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§ 4.334 Investigation.

(a) Informal investigation. (1) NRC will investigate complaints that are unresolved after mediation or are reopened because of a violation of a mediation agreement.

(2) As part of the initial investigation, NRC will use informal fact-finding methods, including joint or separate discussions with the complaint and recipient to establish the facts and, if possible, settle the complaint on terms that are mutually agreeable to the parties. NRC may seek the assistance of any involved State agency.

(3) NRC will put any agreement in writing and have it signed by the parties and an authorized official at NRC.

(4) The settlement shall not affect the operation of any other enforcement effort of NRC, including compliance reviews and investigation of other complaints which may involve the recipient.

(5) Settlement of a complaint under this section will not constitute a finding of discrimination by the NRC against a recipient or an admission of discrimination by the recipient.

(b) Formal investigation. If NRC cannot resolve the complaint through informal investigation, it will begin to develop formal findings through further investigation of the complaint. If the investigation indicates a violation of these regulations, NRC will attempt to obtain voluntary compliance. If NRC cannot obtain voluntary compliance, it will begin enforcement as described in § 4.336.

[68 FR 51345, Aug. 26, 2003]

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