travel.”

Please click on the map for Aerospace/State links.

Areospace States Map of States

Washington Idaho Montana Oregon North Dakota South Dakota Minnesota Michigan Maine Vermont New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Delaware Maryland Washington, DC Pennsylvania Ohio - OAI Indiana Illinois Iowa – Flood Resource Center Nebraska Wyoming California Nevada Utah Colorado Kansas Missouri Kentucky West Virginia Virginia North Carolina Tennessee Arkansas Oklahoma New Mexico Arizona Texas Louisiana Mississippi Alabama Georgia South Carolina Florida Hawaii Alaska


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