First wireless station in the state of Arkansas—1900
ARRL Affiliate since 1950

Welcome to ARCUA on the web.

ARCUA is open to students, faculty, and staff
of the University of Arkansas. You need not be a licensed Amateur Radio Operator to join.

In fact we welcome international (and domestic, of course) students who wish to use our facilities to listen to shortwave broadcasts. Dues are $5.00/year (subject to change).

College Satellite Night: 18 September 2008

Dr. Jay Garlitz (AA4FL), advisor of the Gator Amateur Radio Club (W4DFU) sends the following announcement:

A College Satellite Night will be held Thursday, September 18, 2008 (local time).

This event is a great opportunity for hams that are satellite active to interact with college students and elmer a new generation!

Dead Day Study Break

This semester, Dead Day falls on May 2. As we try to do every dead day, ARCUA will host a study break for its members and friends.

Dan Puckett, our faculty advisor, has graciously offered to host this year's study break at his house in Fayetteville. Dan will be providing the hamburger meat, so he needs a head count! Please contact him via email or this site's contact form if you plan to attend.

The rest of the fixin's for the food will be potluck by club members We need the following:

Springfest 2008

Springfest LogoSpringFest 2008 will be held this Saturday, April 25 & 26. Our club will be manning a booth on Dickson Street on the morning of the 26th.

We will be setting up a demonstration station and talking about ham radio and its benefit to the community.

Wednesday Night Net for 9 April 2008

Tonight's talk & traffic net was odd for two reasons:

  1. It was the first in a while
  2. It was check-in only because of the severe weather in the area

In any case, thanks to those who checked in this evening's net, with KB5WPM as net control:

  • AD5SW
  • KD5TCY
  • N5XMY
  • W5RFA
  • W5HB
  • KE5TPR

Club Meeting! 7pm 8 April

The last meeting of the spring 2008 semester will be Tuesday 8 April 2008 at 7pm at the club radio room, room 736 of the Science & Engineering building.

This is an important meeting. We really need all members to be present for this meeting. Anyone who is at all interested our curious is welcome too! You don't need a ham radio license to come to the meeting!

College Satellite Night - March 27

This Thursday night, from about 5:30PM to 10:15PM we will be participating in College Satellite Night. AMSAT has activated a second repeater on AO51 Echo, and on Thursday, contacts with a school station have precedence over other contacts. Shown below is the schedule of voice satellite passes over W5YM during the event. I will try to be at the station for all these passes, and anyone who wants to participate only needs to come when its convenient for them.

Going Live

With any luck, today will be the biggest change to the W5YM website in over five years. This website migration will hopefully make the site more friendly towards current and future supporters. This is accomplished by using the Drupal content management system. We hope that in the near future, this system will allow members to contribute stories and pictures effortlessly to the website in a way that looks professional.

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