Fermilab TodayThursday, February 19, 2004  
Thursday, February 19
Noon Wellness Works – Brown Bag Seminar - 1 West
Speaker: M. Kinzler (Registered Nutritionist)
Title: Healthy Heart Eating
2:30 p.m. Theoretical Physics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: G. Zanderighi, Fermilab
Title: Automated Resummation of Final State Observables in QCD
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over

Friday, February 20
3:30 p.m. Wine & Cheese - 2nd Flr X-Over
4:00 p.m. Joint Experimental Theoretical Physics Seminar - 1 West
Speaker: R. Scharenberg, Purdue University
Title: Signatures of the Quark-Gluon to Hadron Thermal Phase Transition in pbar-p Collisions at 1.8 TeV

Thursday, February 19
Corn and green chili bisque
Shepherd's pie $3.50
Lean roast beef piled high w/pepperjack and a tangy horseradish mayo $4.75
Smoked ham and peas tossed w/penne pasta in a parmesean cream $3.50
1/2 pound burger topped w/melted pepperjack, salsa and a green chili mayo served w/soup or fries $4.75

Eurest Dining Center Weekly Menu
Chez Leon
WeatherMostly Cloudy 44º/37º

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Secon Level 3

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RF Structures Pass the Test
FXB006 Chart
Only the FXB006 (red circle) achieves an average gradient of 65 MV/m with a breakdown rate less than 0.1 per hour. (Click on image for larger version.)
The results are in. One of the latest Fermilab RF structures sent to SLAC, the site of the Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator (NLCTA) facility, has passed the test. The structure, cryptically titled FXB006 (for Fermilab X-band structure: series B, number 6) transfers energy from a power source to a beam of electrons. The design specifications for these RF structures for the Next Linear Collider are an unloaded accelerating gradient of 65 MV/m and less than 0.1 breakdowns/hr.

The structures are being produced at Fermilab in collaboration with KEK and SLAC. "FXB006 is the first structure ever produced that has simultaneously met the 65 MV per meter and less than 0.1 breakdowns per hour requirements," said Shekhar Mishra of the Technical Division. "The breakdown rate of this structure after more than 200 hours of processing is 0.05 per hour." Its brother, FXB007, follows closely behind with a breakdown rate of 0.16 per hour. A newer version of the RF structure, designated FXC, contains slotted disks and is currently undergoing testing at the NLCTA.

FXB006 being tested at SLAC.
Accelerator Update
Two Mute Swans Make a Stop at Fermilab
Fermilab swans
Two mute swans spent a couple of days in the cooling water ponds of the Main Injector earlier this week. (Click on image for larger version.)
On Tuesday a group of ornithology and biology students from NIU DeKalb was treated to a surprise upon their visit to Fermilab: two mute swans putting on a mating display in the Main Injector ponds. According to Fermilab's Peter Kasper, who keeps an online journal of Fermilab bird sightings, the copulating swans were first spotted at that location on Sunday. As of Wednesday, they were gone. The birds were probably just passing through, "looking for a good place to set up home," Kasper said. Mute swans are spotted at Fermilab only a few times a year. Kasper noted that his tour group was "very lucky."
Recent Bird Sightings at Fermilab
Mute swans are spotted at Fermilab only a few times a year. (Click on image for larger version.)
Fermilab Result of the Week
B Stars on Ice
The data points (asterisks) show B+pi- (right-sign) and the red curve shows B+pi+ (wrong-sign) combinations. The peak (green curve) at 0.426 GeV/c2 corresponds to the four L=1 B**0 states. (Click on image for larger version.)
The study of sub-atomic particles containing a bottom quark helps us understand how all fundamental particles interact. The heavy b-quark paired with an anti down-quark can form a number of different particles -- including four combinations dubbed the B** mesons. These four separate states occur because the two quarks are in different
Brigitte Vachon is a Fermilab Post-doc who has been working on the central tracking trigger for D0.
Brigitte Vachon is
a Fermilab Postdoc
who has been working
on the central tracking
trigger for DZero.
quantum states (much like a pair of ice skaters orbiting one another but with unique velocities or intervals of separation).

The DZero experiment has observed the production of these B** states by measuring the stable particles produced when they decay. All four B** states contribute to the bump shown as a green line in the figure above.

Amazingly B mesons can oscillate between matter and antimatter states. The study of B** mesons and their properties, although interesting
Matt Doidge
Matthew Doidge is a
graduate student at
Lancaster University,
UK. He is investigating
the characteristics of
the B** system.
enough by itself, has implications for understanding B oscillations. Studying this can help us understand the dominance of matter in the universe.

The study of these heavy excited B-mesons can only occur at the Tevatron, as experiments at Stanford and KEK (in Japan) do not operate at sufficiently high enough energies to produce such particles. The prospects are bright for these studies of heavy quarks to give us clues as to the composition of the universe.
Result of the Week Archive

Accelerator Update
February 16 - February 18
- During this time period Operations established one store. That store, along with one that already existed, provided approximately 41 hours and 13 minutes of luminosity to the experiments.
- A 480V breaker in the East Booster Gallery tripped off.
- Experts from the Tevatron, Main Injector, Recycler, Antiproton Source, Booster, Linac, and Switchyard conducted machines studies.

View the current accelerator update
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts

Brown Bag Seminar Today
Wellness Works presents a Brown Bag Seminar on Thursday, February 19, from noon to 1:00 p.m. in One West entitled Nutrition for a Healthy Heart. The presenter is Michele Kinzler, Registered Nutritionist with Central Dupage Hospital.

New Book Purchase Suggestion Lists
New Book purchase suggestion lists for the week of February 17 are now available online. These include Majors book lists in four subject areas. There is also an Amazon suggestion list in the form of a shopping cart, viewable by entering the password "library." Please take the time to review the list of books in your area of interest. Please send your book purchase recommendations, either from these lists, or from other sources to Sandra Lee.

Fermilab Today