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Video Library
Information about downloading RealPlayer

Streaming video allows you to view completed satellite broadcasts, selected videos, and other presentations at your convenience, in your home or office.

To view these "streaming video" broadcasts, you should have a computer capable of playing sounds, a connection to the Internet, a 28.8 speed modem or faster, and the proper software. These instructions will help you download and install the software you will need.

  1. Start at http This will be the website where you will get the video player. The video player is called the "RealPlayer Basic".
  2. Note: Real Networks is a web site unaffilated with While at sites other than, you are subject to the privacy policy of the other site.

  3. On this page you'll see two versions of the RealPlayer. For our videos you will only need the free version of the RealPlayer so look carefully for and follow that link.

  4. Enter the requested information about your operating system and the type of computer you are using, and email address. These instructions are for an installation on a computer running Windows 95. If you are using something other than this, the install will be similar but not exactly the same.
  5. After completing the form, you will be taken to the download page. Save the installation program to your computer. You can save the file anywhere, but be sure to remember where it is and what it is called so you can find it later. Most people would put the file in a folder on the "C:" drive.

  6. When the download is complete, close your web browser and all other programs before you begin the installation process.
  7. Now you must run the installation software to install the RealPlayer on your computer.
    1. In Windows 95 you can do this by going to your start menu and selecting "Run."
    2. Now you can "browse" to find the installation software you downloaded from the Internet. Once you find the correct file, select it and then click on "Open".
    3. Now click on "Ok" to start the installation process.

  8. The installation process will ask you questions on a series of screens. Answer the questions based on your computer's specifications.
  9. After a brief wait, you should see a screen that says your software was successfully installed. Click "Ok" to continue and you will see a registration screen. If you are still connected to the Internet you can fill it out and send it now. If not, click on "Remind Me Later."
  10. RealPlayer should then run a test to ensure that it is correctly installed. If everything is correct, you will see some video and hear some sound.
  11. Restart your computer

You can now watch streaming video broadcasts here and on other places on the world wide web.
Webmaster | Last updated by dms/ear on 2000-DEC-29