Copyright Permissions

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    This form allows NTIS permission to reproduce and sell the copyrighted work of the document being submitted.

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    This form allows NTIS permission to reproduce and sell the copyrighted work of the document being submitted.

If the document to be disseminated by NTIS or any part of it is copyrighted or otherwise restricted, a letter signed by the copyright owner or authorized representative must accompany the document. The letter must assign the copyright to NTIS or grant NTIS a release or permission to reproduce and sell the document. If the U.S. government has been granted authority to reproduce and sell by virtue of a contract or otherwise, the following statement must be on the cover or title page:

The U.S. government is authorized to reproduce and sell this copyrighted work. Permission for further reproduction must be obtained from the copyright owner.

If the U.S. government does not have authority to reproduce and sell, but the copyright owner has granted authority to NTIS, the following statement must be on the cover or title page:

NTIS is authorized to sell this copyright work. Permission for further reproduction must be obtained from the copyright owner.

Items written by U.S. government employees as part of their official duties cannot be copyrighted in the U.S. Accordingly, if any of the authors of a copyrighted document are a U.S. government employee, a letter must accompany the document justifying the claim of the copyright.

Translations by U.S. government employees made from text published in a country signatory to the Berne Copyright convention must contain a signed statement in Box 12a of the Report Documentation Page (SF-298) or in a letter addressed to NTIS with one of the following statements:

The original text is not copyrighted.


The U.S. government has been authorized to reproduce and sell this copyrighted work. Permission for further reproduction must be obtained from the copyright owner.