Human-Centered Systems Lab

David C. Foyle, Ph.D.
Human Factors Research & Technology Division,
NASA Ames Research Center

HUD Symbology

Head-Up Displays and Attention
This program of research investigates Head-Up Display (HUD) designs that minimize potential problems associated with operator attention such as attentional tunneling or cognitive capture. Empirical research has contributed to HUD symbology designs that minimize attentional tunnelling.

SA Displays in cockpit

Situation Awareness Displays: Design and Usage
Head-down panel mounted displays are used for the presentation of navigation and traffic infomation. Our research investigates both design issues and display usage issues.

T-NASA System

Taxiway Navigation and Situation Awareness (T-NASA) Display System for Surface Operations
T-NASA is a suite of cockpit navigation displays that is comprised of a scene-linked head-up display (HUD), electronic moving maps (EMMs), and directional auditory alerts. The system was developed following a human-centered design and analysis process that included over 300 pilots.

Enhanced Vision Systems

Enhanced Vision Systems
This program of research has investigated human performance issues related to night vision devices, sensor imagery devices, and infrared technologies.

Human Performance Modeling

Human Performance Modeling
The goal of the Human Performance Modeling element of NASA's System-Wide Accident Prevention Program is to develop predictive modeling capabilities to identify likely error vulnerabilities in human-system operations. Human-error assessment methodologies that allow system designs and procedures to be analyzed for error susceptibility are being developed and validated. The modeling efforts are currently focusing on approach and landing scenarios with augmented displays such as Synthetic Vision Systems.

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For more information, please contact: Dr. David C. Foyle
MS 262-4, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, USA
(650) 604-3053,

Last Updated: April 10, 2006
Curator: Becky Hooey | Responsible Official: David Foyle
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